~chapter eight~

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Heyyyy.. sorry for the wait, erm..to those of you who read this xD I've been side tracked heh.. ^^ (another way of saying too lazy to come up with ideas) uhm so this will probably be a long chapter cuz..I need to move this story along lol, big plans for the future!! Also..I should probably put a trigger warning out there for this chapter. It's not as bad as it will be later in the book.....but just letting you know.

Here we are. Eating pizza and watching some horror movie the boys picked out..and let me just say, I'm scared out of my fucking mind.

Right now I'm seated on the couch with my knees pulled up to my chest. Blake is sitting next to me on his phone, and Jess is sitting on the floor in front of me with his back against the couch. The movie had only just started and I'm already shaking..

God I hate scary movies..

My eyes are glued to the tv, and the movie seems to start calming down. I slowly relax my injured hand, realizing how badly it hurt when I was clutching onto my legs for dear life. As Jess reaches forward to grab another slice of pizza off the coffee table, there's a jump scare in the movie and I scream, hiding my face and curling into the closest thing next to me..which I didn't realize was Blake until he started laughing.

"One down, thirteen to go.." He whispers, referring to how many scares there are in the movie. I quickly move away from him, my teeth finding their own way to my lip and I bite down hard, awaiting whatever will come next in this shit they call a movie.

"I-if you guys have seen this movie so many times, that you've counted how many scares are in it.. w-why are you sitting through it again..?" As soon as I finish talking, they both turn to face me and Jess starts to giggle. "Why? Are you scaaarrrred..?" Jess teases me, tickling my foot as he does it. He can be such a dork sometimes..

(My nose is super itchy what the heck ;.;)

I learned just last year that I am extremely ticklish..anywhere really. I laugh louder than I intended and my cheeks turn bright red, but it's only barely visible from the light shining off the tv. "N-no! I'm not s-scared.. and don't tickle me!!!" Quickly understanding the mistake I just made, I yank my foot away but it's too late.

Blake shoots me an amused smirk before both of them pounce on me like lions. I can't get away, Blake has my wrists pinned over my head, allowing Jess to have the freedom to tickle me until I die. They must be able to read each other's minds or something because it all happened so fast. As soon as I realized what was happening, Jess started tickling my stomach and the living room is filled with uncontrollable giggles.

After a few minutes and a lot of begging for them to let me go, I'm set free, out of breath and my face had turned as red as a tomato. "Y-you guys are jerks.." I mumble. I wasn't quite sure what things I could and couldn't say around them yet. "Yea, yea.. we know." Blake laughs, obviously satisfied with their teamwork, and he high fives Jess as another scare appears on the screen. My muscles immediately tense and I stand up from my position on the couch, walking towards the kitchen. "Nope nope nope nope nope.."

I hear laughter from the other room and a smile forms on my lips, which I start biting since I'm alone. Ten..fifteen..twenty minutes pass by and I've heard three more screams coming from the tv.

I-I'm not hiding in here.. I don't know what you're talking about.

Leaning against the counter with my back facing the living room, I listen to the movie and hear Jess start talking to Blake. Then the noise stops. It's completely silent. Right as I'm about to turn around to see if the movie ended, the kitchen lights flick off, and I'm left standing in the pitch black. My hands start to shake and I try to keep my breathing steady. The next thing I know, the lights are back on and I'm swept off my feet by a hysterically laughing Jess.

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