~chapter fourteen~

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I guess we finishing the story (.v.) this was mostly a draft that I had saved but couldn't figure out how to finish. welp, I now have fresh ideas!

enjoy, or don't

I wake beside Jess once again. It's starting to seem almost routine. The hours go by quicker than I expected and, before I know it, I'm in front of my mirror getting ready for the party.

I put on some makeup as I wonder what it will be like. I've never been to an actual party before, so I'm a bit nervous, to say the least.

There's a knock on my door as I finish my makeup. "You ready to go?.." Jess asks before letting himself in.

"Hey! I didn't permit you to enter."  I try to hide a smile as I look him over. Wearing a dark gray button-up and black ripped jeans, he looks stunning.

Jess responds which breaks me out of my thoughts. "So..? Not like you'd be doing anything worth interrupting." He teases and walks towards me.

"I-I could've been naked or something for all you know.." I point out as a blush creeps onto my face.

He snakes his hand around my waist and pulls me against him.

"Well, make sure to give me a heads up next time you're naked and your door is unlocked.." His voice is deep and I feel his lips graze my earlobe as he continues. His teeth find their way to bite and nibble the spot under my ear, and I unintentionally move my hands against his chest. "I'd be more than happy to pay you a visit, love."

"Mm...Th-Then maybe I will.." I say in a small voice, no confidence to be heard for miles.

I look at my hands that are pressed shakily against his chest and he gently holds them in his. I hadn't noticed the way my body is reacting to his touch. His warm lips press against the back of my right hand and my body goes numb for a moment. "Looking forward to it.."

Smiling, he leads me out of my room, down the stairs, and to the front door where my dad tells us to be safe. My father speaks in a drained tone, and I briefly wonder if something is stressing him. Though I'm quickly pulled out of my thoughts as Jess is eager to get going.

The car ride was pretty short but I didn't notice. His expression was excited..happy, and I can't help but stare at him. He's too adorable... The way his fingers straighten then curl around the steering wheel, the way he tilts his head to the side when something catches his attention, the way his lips part just slightly when a song he knows comes on the radio. Everything about him is perfect to me. I just don't know what I did to deserve him.

After fifteen minutes of talking and laughing, we arrive at a large house with a long driveway. There must be about twenty other cars parked up and down the street -including in the driveway- and I can hear the music playing inside the house from Jess's car.

"I thought you said this was a small party.." Jess and I get out of his car and he smiles as he shuts his door.

"I technically never said it was a small party." He walks over to me and takes my hand as he leads me up the driveway.

I mumble. "Well, you made it sound small..."

"That's what she said." He smirks at me.

Although I don't find it necessarily funny, I laugh a bit to cover the embarrassment showing on my cheeks. We enter the house where uncomprehensible talking and needlessly loud music bounce energetically off the walls. Jess doesn't seem to mind this as he leads me down a set of stairs and into the basement where people are everywhere.. some dancing, some talking, some making out. An overwhelming stench of alcohol burns my nostrils.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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