Child of the Forest

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      Born of pure light, Cia was tasked with being the Sorceress of Time. No choices. No looking back. For years she enjoyed being a sorceress. Her magic kept her occupied,and she enjoyed seeing mortals' lives start and end. Not to be disrespectful, but there was this one man who died hilariously. He choked on churo, drank coffee, burned himself, and slipped on a banana peel, and died. It was utterly hilarious. I mean, can you blame her? She didn't exactly know that laughing at someone was mean...Well, maybe a little. Cia could only watch the fates of mortals, never interfering.

       One stormy night, Cia was busy watching the rain. It always helped her clear her mind. Suddenly, jet staff started glowing a bright pink. Cia had been warned millennia ago, that anything out of the ordinary was probably an omen for her. Cia was afraid of what might happen if she just opened the staff, but the suspense was killing her! She heard this small choice in hey head telling her not to do that.

          "What's a little adventure going to do to me, huh?" She thought.

           Without hesitation, Cia tapped her staff. A small orb, similar to her All Seeing Orb, came out of the staff. When she placed hey hands on it, a young man appeared into the orb. Cia closed her eyes and spread her mind to the other people of Hyrule. The Hero's soul eternal. Reborn when Hyrule's need was most. Link. However,  his soul was bound to another, Princess Zelda. Her soul lived on in her descendants, who always met and feel in love with Link. A single year ran down Cia's face.

          "It's not fair!" She screamed, the storm thundering louder and louder until a lightning bolt hit Cia's abode, sending pieces of wood toppling down. A particularly big one landed on her head and knocking her out.

         When she woke up, she was still trapped under the wood.

         "Help!" She screamed and cried. "Somebody, please! Help me!"

           Her staff was out of her reach, so she couldn't lift the wood up. She then started hyperventilating. She couldn't breathe, her head was spinning. When she was about to give out, someone lifted the wood off of her. It was him! Link! She blushed and reached for his hand, but when she touched him, he burst into bubbles. Cia's eyes widened and swelled up with tears. A dark shadow approached her.

        "You will never have him. Only with me, you'll be able to have him," It said.

          Cia woke up panting,  she was still under the wood. She screamed and her staff zoomed into her hands. She made the wood explode into confetti. This made her angrier.

        "WHY CONFETTI?! WHY NOT FLAMES?!!!!"  She yelled.

          She fell to the floor and sobbed. She sobbed about her being trapped. She sobbed about Link. She sobbed about stupid confetti! Then she remembered the dark shadow. It said she would be able to have him. Never trust strangers, though.....

         So Cia  repaired the abode. Then she sat on the front of her abode,  thinking about Link.

       Hey guys. Let me know if you guys like this and if I should make more. I also take requests for anything so.....Yeah lol. Can't wait to make more!

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