~chapter three~

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Jess leaves the door open for me as I walk inside. I pause for a minute to take it all in.


The house is pretty big, considering it was only Jess and his dad living there. There is a staircase against the right wall, leading to a balcony that over looks the living room in front of us. To the left, there's a door that I'm guessing leads into Mr. Danes' room.

I close the front door behind me as softly as I can, then look at Jess. He seems to be watching me ogle at the interior of the huge white house.

Jess laughs a little when I blush. "C'mon, your room is up here." He starts walking up the stairs, carrying my suitcase with ease.

When we reach the second floor, Jess turns to the right and walks at a slower pace. He probably noticed that I was almost panting trying to keep up with him.

God, I'm out of shape.

I follow him and a small smile grows on my face when he opens a door at the end of the hallway.

"This is your room." He motions for me to go in first, then follows me in afterwards.

My eyes glaze over the light gray walls and the white and gray speckled carpet. The room is filled with sunlight, coming through the open window across the room. There's a queen sized bed against the right wall with a black and white comforter. Next to it is a white bedside table, and the matching white dresser is on the wall to the left. I walk over to a door next to the dresser and open it, revealing my own bathroom.

Smiling, I turn back to Jess who has seated himself on my bed, leaving my suitcase next to it.

"Glad you like it." He says with a smirk.

I nod and nibble on my bottom lip, looking around the room and trying to decide where I should hang my Twilight poster. I loved how simple the room was, that means I can decorate it however I wanted to.

I glance back at him again.. he's watching me.. and my cheeks automatically flush crimson.

I'm gonna have to get used to this, aren't I?

Then Jess stands up. "By the way, my room is right across the hall. Don't hesitate to stop in if you need.." he pauses for a second before continuing with that crooked smirk on his face. "If you need anything.." Then he winks and walks out, shutting the door behind him.

I sit down on my bed, confused as to what he meant. Then I gasp and finally understand what he was saying. I feel my cheeks flush as I try to refrain from having a heart attack.

..he was joking...right? He was joking? What if he was actually serious..?

"....hmph.." Resting my head in my hands, I try to push the image out of my mind.

After my pulse goes down, I pull my suitcase onto the bed and open it. I unpack the few pairs of clothes and refold them, placing them in the dresser. When my thoughts wander off again..totally not to Jess... I absentmindedly close one of the drawers harder than intended, and end up catching my fingers in it.

I'm brought back to reality when I feel a sharp sting in my fingers. Opening the drawer slowly, I take my hand out and my heartbeat quickens.

"OW OW OW!! Fu-....dge.."

My knuckles begin to bleed.

And that's when I panic.

Tears are already streaming down my cheeks as I watch the blood roll down my fingers and hand. I start to shake and my breathing gets out of control.

..I feel myself getting dizzy and light-headed.

Blood is not my thing.

I let out a shriek as the pain grows. After the longest minute of my life, dad opens my room door, Mr. Danes following after him. I'm a little disappointed that I don't see Jess, but my attention is brought back on the blood that's now running down my forearm. A weak yelp escapes my lips as the pain shoots through my hand and up my arm.

"Cameron?? What happened?" Dad questions me softly, crouching down to where I'm seated on the floor, and examining my hand.

The blood has now started to drip onto my jeans and I stare wide-eyed at my dad.

"I-I can't.... breathe.." I take in large amounts of air at a time, but it's not helping. I feel like I'm going to faint.

Dad picks me up and starts carrying me downstairs, through the living room, and into the kitchen.

"It's alright. You're gonna be fine. Take deep breaths.... just try to calm down.."

He sets me down at the table as Mr. Danes grabs a wet washcloth from the sink and hands it to dad. Then he hurries off to get medical supplies from the basement.

..I'm kinda thinking Mr. Danes hasn't interacted with a lot of teenage girls before..
He seems very....awkward..

I start to relax, but tears are still falling down my face. I've stopped hyperventilating though...that's a good sign.

"I-I slammed the dresser drawer on my fingers.." I say with a shaky voice while my dad starts to clean the blood. He gives me a concerned look as a few more tears slip down my cheeks.

"I..I-I'm ok dad.." I try to reassure him, and look down at my other hand resting in my lap. Those eyes are hard to look at sometimes..

Dad stays quiet, then turns away from me to get the medical supplies from Mr. Danes.

When he finally finds a bandage, Jess walks into the kitchen and looks around. "What's going on..?" He looks at me, then to my hand, and walks over to where I'm seated.

I wipe my face as quickly as humanly possible, before looking up at him.

"May I see it..?" Jess asks, already reaching for my hand, then he glances at my father who nods and walks out of the kitchen with Mr. Danes.

I can hear Mr. Danes reply to a question dad asked. "Yea he wants to study medicine when he's in college..."

I slowly place my hand in his palm and feel my cheeks heat up. I swear I saw Jess smirking when he looked away from my face, and back to my hand. He starts to clean it a bit more and gently wraps the bandage around my knuckles.

Why is he holding my hand so tight..?

My teeth find their way to my bottom lip as I watch Jess closely.

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