Chapter 4

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I'm sorry this one sucks!

They all go to the park and Andy immediately went to the swings while matt followed him and joey sat down on a nearby bench to watch them. Andy excitedly sat down on the swing and looked at matt

"Matt push me! Please"

Andy told him with a big smile. Matt smiled at him and walked behind him and grabbed the swing and pushed it back "ready?" He asks his little brother.

Andy nods "Yes!"

Matt lets go and starts to push him


Andy yells and laughs at the same time. Matt pushes him alittle more higher and and continues to push him. Meanwhile, joey is smiling at the sight from where he was sitting.
Matt pushes him for a while till Andy gets tired and gets off the swing to go to the slide.

"Be careful!" Matt yells after him.

Andy ignores him and climbs up the slide. He looks around before sliding down. He does that a few more times before he gets bored. He goes to matt and tugs on his shirt

"What's wrong?" Matt asks as he bends down to face him.

"I'm getting hungry and thirsty" Andy whines at him.

Matt gently smiled at him and picks him up. Andy immediately wraps his arms around his neck and legs around his waist "I think joey packed us a sandwich and drinks"

Matt walks over to joey with Andy still in his arms. Joey frowns as he sees Andy "What's wrong with him?"

Matt sits down with Andy in his lap "he's hungry and thirsty" he tells him and runs his fingers through Andy's hair.

"Well it's a good thing I packed us lunch"
joey says and gets the food out.

He hands them both a sandwich and a drink and gets his after. Andy immediately starts to eat his while matt slowly eats his. Andy gets done with his food and drink first and gets off Matt's lap "I'm going to play again!" Andy tells his older brothers and runs off to the playground

They both laughed and watched him go.

"He has so much energy"

joey says and matt nods in agreement. They watch as he goes to the monkey bars then goes back to the slide. After an hour of being at the park joey decides for them to start heading home

"We should head home now. Andy still needs to take a bath before bed time." Joey tells matt.

"Okay that's fine with me. I'll go get Andy" matt tells him and walks towards Andy, who was swinging.

"Hey Andy, joey wants us to go home now. We've already been here for a little over an hour" matt tells him as he watched him swing

"No I don't want to" Andy says and continues to swing

"Andy come on. Joey wants to go and so do I. We can come back tomorrow if you want to"

Andy shakes his head "no"

Matt sighs and grabs the swing to stop it

Andy whines when he realized what he's doing "no matt! I wanna stay here" He yells and grabs onto the swing not wanting to get up.

Matt sighs and grabs his arm to pull him up "come on before joey comes after us" andy pouts but stands up. Matt started to pull him along with him but stopped when Andy put his feet into the ground "andy" matt growled.

Andy whines but doesn't move at all. He starts to pull his arm trying to get away "let go of me!" Andy yells and pulls again but gives up and flops down onto the ground


Matt yells and bends down and picks him up over his shoulder. Andy immediately starts pounding on his back and kicking his legs "no! No put me down! I don't wanna leave!" Andy yells and kicks hard

Matt sighs and spanks him on the butt hard three times "stop it right now Andrew" he tells him sternly

"OWW! I'm sorry!" Andy yells and stops moving.

Matt sighs and walks towards joey with Andy still in his arms. When he reaches joey he puts Andy down but grabs his arm in case he starts to run off again.

"He's being a brat. He threw a tantrum so I had to swat him three times" matt tells joey.

Joey sighs and bends down to face Andy.

"Andy I know you don't wanna leave but we have to" joey tells him gently

"No!" Andy yells at him and glares at him

"Andrew do not yell at me" joey tells him sternly

"I wanna stay here!" Andy yells and tries to run away but he's arm gets pulled back. He tries to push his arm away "let go!" He yells

Joey sighs and picks up andy "no! Put me down!" Andy starts to kick at him

Joey spanks him hard "stop. That. Now. Andrew." He tells him in between spanks

"Ow ow! Stop! Ow!" Andy yells and starts crying.

Joey sighs and rubs his back "shh calm down andy you're okay shh"

Matt sighs and rubs his shoulders as he's walking beside them. Andy sniffs and lays his head down on joey's shoulder. They reach the car and joey opens the door and gently puts andy down and buckled him in before shutting the door. Matt sits down beside andy and pulls him into a hug and rubs his back. Andy sniffs and leans into him.

Finally they got home and joey got out and went to open the back door and smiled at the sight. Matt was sleeping while holding Andy and Andy was also sleeping with his head on his chest. Joey gently shakes matt

"Matt wake up..we're home wake up" joey tells him and shakes him alittle more

Matt groans and opens his eyes and yawns. He tries to get up but sees andy sleeping on his chest and smiles.

Joey smiles "I got him" he tells matt.

He gently picks him without waking him up. He gently shushes him when he hears Andy whine. He gently rocks him alittle and walked into the house. They all get into the house and matt shuts and locks the door.

"I'm going to put him to bed and let him sleep for a couple hours before waking him up for his bath" joey tells matt

Matt nods and sits down on the couch. Joey carefully walks up the stairs and opens Andy's door. He walks over to the bed and pulls the covers down and gently lays him down. He puts the covers over him and kisses his forehead "I love you little brother" he tells him and shuts the lights out and walks out the door.

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