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Full Name - Genevar Fastblade, Son of Golin

Age - 20

Aliases - Captain of the Temporal Guard, The Spirit of Justice

Natural Magic Abilities - Able to detect minute electrical signals from living things, enabling him to locate hidden enemies, natural Light Magic

Non-Magic Abilities - Expert swordsman, horseman, tracker and tactitian, and archer, Excellent fist-fighter

Weapon(s) of choice - Personal Longsword, anything he can use in a fight

Raised in a family with such an important job gave Genevar a keen sense of justice, so much that people in Temporal said he had the power of the Spirit of Justice. After his father's death, he felt responsible and vowed never to rest until his father was avenged. Since then he has been working around the clock to avenge his father's death. In spite of all this, he can be surprisingly gentle and sympathetic.

Unfortunately, He does not yet realize his full potential, and doesn't know how to use the natural magic he has or that in his sword to the best of thier ability.

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