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I slammed myself repeatedly into the bars. My side burned harshly. But I wasn't going to allow this to happen. 

I threw myself into the bars. They buckled every time. The thought of Lionkit then leapt into my head. I dug my teeth into my tongue and with full force, I snapped the rails. 

I breathed heavily, my adrenaline pumping through me. 

Now thinking about it, maybe I was named after my strength. Eagles were the strongest... hm. 

I dash forward towards camp. The dark sky was starting to lighten and I was sure Fennelscar would strike soon. Not even thinking, I hustle forward observing the dark tom on the border of the camp alone. 

I roar wordlessly. I gathered the strength in my hind legs and pounce ahead. The wind whipped through my striped fur. It felt like I was flying...

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