Author's Note

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It's ya boi, Author, a.k.a. Kai!
Yes Yes, if you didnt see the other story (RK800 Connor X Reader)
You wouldn't know why Kai is an important name~

Now let's get down to business
(To defeat the huns--)

I'll be ending this story really quickly since I'm currently working on another story that has been on the back of my mind for longer than you could imagine...

And no,
If you were thinking it had something to do with Connor or Detroit: Become Human... it doesn't but I'll add filler chapters that tackle Fandoms I like

So if it's alright
And even if it isn't

The next chapter or the chapter after that will probably be the last chapter

I don't wanna leave you guys on a cliffhanger...

I'm very sorry
Have a good night, day or whatever time it is in wherever you live

I'm very sorryHave a good night, day or whatever time it is in wherever you live

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Do You Hate Me? (Connor X Reader) Detroit Become Human FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now