Chapter Fifteen: Eden's Sons

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Day 2 in feeling like I'm walking on air...

The house smelt of grilled cheese and homemade tomato soup, a sportscaster's voice filled the air while Liza ran downstairs to greet us with a wide beaming smile; indicating Kate has filled her up with sugar last night. She ambushed me in a hug, making me stumble back into Jax, who was also caught off guard from the tough impact. Suddenly, her smile became bright as the sun when she spotted the bakery bag dangling in between Jax fingers. I was no longer the main attraction in this little girl's dark brown eyes.

"Donuts." She sighed in content before attempting to grab the bag, but I stopped her.

"Where's your manners?"

Liza shake her head when forcing her out of the trance of sugar, "Oh, sorry. How do you do, Mister Jason? Where's Jennifer?"

"At a sleepover. How about you take this to the kitchen?" He offered the bag, chuckling at the way Liza took it out of his hands and ran to safety before anyone took it from her.

I dragged him further inside the house, into the living room to check on Luther. He sat in his favorite chair, nurturing a smoothie mom forced him to drink, while watching the sports channel. "Hey Luther." I announced our arrival.

Luther looked up to the massive body in the room, he was shocked but pushed it down by shifting in his and clearing his throat. "Victoria, Jason. How was the date?"

I ushered Jax to take a seat after stripping him from the biker jacket, "Fun. Is mom in the kitchen?"

"Either there or in the room reading."

I rubbed Jax shoulder in encouragement when walking into the kitchen, mom was in there sitting at the dining table while reading one of her magazines, Liza was doing one of his coloring books while I... I just flopped down in the chair across from them both with a huge smile upon my face.

"Who was the one to buy the donuts? You or Jason?" Mom did not look up from thick magazine nor did she allow me to properly greet her.

"I warned him."

Mom grumbled a few incoherent words under her breath before finally looking at me over her reading glasses. "Had a fun night?"

I nod my head yes with no hesitation, "The movies were good."

"Must be excellent movies because you're glowing. I haven't seen that kid of glow since you found out you were having the little one." She closed the magazine and set it on the table, her eyes scanned me slowly as her lips turned thin. "Hopefully you were careful."

"Of course." I chirped, even though it was still weird talking about this to my mother.

"Careful with what?" Liza made herself noticeable, she looked between us in confusion while trying to solve this puzzle.

"Careful in going out at night, especially in a drive in." I answered. Liza accepted the quick response with a nod, being that it was no way of getting the truth.

"Is Jason here? If so, why didn't he come to see me yet?"

"He's trying to butter up Luther."

Mom nod her head in understanding, her lips curled into a small approving smile. "He's old fashion, I like it."

"I'll be back," I slipped out of the kitchen and upstairs without being detected by the two men who were apparently having a conversation about the car show. By time I get to the room, I was already out of the leather jacket and pulling out my lazy wear. Kicking the door closed, I plugged in my phone- it turned back on to show a few messages from an unknown source.

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