Date night

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You pull up out side the hotel and Daniel was outside waiting outside for you, you jump out the car and walked over to him he gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"Make sure you look after her and have her home by 12pm" Olivia called from the car laughing

Daniel chuckles

"Of course fairy god mother by 12pm sharp"he says

Olivia pulls off and you turn to look at Daniel he offers you his hand and you take it  and you start to walk towards the restaurant he was taking you to

"You look gorgeous" he says shyly

You blush and giggle

"Thank you you don't look to bad yourself" you tell him

After a short walk you arrive at the restaurant and go inside your seated in a booth a little out the way as Daniel attracts some attention

Your both are seated, Daniel helps you with your chair then sits himself you both smile and the waiter brings some wine over

You look over the menu and see so many amazing foods you decide on the sirloin steak as it's your favourite Daniel decide he will have the same you place your order and the waiter takes menu away

"So who else did you come to see at comic con ?" He asks curiously

"Actually I only came to see you, Olivia wanted to me Nathaniel but he cancelled last minute hopefully everything was ok?"

"Really ! You came for me wow , I'm flattered, with Nathaniel he had a family issue but he's fine maybe one day Olivia can meet him" he says

"Omg that would be amazing she would love you forever" you say excited

Daniel just chuckles

" I have a question for you it's a bit personal? Do you mind??" You ask

Daniel knew what you were going to ask about

"Your going to ask about Rachel, the press is right we have been split for many months now and we are in the process of a divorce, you have no need to worry she has already moved on, this is the first time I've been in a date since" he tells you

"Well Daniel I'm flattered you've asked me to come to dinner with you and thank you for telling me, I'm here if you ever want to talk" you tell him taking his hand in yours

He looks down at your hand together and smiles to himself

"Thank you Elle"

Your food comes and you tuck in after many laughs and some champagne you both finish and the waiter comes and clears the food away

The bill comes and you go to get you purse and Daniel looks at you strangely

"What are you doing ?" He ask curiously

"I'm getting my money out to pay for the meal" you chuckle

"No you don't have to do that I've got this" he smiles at you genuinely shocked this doesn't normally happen

"Yes I want to pay let me do this" you tell him

"I'll tell you what how about I get this one and you get the next one!" He says nervously hoping you won't turn him down

" wait you want to see me again?" You look at him

" of course I want to get to know you and I can't do that in one night can I ?" He laughs and places cash down to pay the bill

" no I guess you can't" you say while standing up you talk his hand and walk out the restaurant

You walk back to the hotel

"Did u want to come to the bar and have a drink and we can continue and conversation about who your favourite comic con star is" he laugh wriggling his eyebrows at you

You start laughing and nodded and he lead you inside you both sit at the bar he orders whiskey and you order and white wine 

" so tell me why you you asked me to go on a date with you?" You ask shyly

"To be honest when we had our picture at comic con I looked into your eyes and felt a spark and strange connection I haven't felt before" he tells you looking deep into your eyes

" you felt that too" you ask him shocked

He smiled and nodded

It's was getting late and you decided it was time to go home Daniel walk you home as it's was only round the corner

You get to the front door and you give Daniel a kiss on the cheek and he cheeks go red and he chuckles and looks down

" I had a great time tonight Daniel thank you again for everything and remember next time is my turn to treat you" you tell you

"I had a great time to thank you for coming and of course what ever makes the lady happy"

You give him and cuddle and another kiss on the cheek and then walk inside Daniel walks down the pathway and back to the hotel

Your friend was waiting for you and you both look at each other and screamed

"Omg I saw everything you you kiss him" you screams

"His cheek not lips" you say going red

"You have to tell me everything" she tells you grabbing a cup of tea for you both

"Well he wants to see me again he's in the process of divorcing his wife erm what else oh he's such a gentleman liv"

As you said that your phone dinged you checked your phone to see that Daniel had messaged you

"Goodnight Elle sleep tight I'll see you soon 😘  x"

"Goodnight Daniel, sleep well can't wait to see you soon x" you reply

You make your way to bed and get ready
Looking forward to what tomorrow brings

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