chapter 10 - Them Finding Out About The Cuts

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I woke up once again in a hospital bed but what was different was that everyone but Aiden, Casey, and her minons were surrounding me and Aiden, Casey and her minons were next to the other bed in the room and Aiden was holding hands with a girl that i guessed was his girlfriend because her leg was wrapped up and my knife was on the bed side tabe. I looked at Joshua and then at my knife and made a little motion for him to grab it and bring it to me and he did. When he did I put it in my pocket and tried to ask what the time was but my chest, mouth, and head hurt so I looked at Auntie El and she nodded and walked out the door and a couple minutes later returned with a cup of water. I slowly drank it and then asked

Alice/me: "What day is it? What time is it? Why am i here?" they all looked shocked but Auntie Emma answer

Auntie Emma: "The day is the 3rd of September you were passed out for two days. The time is 12:22pm. And you passed out at the shops remember?" I nodded because as she was talking i was getting flashbacks like; Aiden and Hannah (his girlfriend) laughing, hugging, kissing and another one were Aiden had made us meet and then he walked away to go get his stuff leaving me with Hannah and another with Hannah yelling insults at me and another of Aiden and Hannah making out while im on the floor half awake and another of me throwing a knife at Hannah's leg and hitting her perfectly. I know its not nice to do that but i dont care she was the one who made me have the panic attack anyway. I started to get up but was stopped by Uncle Louis

Uncle Lou: "what do you think your doing?" i looked at him and said

Alice/Me: "what does it look like, im getting ready to leave, im fine anywhy" they all looked at me as i got up off the bed and walked over to my clothes and then started to walk to the bathroom when mum said 

Perrie/Mum: "you might need help so yell if you need, ok?" i just nodded annoyed that they dont think that i could put on clothes by myself. As i walked into the bathroom i turned and closed and locked the door and then looked in the mirror at all my ugly cuts and then got dressed in (Them Finding Out About The Cuts / abZafilwNs).

When i was finished i walked out to see Aiden making out with Hannah and Casey and her minions flirting with a bunch of male nurses. I looked away and walked to the rest of the family and said

Alice/Me: "Is everyone ready to leave?" all I got was nods or 'yeah's and then we walked out and when we went to the car park i saw my car i was angry so i asked "who drove my car here!?" and everyone looked at each other and then Jay put his hand up so i stuck my hand out so he could hand me my keys which he did and i turned around and went to my car unlocked it and opened the door and was hit with a smell so gross i almost vomitted, i looked inside and was furious there was Mc'Donald's, Hungry Jacks, pizza, engry drinks, soda covering almost every surface in my car i screamed so loud in angry and then whipped around and my eyes narrowed on Jay who was looking scared i walked to him grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to my car and hissed "i am going for a walk when i get back my car better be emptied of this mess!" he nodded and i walked away passed the others and down the road, when i saw a shop i walked in and to the front counter and said "hi, can i get a pack of smokes and a lighter please?" the man at the front counter nodded and asked

Guy at counter: "sorry but i need to see ID first" i nodded and pulled out my fake ID that said my name was Jade and i was 19. I showed him and he nodded and handed me the pack and a black lighter  and my ID back and i handed him the money and walked out, i took one out of the packet and lit it and started to smoke it. Then i put my earphones in and blarsted All Time Low, Black Vail Brides and other people like that. I walked around for like 2 hours and had 3 smokes out of the packet when i finally decided to head back when i got there i was smoking another smoke but quickly put it out when i saw that everyone was still here i walked slowly to them and smiled and then baby Jacob made grabby hands at me so i picked him up and said

Adopted by Zerrie and fell in love with Niall's sonWhere stories live. Discover now