~chapter two~

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Btw, this takes place the day of the move. Also..don't worry. It makes sense. A moving van is coming later with their boxes.. :>

   I open my eyes and sit up quickly. Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose as someone practically yells over the intercom.

   "We're preparing for landing in Oakland International Airport, California. Please fasten your seat belts."

My heart nearly jumps out of my chest.

It'll be fine.. it'll be over in a few minutes.

   I grab my dad's hand and squeeze it tightly, while doing my breathing exercises. He looks over at me with a sympathetic expression as he kisses my head.

"It's okay Cam.. the pilot knows what he's doing.."

I shut my eyes and hold my breath.
Let's not have a panic attack in front of everyone.


Dad and I walk out the doors of the airport and are greeted by a middle-aged looking guy. He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and is about 6'4".

Before I can even blink, my father is shaking the man's hand with a huge grin spread on both of their faces. Dad's saying things like, "It's so good to see you Matt!" and "How's life been treating ya?"

I quickly come to the realization that this is Matthew Danes. I've heard a lot about him on the flight..

After they chat for a minute or two,dad motions for me to come over, so I do. Trailing the two black suitcases behind me. Mr. Danes sticks out his right hand and smiles at me.

"You must be Jer's kid! I'm Mr. Danes, but you can call me Matthew if you'd like."


I stare up at him. I'm only 5'4.. which makes him significantly taller than me. On the other hand, I'm almost always the shortest so...

I put my small hand in his and I feel my breath hitch as he shakes it, placing his other hand on top of mine in excitement.

"Y-yes.. I-I'm Cameron."

Mr.Danes smiles and quickly lets go. After he tells my dad that I take after my mother, causing him to smile sadly, Mr. Danes starts lifting our bags into the car. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Cameron."

I simply nod.

He goes around to the other side of the car. "We should get going yea? We've got a seven hour drive ahead of us."

We all pile into the black Toyota Highlander that's parked in front of us, and I stare out the window as we start moving.


Next thing I know, my arm is being shaken gently. I open my eyes to look up at my dad, who is smiling down at me.

"We're here, sleepyhead." He says in a calm and quiet voice, but I could tell he wanted to jump around like a five year old.

It's been a long time since I've seen him this excited. Let alone happy..

I give him a small smile in return, and hop out of the car. Then my eyes fall on someone leaning against the garage door..

My nerves start to take over as he approaches us.

It's okay. It's just a guy.. remember your breathing exercises.

I find myself looking him over while he talks with Mr. Danes.

He's tall.. standing at 6'1".
He's wearing a plain v-neck, short sleeved shirt and black jeans. His brunette hair is messily swept to the side and out of his eyes, but it suits him well. He also has dark brown eyes, just like Mr. Danes. My gaze trails down to his arms.. The sleeves on his t-shirt are tight around his arms and they show off his biceps incredibly-

..Okay okay..focus on the situation..right.

I immediately suck my bottom lip into my mouth and start chewing on it.

Nervous habit..

Then that little light bulb in my head flicks on.

Oh my god... he's.. Mr. Danes' son..? He has a son??

My eyes widen as I look back up at his face and feel my cheeks flush. His head is tilted to the side, and he wears an amused smirk.

H-he caught me!? Crap..

Mr. Danes interrupts my thoughts as he turns to me. "This is my son, Jess. He's a year older than you.. but he'll show you around your new school." He looks at Jess with a a playful glare.

"He'll also be helping you with your bags, and showing you to your new room."

With that, Jess grabs my suitcase, quietly laughing to himself as he passes me. Then starts walking into the house. He glances back at me, and I notice dad raise his eyebrows and chuckle before I start following Jess in.

Apparently, he caught me too...

Hehe.. hope you liked this chapter.. I'm still not super sure what the plot of this story is lol. But it seems to be going well so far. I'll try to make the chapters longer but I don't want too much to happen in one chapter, ya know?




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