Chapter 2

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Joey's POV
"Now tell me what happened"
I tell them both sternly. Andy looks down and matt plays with his T-shirt not looking at me. I sigh. Looks like I have to do this the hard way I though to myself.

"If you don't start talking then the both of you will get a spanking and then talk."

Andy's head jerks up fast and starts shaking his head so fast and matt looks up at me scared.

"No joey please don't spank me please I'm sorry!"

Andy yells and starts crying.

"I didn't even do anything! Andy is the one who wasn't listening to me!"
Matt yells and points at Andy while saying it.

"Shut up matt!"

"No! If you would've just listened to me then we both wouldn't be in trouble right now! It's your fault!"

They both keep yelling at eachother back and forth. I run my hand through my hair and sigh deeply.

"ENOUGH!" I yell and they both stop and look at me scared.

"Alright matt you tell me what happened and Andy please stay quiet."

Andy nods and matt looks at him once more and then tells me what happened.

"I told Andy that it was supposed to rain and that you didn't want us outside. He started whining and wanting to go outside but I kept telling him no. Then I told him I was going to the bathroom and for him to stay on the couch. Well, I came back to the living room and he was gone so I looked outside and he was climbing up a tree. I yelled at him to come down but he wouldn't and then that's when you showed up."

I look at Andy and he's looking down not saying anything.

"Is that true Andy? No lies."

He hesitates but then nods slowly not looking up at me. I sigh.

"Andy you knew that I didn't want you outside but you did it anyway. So here's what's going to happen."

Andy looks at me and I see tears in his eyes.

"Matt since you didn't do anything wrong then you're not in trouble. But did wrong and you're going to get a spanking-"

"NO! Joey please no I'm sorry!"

"Andy" I said sternly and he stops.

"Since matt was the one here when you did that then first matt is going to spank you with his hand 10 times and-"

"Joey no I don't wanna spank him.."

I sigh and look at him

"Please don't interrupt me again or you'll be getting one too."

That shut him up real fast.

"After that then I will spank you 10 more times with a hairbrush."

At that he turns pale.

"N-noo.. please not that please joey!"
He starts crying and matt wraps his arms around him trying to comfort him. Andy hugs him tight and doesn't look at me. Matt looks at me for help. I sigh and walk to them.

"Andy look at me." He slowly looks at me and tears are running down fast. I wipe them away with my thumb.

"Listen buddy I know you don't want this but you did wrong know that right?"

He nods his head sadly and sniffs.
I smile sadly at him and look at matt.

"Joey do I really have to?" Matt asks me sadly.

"Yes matt you have to. You were here when it happened."

He sighs and nods.

I stand up
"Alright I'm going to my room. So when you're done bring him up there."
I see him nod and I go up to my room.

Matt's POV
I watch joey go upstairs and I turn to look at Andy.

"Please don't do this matt! I'm sorry I won't do it again please matt!"

I sigh and look at him.

"Andy you know I have to do this. I don't want to but I have to. I promise I won't go too hard on you Okay. You know I love you right?"

He nods "I know and I love you too."
I kiss him on the head and stand him up.
I pat my lap
"Alright kid let's get this over with. Over my lap."
He whines and slowly goes over. I wait till he gets comfortable to start. I gently tap his bottom.
"Ready?" I ask and he sighs and slowly nods.
He jerks and whines.
He starts to wiggle and whines "owww.."
"Owwww! Matt stop!" He puts his arm back and I grab it immediately and pin it to his back. He tries to get away but I just smack him hard once
"Knock it off Andrew." I said and he stops but still whines.
I stop and let go of his hand.
"It's over andy. I'm sorry that I had to do that.."
I pick him and sit him on my lap. He wraps his arms and legs around me.

"I'm sorry!!" He cries and I start to rock him and rub his back.

"Shh andy calm down. It's alright it's over. I'm not mad at you anymore shhhh.."
I tell him and continue to rock him till he's calmed down. He puts his head on my shoulder. I rock him alittle more and stand up with him still in my arms. He whines knowing what's happening.

"No matt I don't wanna go up there" he whines. I shush him
"I know you don't but you have to."
He whines and I knock on joey's door. He opens the door and lets us in.
Joey's POV
I hear a knock on my door and I go to answer it knowing who it was. I open my door and see my brothers and notice that Andy isn't crying much anymore.
Matt walks over to my bed and sits down with Andy in his arms. I sit down beside them and gently take Andy into my arms. He whines loudly not wanting me to hold him but I just hold him tighter.

"Shhh Andy calm down it's alright."
I tell him softly. I look at matt and he's looking at us sadly.

"You can go back downstairs matt. We'll come down later."
I tell him and he sighs sadly and kisses Andy's head and leaves.

"Alright andy stand up please."
I tell him and he does as he's told. I stand him in between my legs and start unbuttoned his jeans.

"No! Joey please no!"
He grabs my arms fast and I look at him sternly.

"Andy stop it right now. You're getting this spanking with no jeans on. I'm letting you leave you're underwear on but if you don't cooperate then it'll be bare. Understand?"
I tell him sternly and he whines and nods letting my arms go. I pull his jeans out and tell him to step out of his jeans. I wait till he does and grab his arm and pull him over my lap. He whines and starts to get up. I smack him once and he stops and goes limp over my lap.
I grab the hairbrush and gently tap him on his bottom. Silently telling him I'm starting. He grabs my leg for support.
He jerks and whines but thankfully doesn't do anything else.
"Owww! Joey stoppp!! It hurtsss!"
"It's supposed to hurt Andy"
I throw the brush down and gently stand him up and take him into my arms. He immediately wraps his arms and legs around me. I stand up with him in my arms and start walking around the room and bounce him gently.

"Shhhh Andy's over baby. I'm not angry at you anymore I promise. It's alright shhh.."
"I-I'm sorry!" He hiccups and cries hard.
I bounce him gently and rub his back up and down.
"Shhh it's okay andy it's okay baby brother. I love you so much and I'm so sorry I had to do that."
"I love you too joe-joey"
I smile and continue to comfort him. He starts to calm down but I still rock him.

"Do you wanna lay down in my bed for awhile?"
He nods and yawns. I smile and gently lay him down on my bed and pull the covers on him. I kiss his head softly
"I'll be downstairs with matt okay? I love you baby brother."

He nods "I love you too joey"
I smile and walk towards the door and turn the light off and gently shut the door. I walk downstairs and see matt watching tv..well trying to. He hears me and looks at me.

"Is Andy okay?" He ask and looks worried. I sit down beside him.
"Yeah he's fine. He's asleep right now in my bed."
He nods relieved and puts his head on my shoulder. I smile and wrap my arm around him.
He may not say it much but he does like to cuddle.

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