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That night, I awoke to the soft sound of weeping. I scanned the nursery, spotting Lionkit's sharp amber eyes. The once fiery orbs were filled with tears. 

"What's wrong?" I frown, my heart pounding in my chest. 

Lionkit didn't answer straight away. "I-I've changed." He sniffled, "It's like I don't care anymore." The golden brown tom whimpered. "I-I feel empty." 


I'll probably do this every ten chapters, just to make sure you understand what's happening/end. 

Eagledust is in StarClan. How he got there? You're going to find out. He's telling his story from his point of view. 

Eaglekit has two brothers: Lionkit and Breezekit. Breezekit left them and started hanging out with these two older kits. Thornkit, Pikekit. 

Lionkit and Eaglekit are best friends.

Thornkit, Pikekit, and Breezekit have started bullying Lionkit and Eaglekit. 

Lionkit has stopped acting like his normal self...

Ready to continue? If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask! 

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