Chapter 1

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Matt's POV
"Okay Andy since joey left to go to the store that means I'm in charge so please behave or we'll both get in trouble when joey gets back home"

"I'm always good."

I hear Andy say. I laugh

"No you're not and you know that."

"Whatever." He says.
I sigh and sit down beside him.

"When is joey coming back?"

"Probably in an hour or so. He just had to get a few things."
He nods and watches tv. I hear my phone ding and take my phone out. I notice it's a text from joey.

"Don't go outside cause it looks like it's gonna rain soon. I'll be home in about 30 minutes. Love you"
I read it and text him back.

"Joey texted me and said that we can't go outside cause it's gonna rain but he'll be back in about 30 minutes."

I hear Andy whine
"But I wanted to go outside!"

" Sorry Andy but joey doesn't want us to."

"Please matt! Just for 5 minutes?"

"No andy. Joey said no and I don't wanna get in trouble."


I sigh "Andy I said no. Now stop asking."

He pouts and turns away from me.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom. Stay here. If I come back and you're not here then you'll be trouble."
He pouts but nods.
Andy's POV
I watch as matt walks away. I really wanted to go outside but joey told matt no. I get up and look out the window. It's not even raining!
Maybe if I go outside for just a couple minutes and come back inside before matt come back down I won't get in trouble. I think to myself.
I look upstairs to make sure he's not coming down. I slowly walk towards the door and open the door. I walk out and gently close the door.
Yes! I'm outside finally!
I smile and start running around the yard. I start towards a tree and start to climb it. I'm just a few steps up when I hear my name.

That sounds like matt.. I turn around and see him. He looks so angry. I gulp as I watch him come to me. Oh no..

Matt's POV
I use the bathroom and start walking downstairs. I hope that Andy listened to me and stayed on the couch. I come downstairs and walk to the living room.

"An-" I stop mid sentence.

Damn. Andy isn't here. The brat went outside even when I told him not to.
I walk outside and start to look for me. I look around and see him climbing a tree.
Damn it andy..

I yell and I see him stop and turn around.

I'm so angry at him. I walk over to him and Andy looks scared.

"Andy what are you doing?! I told you to stay on the couch! Come down right now before joey gets home!"

I tell him sternly. I see him gulp and shake his head.

"Andy now!"
I yell and he whines loudly and starts slowly walking down. He was about to jump down when I hear both of our names.. oh no..

Joey's POV
I finally get the things that I needed and start driving home. I hope that Andy didn't give matt any trouble. He's always trying to get in trouble. I drive to our home. I turn the car off and grab the bags and start walking towards the door. I was about to open the door when I hear matt yell

"Andy now!"
I get confused. What's going on?
I look around and stop. I see Andy climbing down a tree and matt looking mad. I sigh loudly. Damn..
I put down the bags and start walking towards them

I yell and I see andy stop and looks up in shock and matt turns around and he looks nervous.

"What's going on? Didn't I tell you not to go outside?!"

They both nod slowly and look down.

"Andy get down now and come inside. Matt you grab the bags and come inside. Both of you sit on the couch when you go inside."

I tell them sternly. They both nod and Andy gets down and starts walking inside with his head down. Matt grabs the bags and walks inside.

"Put the bags on the table and go sit down on the couch."

He nods sadly and does as he's told.

I go in the living room and see them both sitting down with their heads down.
I sigh and sit down infront of them.

"Now. Tell me what happened while I was gone."

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