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Sometimes you can't express emotions because your throat tightens, blocking the words.

Sometimes only one person can end your loneliness.

Sometimes, it's the wrong person at the wrong time and nothing can be right again.

When you do good it comes back to you in numerous ways, both in this life and the hereafter. It can come back as ease in a time of hardship, preventing an accident or even making the right decision.

Sadly for me, I was short on good deeds so I was making all the wrong decisions. However, I was getting used to dealing with my situation. Passing time acted as a bandage for my wounds and they had started healing.

Just when I thought I was fine, he walked into my life and claimed to be heartbroken. He noticed an unnoticed girl and accused her to be a heartbreaker.

I knew better than despairing over Qadr. Instead I had left my affairs to be disposed by the best disposer of affairs. Al Wakil.

And that was one right decision of my life.


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