Chapter 9 - Drama at the shopping centre

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I woke up at 6:10am so i got up and got changed into (Shopping and Room Decorating Part 1/Adopted by Zerrie and fell in love with Niall's son) i walked down stairs and into the basement and did my daily routine and by the time i was finished everyone was up and in the lounge room or their bedroom so i decided to do the workout again but a little longer and to practise the drums, guitar, bass and panio as the main thing in this one but little did i know but everyone had started to come down wondering what the nosie was but when i spotted them i quickly stopped and looked at them with concerned eyes and asked

Alice/me: "is everything ok?" But nobody answered instead they stood still like they were frozen "hello... Is anybody going to answer me" and then they all unfrozen and started to talk all at once, I was trying to listen to everyone but it was hard so I yelled "OK, QUIET!!!" And they all shut up quickly so I said... "Ok so one at a time. Dad you first" he nodded and asked

Zayn/dad: "ok so how did you learn to play so good? And now I see how you keep fit" he started to laugh at the end which made me laugh and then we stopped and I answered

Alice/me: "I didn't know how to play until I saw a guitar in my dada and mama's room when I was 12 so I decided to have a go at it and found out I was good at it so every time I was home alone I would go to their room and get the guitar and sit on their bed and play until they were home they never knew that I was using the guitar but just so ALL OF YOU know NOBODY I repeat NOBODY is to touch my guitar without me supervision ok?" And they all nodded and I looked at mum and nodded at her as if to say 'your turn' and with that she started to ask question after question I had to stop her and say

Alice/me: "ok mum, you need to calm down and one question at a time ok?" She nodded and asked

Perrie/mum: "ok, first off. You are amazing at guitar and I know you said that you can play the drums, piano, and bass and was wondering if you can show us?" I nodded and she continued "ok thanks, but how do you think about joining the kids band?" I looked around and saw angry or happy faces so I shrugged and she nodded and said "ok I'm done" I then looked at Aiden and he asked a question I was shocked by

Aiden: "do you think you could teach me how to play all of them?" I nodded and continued until everyone had asked their questions most of them were asking if they could join me and Aiden. So that is how I ended up in the shopping centre in (teaching them how to play /AbZafilwNs) with 38 people going to buy a drum kit, guitar, bass, and piano of their liking each so all 38 of them are going to have one of all the instruments that I am going to teach them and I even got a drum cover, and new bass case, a new guitar case, and a new blanket that fits over my piano but they all had a splats of all of my favourite colours on a black background. And then I walked back to the food court where we will all meet to go home but before I went there I went to my car and put all of the stuff in the boot and than I went to the food court to see Aiden and some girl holding hands and laughing, I was a little upset because I have a little crush on him but I put on a smile and walked up to them and asked

Alice/me: "hey Aiden, have you finished shopping for your stuff yet?" He looked confused but then he had a look of realisation and he quickly ran off, I looked at the girl and smiled at her and asked "hello, I'm Alice Jade, Aiden's cousin who are you might I ask?" She looked at me funny and then said

The Girl/Hannah: "hey Alice, I'm Hannah Aiden's girlfriend" I felt my heart drop a bit but put on a smile and nodded and then she asked looking mad "so... What is it the Aiden is buying?" I said

Alice/me: "oh, well I'm teaching him and the rest of the family how to play the drums, guitar, bass, and piano so... Their here to get our own so they don't have to share mine" she calmed down a bit but still looked mad and got in my face while saying

Hannah: "you better keep your hands off Aiden or I will personally cut off your hands and when he gets back I'm going to ask him if he wants me to teach him instead of you because your a freak" I only nodded, knowing that he was going to pick her to teach him because I'm just a freak who cuts her wrists, legs, hips, and stomach. I have had enough I grabbed my bag and walked away not listening to her threats that she was now screaming at me. I just kept walking away until I was in the back of a shop I sat down on the floor and slid in behind the clothes and started to silently cry. I opened my phone and started to look at my old family and I started to cry harder and harder until I was having a full blown panic attack, and the only person that knew what to do was Tegan, I started to text her with shaking hands 'help Tegan, I'm having a panic attack help can't breathe' was what the text said but has I send it I was having more trouble breathing and I started to fight to stay awake and then slowly I started to crawl out of behind the clothes and slowly stood up and walked to the door of the shop when I was there I saw everyone talking and laughing but nobody seemed to realise I was missing I then saw Aiden and his 'girlfriend' making out, I had stopped breathing and stopped fighting to stay awake that I fell to the floor for lack of oxygen but I was still awake and by the way everyone but Aiden and his girlfriend stopped what they were doing I knew they had heard me fall, I tried to get up but I was to weak to I just lay on the floor but managed to lift a finger and point to dad and make the 'come here' motion, he quickly was at my side, I took my phone out and opened it to the text I send Tegan and handed him my phone and as he read it out loud, I was slowly falling unconscious, just as I was about to be completely unconscious I heard a scream and then running and then tears fall onto my face and then I kiss be placed on my forehead and then I heard babies crying and then felt 3 little heads snuggle into my neck and then my neck felt wet letting me know that they were crying but over all the screaming and crying I heard Aiden's voice say

Aiden: "I would love for you to teach me" to who I'm guessing is Hannah and then I opened my eyes and saw a heart breaking sight, mum crying over my head, dad holding my hand and crying, Conner, Jacob and Michael crying into my neck and when I looked to my left I saw everyone but Casey and her minions crying and then when I looked to my left I saw Aiden and Hannah making out, I gasped and tears started to well in my eyes which made mum look at me and then followed my eyes to Aiden and she gasped and then she put her hand on auntie Sarah's, auntie Sarah looked up and then to my tear filled eyes and then i turn my head to Aiden in a motion as if saying 'look over there' and she do and she gasped and hit uncle Niall and pointed to me as I was now in tears and then pointed to Aiden and he looked outraged, he quickly stood up and walked over to Aiden and Hannah, and I was watching. Uncle Ni grabbed hold of Aiden and made him look over here but I quickly turned my head to the left so he couldn't see my tears but I was a bit to slow and he saw them and while he ran to my side Hannah was laughing her butt off at me and slowly reached into my back pocket and pulled a knife out and aimed it at her leg and with some power, I had thrown it at her and hit her in the legs and she started to scream in pain but nobody payed her any mind I managed to let out one sentence

Alice/me: "Aiden, your girlfriend is a**" and then let out a breathless laugh and then I felt arms wrap around my waist I looked down to see Aiden's arms wrapped around me and then I fell unconscious.

ARTHORS NOTE: Hey, you may have noticed the language change like how in the other ones there was a lot of swearing but in this one there is only a little. Well it is because I have to have a parent read it before I post it and if you could do you mind COMMENTING ON THE STUFF I CAN TO BETTER OR IF IM DOING A GOOD JOB BECAUSE NO ONE IS COMMENTING AND IT IS MAKING ME WORRY SO PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE COMMENT WHAT I CAN TO BETTER AND THAT STUFF PLEASE OK LOVELY LITTLE VICTIMS I HAVE TO GO LOVE YA!!

Adopted by Zerrie and fell in love with Niall's sonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora