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Full Name - Rolaf Strong-Arm of WinterWood, Son of Johan The Brave

Age - 23

Aliases - North-Born, Ice Warrior, Spirit Of The Ice

Natural Magic Abilities - Extreme Resistance To Cold, Natural Ice Magic, Super-Human Strength

Non-Magic Abilities - Skilled Swordsman, Shieldsman, Smith, Survivalist

Weapon(s) of choice - ShortSword, Large Dagger, Shield, His Fists

Despite coming from a country where a man's honor is as important as the man himself, Rolaf was always ill-mannered and fond of trickery. Even though he caused many, many problems within his town, he is seen as a great and mighty hero. This is partly due to him saving his hometown from an elven raid, saving many lives but losing valuable supplies in the process.

After this, Rolaf became lost among the ice and snow. Being forced to live among the icy tundra gave Rolaf incredibly honed survival instincts, along with unlocking his natural, nordic borne ice abilities, though he has not discovered this yet.

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