Chapter 1

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Keith's point of view

Keith sighed as he zipped shut his suitcase. He only had two bags, one a backpack, the other, well, a suitcase; because he didn't have many things. He put his phone and earbuds in his pocket as he slid his jacket on. He was finally going to college, and he really wasn't all that excited. The best thing was probably the fact that Shiro was going to be there; because they'd been together since Keith was little. He'd cried and pleaded as he moved foster homes to stay in that area, and even though Shiro was older so they couldn't be in the same grade, they'd spent a lot of time together. Keith had gone over to his house a lot, despite the constant switching of homes.

After a while, though, after years and years, Shiro had gone to college, and Keith couldn't find a way to visit. So, he planned to go to college with him. He had sent an application, and naturally was pretty good in school, and actually, although he didn't like some of the attention it got, he had made it out, from what he heard, in the top five percent.

Shiro, when he was still here, had helped him a lot, and that might be why he had done so well. But, that really didn't matter so much to him. His foster parents, the current ones, had never even been home, his mom was always working and his dad always was out with some other women behind her back, and he forced Keith not to tell, but he didn't want that kind of drama anyways.

He had been through many foster families, some worse than others, some just didn't take care of him. But Shiro had always been there, and they had become really close, so he was the closest thing to family he had, and he was going to see him again.

Pulling his backpack onto his back and grabbing his small suitcase, he began to walk out of the house, an uber waiting for him outside. He stopped in the hallway, turning to a mirror they had on the wall and looking at it. He stared at his still discolored eyes, his hand clenching his suitcase handle tightly.

He didn't understand why having a soulmate was supposed to be such a big deal. Seriously, it's so cheesy, how people think they were made for each other, even though they pretty much are. People would always look at each other's eyes hoping to find a match, it was stupid. All of it, in his opinion. Maybe because he still hadn't found one, maybe because he was gay so that made it harder for him, or because people made it seem so important to find your soulmate as soon as possible.

Apparently, one of your eyes was your color, and the other was your soulmates. He remembered it to be the right eye is yours? Then again, what did it matter, he was going to college and he accepted a long time ago he may never find his soulmate, not like it was his top priority. He had one eye, the right one, which was an indigo color, and the other one, which was a pretty shade of blue.

Deciding to leave it be and not keep the person that he'd have to spend an hour and a half in the car with waiting, he tore his eyes away from the mirror, and kept walking down the hallway, and out of the house soon after.

Lance's point of view

Lance had heard the rumors, all of them. In fact, he tried to learn as much as possible about them. And according to the many, many rumors he heard, there was going to be someone else coming to their college. It was kind of a small area, like, not to many people small, so new people didn't come as often as you'd think they would. Every time anyone new came, especially now, in the middle of September, apparently that was a big deal.

But, this, from what he had heard, wasn't any new kid. Apparently they hadn't found their soulmate yet. That was the first thing Lance heard, which sparked both interest and hope in him, but everything else he heard he didn't like much, and hoped they weren't true. Apparently he was one of the smartest kids from the school he came from, and he was a favorite to Shiro, who was quite well known here.

He had heard various other things, most of them small, but regardless, he didn't think he'd like this kid very much. He wasn't going to have someone come and take his good chance and other things away. No way, not ever.

He was pacing around his dorm, which he had shared with his best friend Hunk, and Shiro himself was alone in the one right next to theirs. He was planning how he might be able to take this nameless new boy down, or at least be better than him in some way.

After a while with no good ideas he sighed dramatically, flopping onto his back on his small bed. Hunk, who had just walked in on this looked at him, not the slightest bit surprised since this happened a lot with Lance. "Are you stressing about the new kid again?"

He sat up, still deciding to be dramatic about it, as always. "Yes, Hunk. I can't help it! There's been more rumors than ususal, and I don't want him to be as cool as me." Hunk looked at him blankly, "Lance, calm down. Actually, I'm surprised you're not seeing this as a good opportunity to see if he could be your soulmate."

Lance's mouth fell open in shock, and he closed it, shaking his head, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. "Nope, no way. In fact, I'm gonna find my soulmate before him. I'll just flirt with more people, they have to be here, I'm sure of it."

Hunk sighed, "first of all, you flirt with every person, mainly girl, that crosses your path, so I don't think that's possible. Also, what if he is?" Lance looked at him, "He won't be." Hunk sat on his own bed, "Yeah, but, Lance. Have you ever seen someone at this school, or at all really, with an indigo eye?" Lance actually thought about it for a second. "No?" He took a second, "Hunk, what are you getting at?"

Hunk just continued, "See. Maybe you could at least look at his eyes? I'm just saying, they're rumors, Lance. You can't just try and be better than someone who's not even here. Besides, you, me and Pidge have only been here a couple of months, it'll take a bit to gain popularity."

Lance raised his eyebrows, "Never doubt me Hunk." Hunk smiled a little at him, "I'm not. I'm just trying to make a point." Lance rolled his eyes, flopping back down. "Fine, I'll at least look. That's all, though." Hunk nodded, although Lance wasn't looking, "Good. Now, we were going to meet Pidge in the library, remember?" Lance sat bolt upright, "shit! I forgot!" Hunk smiled again, "thought so, let's go. Before she kills us."

His eyes - Klance soulmate AU  [DISCONTINUED, sorry]Where stories live. Discover now