Chapter 3

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Matt's POV

Andy scream at me while I tickle him.

"Why should I? I'm just getting started you little brat."

I said and smile down at him.

"I'm not a bra-AHH!"

I get him on the sides knowing he can't stand that.
Oh! Let me tell you why I'm tickling him. You see I was sleeping on my bed when all of a sudden I felt someone jump next to me and started poking at me face.


-thump!- I groan when I felt someone jump on my bed but I just ignore it.

-poke poke-
I groan and started swatting at whoever is poking at my face but the person won't stop. I open my eyes and notice it's andy.
Once he notices that I'm awake he grins.

"Matt wake up joey is making breakfast for us."

"Go away Andy let me sleep."

I say and pull the covers over me. I hear Andy whine and starts poking me again.

"Maaaattt! Wake up!"

I sigh deeply and pull the covers off of me and look at him.

"If you don't stop I swear.."

I say and he just grins at me and pokes my side. I sigh. Okay that's it I think to myself. I grab Andy and he lets out a yelp.

"Joey!" Andy yells and tries to get away from me. I lay him down flat on his back and sit next to him. I immediately tickle his sides and he screams


Andy yells and twists around. I grin at him.

"Don't What?" I ask teasingly.

"Tickle me!"

"Tickle you? Well I guess since you said it so nicely." I said and smile big.

"That's not what I meant you jerk!"

I gasp and stop and he tries to catch his breath.

"Jerk? Oh you're gonna get it mister!"

I say and tickle under his arms. He shrieks and tries to pull his arms down.


"We're just getting started little brother."

I say and tickle him alittle bit more and stop. He looks relieved but what he doesn't know is that I'm not done with him yet. He tries to get up but I push him back down.

"Not so fast Andy. I'm not done with you yet." I smirk at him and pulls him his shirt. He pales knowing what I'm about to do.

"No! No no no please matt no!"

I smirk and lean down.

"Hey Andy? You know what I'm hungry for? Raspberries!" I yell and immediately lean down and put my mouth on his stomach and blow.

"AHHHH!!" Andy yells and tries to get away. I smirk and blow another one.


"Hey you two breakfast is rea-"
Joey stops when he enters my room. I immediately stop and get embarrassed.
Andy looks up and sees joey and looks so relieved.

"Joey! Joey please help me he's killing me!"

Joey looks at us and smiles and walks over to us.

"Hey Andy? You do know that Matt is ticklish right?"

Joey asks and smirks at me. Andy perks up and looks at him.



Joey and I answer at the same time. I glare at joey and all he does is smile.

"Oh yes. He's very ticklish on his sides."

He tells Andy and Andy looks excited.

"No I'm not! He's lying andy don't listen to him."

I yelp when I felt someone poke me on my side and glare at joey.

"Stop that!"

"Why? If it doesn't tickle then it shouldn't matter if I do that."

He says and does it again. I bit back a laugh. Joey sees that and grabs me quickly and I immediately start squirming around trying to get free.

"Andy get his sides hurry!"

My eyes get wide "no andy don't!"

Andy looks at joey and joey gives him a nod. Andy smiles and crawls over to us. He grins at me and I glare at him.

"Don't you dare do this andy!"

"Sorry matt but revenge is sweet."

He says to me and pokes me on right side first and I bit back a laugh. He does it again on my left side then starts to poke me on both sides.

I yell at them both. Joey just tightens his grip and Andy keeps poking at me. They do this to me for about 5 minutes and finally stop. I lean back on my big brother and try to catch my breath.

"I hate you guys" I moan into joey's chest.

I felt joey laugh "no you don't."

I smile and nod. He's right. Now matter what they do I can never hate them. I love them both so much. I don't know what I would do without my brothers. I hug joey and look at Andy and notice that he's looking at us. Wanting to be held too but scared to say it. I chuckle and hold out my arm towards him.

"Come here Andy. Come hug your big brothers."

I say and he jumps up and climbs on joey's other leg and leans back into his chest and sighs happily. I smile and felt joey kiss my head and notice that he did the same thing to Andy.

"As much as I would love to cuddle with you two..breakfast is ready and it'll get cold if we don't go down to eat."

Joey tells us and I chuckle at that. I stand up and notice that Andy hasn't got up yet. Joey pats his back.

"Come on andy get up so we can go eat."

He groans "carry me..please?" He asks joey. Joey sighs softly "Okay Andy"

He says and picks him up. Andy immediately wraps his arms and legs around him and puts his face on his shoulder. Joey rubs his back for a few seconds.

"Alright let's go you two."

He says and walks out the door first with Andy and I follow them. We walk downstairs and see the food already on the table for us. Joey sits andy down on his seat and he sits down beside him while I sit down in my seat. We start eating our breakfast and talk alittle bit.

"So what do you guys wanna do today?"

Joey asks us and I shrug "I don't care" I tell him.

"I wanna go to the park."

Andy tells us and I look at joey. Joey nods and ask if I'm okay with that.

"Yeah that's fine with me."

I say and smile at them. Andy smiles at me Joey nods at us and smiles.

"Okay go get ready and we'll go to the park in a few minutes."

Joey tells us and we both nod and go get ready for today.

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