Rotten Kiwis and Butterflies

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     Hello, my peeps. It is I, the author again. If anybody can share this with...ANYONE, it'd be deeply appreciated...As a reward for voting and sharing, I'll follow you. I bet that means pretty much nothing, but it's worth a try. Enjoy!

     (Lana's P.O.V),

     I'm so nervous. I mean, what happens if a bokoblin on just sneaks in me and just me with a club? Or if a Lizalfos uses me as a torch?! Or if...I see a dying butterfly?!!!! If I see a dying butterfly, I will absolutely DIE. I'm not weak...I just have a soft spot for insignificant babies.

     Anyway, I'm already close to the Eldin Caves. In order to get to the Valley of Seers, I'm going to need to cross through the Elfin Caves. It should be a piece of cake. Cia has already no doubt taken Volga and Wizzro under her command, so there should be at most 5,000 enemies. 5,000 blood monsters...That'll no doubt try to slaughter me with everything they have...*gulp*.


     (No offense to Anna Kendrick, but I like this one better than the original)

     " I really hope I can do it, 'cause they're all depending on me, " I sing, "I know that I must leave the only home I've ever known, and brave the dangers of the forest, saving them before they're slaughtered... I mean, how hard can that be?" I accidentally trip on a rock and fall off a cliff and landing on more trees. I smack through branches and land face first into the ground. It a seems like all the creatures in the forest are watching. I ride my head and inhale deeply. I jump up and resume.

     "Looking up at a sunny sky, so shiny and blue and there's a butterfly. Well, isn't that a super fantastic sign?" A butterfly falls to the ground with a damaged wing. I suddenly ball my eyes out and heal it. It flaps up, only to be eaten by a frog, who is beaten by a eagle, who is eaten by a bear, who is shot by a bow and arrow by a human. The man looks at me, staring into my soul.

     "It's gonna be a fantastic day." I slowly inch away from him with wide eyes.

     " Such marvelousness it's gonna bring, got a pocket full of songs that I'm gonna sing, and I'm ready to take on anything! Hooray! " I slide down a tree trunk into a hot spring. I sigh in relief. After a minute or two, I get up and jump onto the dirt. I play hopscotch.

     " Some super fun surprise around each corner. " I see a unicorn barfing rainbows. I gasp and jump on it. It neighs.

     "Just riding on a rainbow, I'm gonna be okay.
Hey! I'm not giving up today! There's nothing getting in my way! And if you knock knock me over,
I will get back up again, oh!
If something goes a little wrong," As I sing, a random Aerfols looking creature snatches me from my unicorn, who I named Bob, and throws me from about a 1,000 foot drop.

     "Well you can go ahead and bring it on!
'Cause if you knock knock me over, I will get back up again!" I duck my hands by my side, zooming faster towards the earth. I open a gate with a Light Powered Gate of Souls, and fall through it.

     " Whoa oh oh oh oh, get back up again, whoa oh oh oh oh oh...AGHHHHHH!!!!!! " I run through a jumble of thorns...Like Poppy did in the movie! The irony of this world. I continue to sing, our of breath

    " I'm marching along. I got confidence. " I'm frozen by an Icy Poe for 5 minutes .

    "I'm cooler than a pack of peppermints, and I haven't been this excited since... I  can't remember when!" I tell the last part through harsh winds that blow me off of the mountain i was on, but I see a gibdo's  face, and freeze while mid-air. A random tiny bat flies by, and I say hi, but it burps flames at me. I then fall directly to summit of the mountain, screaming.

     " AYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! " I enter the Eldin Caves. It has plenty of monsters so I jump onto a platform for a small break.

     "I'm off on this remarkable adventure. Just riding on a rainbow!" The platform starts lowering itself into the lava.

     "What if it's all a big mistake? What if it's more than I can take? No!" I jump off the platform and head for the exit.
     "I can't think that way, 'cause I know that I'm really, really, really gonna be okay!!!" I'm in front of the exit, but 3 Lizalfos Block the exit.

     "Hey! I'm not giving up today! There's nothing getting in my way!" I manage to kill one with my rolling cube attack. The two slash at me and I land on the floor with two bleeding cuts.

     "And if you knock knock me over, I will get back up again, oh. If something goes a little wrong," I kill another with my lightning bolts.

     "Well, you can go ahead and bring it on!
'Cause if you knock knock me over, I will get back up again!" I shove the last one into my gate and it appears higher than the Aerfols dropped me...I send him right where space crafts catch fire when entering Earth's atmosphere. He falls for a while and then I teleport him back into the Elfin Caves, where he slams 15 feet under the ground, and dies.

     "Whoa oh oh oh oh, get back up again." I trip over another rock, falling off a cliff right in front of the Valley of Seers, and land on the ground untouched.

      "Whoa oh oh oh oh oh (I'm okay) Whoa oh oh oh oh." I stand in front of the valley, panting.
      "And if you knock knock me over, you knock knock me over, I....will....get back up againnnnn." A random kiwi drops on my head and I groan. I pick the kiwi up, carve it with a stick, and pop it into my mouth. I immediately spit it into my hands. It's rotten. I throw it behind me, which bounces of a tree and hits me again.

      "ARGH. MY KIWI ATTACK ME! OH MY GA. NOW KIWI YOU MUST DIE." I slam it on the floor, which makes a huge green mess. I sigh. I lay on the ground and say,

      " A small nap won't hurt. " I then drift away to sleep that seems like it's going on forever.

      This was a long chapter.So much typing. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed. Also, if you are new to Zelda, just Google any of the names I  said such as, Lizalfos, Aerfols, and the Valley of Seers. Remember to vote and share! See ya next chapter!

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