Part 12

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The next morning you wake up in Daniels arms on the sofa, you had fallen asleep together

You start the wiggle to get up and Daniel stirs and hold you closer

"Nooo 5 more minutes Elle" he said with his eyes still closed

"Okay 5 minutes then I'm making coffee" you smile

All Daniel did was nod and pull you closer to him and kiss your cheek this made you blush and hide you face in his chest

20 minutes past and you didn't want to leave your space but you knew you had to get up so you wriggled out and walked over to the kitchen

There was a note and a Polaroid picture on the counter of you and Daniel sleeping

The note was from your friend saying she had gone to her mum's for an emergency and won't be back for a week or so and that she thinks you two are the cutest and to enjoy the picture

You chuckle to yourself suddenly you feel two arm wrap around your waist

"Morning beautiful what's so funny?" He says in a deep morning voice

"Look at this" you laugh as you had him the photo

He chuckles

"This is very cute" he says taking the picture from you

He smiles at the picture then puts it back on the counter, you make coffee and hand daniel a cup, his phone starts to ring

"sorry i just have to take this" he tell you walking over to the living room.

You run up stairs to get dress, as you were dressing you could hear little bit of the conversations he was having, yes you were having a little eavesdrop.

"so when do that need me back home ?" you heard him ask whoever was on the phone

"ok perfect ill extend my stay here a little longer also thank you can you send me the script etc over ill talk to you soon" he said

You come down the stairs and he look over and smiles, you get his clothes out of the dryer from yesterday and hand them to him.

"Everything okay?" you ask

"perfect actually i got another audition and it actually here in London, so im gonna have to extend stay here for a few weeks now" he said smiling

"That's amazing we can spend some more time together" you said while hugging him

"Yes that's the plan" he said while kissing the top of your head

"I've also got to go and extend my hotel stay too" he says

"Well I mean your more than welcome to stay here with me if you'd like?" You ask shyly

"Are you sure I wouldn't want to burden you" he says

"No I'm mean Olivia is away for a while so I could use the company and it's gives us more time to get to know each other too" you say as you walk back to the kitchen

"Only if your sure that would be amazing and we can have many more Harry Potter night in a pillow fort" he say excitedly

"This is gonna be great" you smile

Daniel smiles and walks off to the bathroom to change

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