ACT I: What are you waiting for?

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Act I: What are you waiting for?

Rains fall, darkness sets in, and under the gaze of the night, an alone lady is waiting in the station, she closed her eyes in the mesmerizing silence .. searching for a bit of rest.

Worker: Miss! Miss! ( Reach his voice the 2nd time, then he touched her shoulder to wake her up)

The Young Lady: Huh! (Surprised)

Worker: I am sorry to miss for scaring you! I didn't mean to scare you. (Talking nicely)

The Young Lady: No, it's fine, it's my fault; I was daydreaming.. (Getting her hand out from her umbrella). The rain had stopped.. (Wondering)

Worker: Yes, it's been a while. Miss, the last train has just left for today. If you like to take the first train of tomorrow at midnight and a half ( Looking at his watch) it's just after one hour.

The Young Lady: The rain has stopped.. ( Looking to the sky with a sad look)

Worker: Miss! Did you hear what I just said! (Feeling shocked)

The Young Lady: Yes! I did. I wish that I had the choice to take it and meet him. (Looking to the Worker with a mysterious look)

Worker: Meet him? You mean to see your beloved one? (Silence..) That's why you kept gazing at the trains every day? You were waiting for the day that fate will reunite you with your beloved. (almost Like he knows)

The Young Lady: Hmm. My lover! (Laughing)

Worker: (Surprisingly) Sorry miss! Did I say something funny?

The Young Lady: Yes! You said that I am waiting for my lover.

Worker: (Surprisingly) Yes Miss! But, I didn't find it funny at all. Did you?

The Young Lady: (Taking a deep breath then let it out while looking to the ground then after a few seconds looking at the sky) Do I look like someone waiting for her lover?

Worker: (Looking to her surprisingly) Absolutely! The way you are dressed .. You are dressing the same red scarf, looking to your watch, touching your necklace every moment when a train enters the station, scanning through the crowd in hope of seeing him ;perhaps its your soul that seeks the pleasure of meeting its companion and perhaps rekindle the spark that was scorched in its core a long time ago.

The Young Lady: (Looking at him and smiling) Explain more! Please!

Worker: (Surprised) Explain!! Why not? The red scarf, it must be a sign for him to recognize you and the necklace it must be a gift from him or maybe a memorial of the sweet past ;Looking to your watch constantly means that you can't wait to see his face and hold him; it's almost like your patience is fading into nothingness and all it keeps it from shredding is the passion of meeting him at long last, and the best thing and the most special sign is the look in your eyes . (Smiling and touching his hat)

The Young Lady: (Wondering) What's special about my eyes?

Worker: They are more than unique and special. I've never seen a bright full yet fearful look such as yours before. The look in your eyes changes and become so bright when a train enters the station. They have something mysterious inside of them just like you make anyone sacrifice anything to see them ( Touching her face)

The Young Lady: (Throw out his hand step back) What do you think you are doing? don't touch me! (Yelling)

Worker: I am so sorry Miss! I didn't mean it. There was a piece of a dead leaf on your cheek. I am sorry!

The Young Lady: Dead leaves.. (Silence..) It means sadness in the lang-- (Interrupt her talk)

Worker: In the language of flowers.

The Young Lady : (Surprised) How do you know such a thing?

Worker: My mother loved flowers (Smiling and touching his hat) So tell me was I right about your lover?

The Young Lady: (Smiling) Sort of.

(The young lady started walking until the reached the outdoor of the station, still opening her umbrella even the rain has stopped, stopping then turning back looking to the Worker and smiling) Do I look like I am waiting for my lover?

Worker: Yes! It's pretty obvious by the way you act! (Surprised)

The young lady: Hmmm. I was waiting for my killer (Smiling)

Worker: Huh! What? Are you joking Miss? (Feeling shocked) what killer?

The young lady: (Laughing) Don't think of it too much darling.

Worker: (Looking at his watch) It's already midnight. Are you coming back?

The young lady: (Started walking) Who knows? Perhaps yes; perhaps not!

Worker: (Surprised) What do you mean (Yelling)?

The young lady: (Waving to him)

Worker : (Smiling suspiciously)

The young lady: (Talking to herself) No! I am not waiting any more. I've just met killer!   

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