Connor's first meal

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(Connor's part)
Hank? Ah he must be so confused...

"Young Ms. Anderson wanted a piggyback ride and so that's what I'm doing for her...." I explained.

"Why?" Hank asked.

"Well, My best guess is probably because she's tired..." I reassured him...

"Aww..." Hank smiled.

Hank ^^^

(Y/N's part)

I couldn't help but giggle...

Its good to see my dad in a good mood...

"I'm glad to see my daughter has adjusted to you" Dad gasped.

"N-NO!!!" I stuttered and accidentally punched Connor's head. "O-oh! S-sorry Connor BUT LET ME DOWN!!"

Connor eventually let me down and I crossed my arms.

"I just needed a way to get down without using my strength" I said as I look away from Connor.

Connor looked at (Y/N) confused...

"Well, I brought you some Chinese food... and Connor... I looked like a real idiot doing this but I bought you blue blood..." Dad says and My eyes widened.

Aww yeah! Chinese food!, Too bad Cole can't eat with us right now...

I looked over at Connor and he looked happy

(Connor's part)

I feel like I'm part of this family...

It feels... very colourful and bright... espicially when I'm around (Y/N)

(Y/N) takes my hand and leads me to the dining room.

"Come on before the Chinese food gets cold and the Blue blood does whatever it does" she giggled.

Why do I feel like I could fly right now? I don't even have the parts for flight...

(Y/N), Hank and I sat down around the dining table, They both ate Chinese food but I stared at the cup of Thirium...

"Whats wrong Connor?" Y/N asked.

I started to feel much more colourful...

(Y/N's part)

"C-connor! A-are you crying?" I gasped and wiped his tears but he moved back.

Connor started crying more...

"I...I don't know what's going on... I don't know why I feel complete around you all..." Connor sniffled.

I stopped and smiled.

"It's happiness... that's another human emotion Connor..." Hank snickered.

"I guess you can call it Connor's first meal..." I joked and nudged Connor with my elbow.

"But I'm drinking thirium instead of eating..." Connor says with a confused look.

"Eh, Connor's first drink would sound really weird..." I insisted.

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