Chapter 3

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Lance's point of view

Lance gathered himself again and looked between them. Shiro looked at him, a little confused but not to much since it was Lance. Finally, the boy looked at him, not meeting his eyes yet, and Lance was to scared to make eye contact with him as well. "Yes, I'm new. What do you want?" He asked, and Lance got a sudden confidence boost and spoke back, "wow, rude. I can't just introduce myself to make the new kid feel welcome." 

He looked up, both curious and scared to see his eyes, and his heart felt like it stopped when he saw his eyes staring right back at him. 

Keith's point of view 

This was the absolute last thing he expected. Standing right in front of him, was his soulmate. He froze, not knowing what to do or how to react, and from what he could tell the boy in front of him didn't know what to do either. There has to be some kind of mistake, right!? He didn't even know this kid! There was no way he had just stumbled across his soulmate.

He felt a small pain behind his eyes, like where migraines normally hurt, but like a warm pain, then it spread throughout his body. Keith felt warm, no, hot all over, and it went from pain to just being hot. From the looks of it the boy was going through the same thing. After a second he closed his eyes, almost stumbling as his body felt like it was on fire. 

Suddenly, all of the warmth that had just been surging through his body and the small pain behind his eyes disappeared in an instant. Keith opened his eyes as soon as it stopped, and they immediately locked with the eyes of the boy in front of him. 

But now it was different, and they both noticed right away. Blue. The boy's eyes were both blue, the indigo color that was in his left eye was gone. He assumed that meant that his own eyes had turned indigo then, and they no longer matched. Blinking, and breaking eye contact with this boy for the first time, he turned to Shiro. He looked slightly confused, but quickly, he looked a little happy, if not still shocked and surprised. 

Happy? How could he be happy about this? This random person he didn't even know just appears into his life, and he's supposed to accept that, and stay with him and fall in love and be his soulmate? Keith really didn't understand, wanting to disappear in that moment to avoid what would most definitely an awkward conversation with his soulmate.

Then he realized something. What exactly were you supposed to do when you met your soulmate? Should he say something? Introduce himself? Keith looked back at the boy, and he looked about just as confused as Keith was. Then, he straightened himself, looked at Keith, and spoke with a stupid smile on his face (you know the one). 

"The name's Lance." The boy- Lance, said, looking at Keith again, all confusion and embarrassment seemingly gone from his features. Keith wasn't going to lie, Lance was fairly attractive. Tan skin, brown hair and blue eyes, taller than him by probably a few inches or so.

He shook away the thoughts before he got carried away, and looked at him blankly for a second, before letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. He was about to speak, before Lance spoke again. "But you can call me anytime" He flirted, looking at Keith with that face. There it was again, that stupid smirk. 

Keith wasn't gonna give in, nor just take the flirt. It's just what he did, pushing people away. "Keith." He said simply, knowing he'd catch on. Lance nodded and turned to Shiro. "So, how long have you known him and why didn't you tell me?" He asked, more casually than Keith thought anyone could be in a situation like this. Keith was shocked though, and looked between the two. "Wait, you.. know each other?" He asked, earning a nod from both of them as Shiro turned to answer Lance.

"I've known him for a long time, and I just didn't. I kinda didn't notice, and even if I did I would want you to find out on your own." Lance looked at him and Keith just processed the whole situation. Lance nodded a second later, showing he understood. Keith shifted his weight from one foot to another. "Well," Lance started, "Now that I've found out," he turned to Keith, "we should hang out some time?" Lance looked a bit confused of whether he actually wanted it or not, and Keith wasn't sure.

"Maybe." Keith answered before Lance spoke again, looking a mix of relief of disappointment. "Alright.. I'll see you around then." Lance winked at Keith before turning on his heel and walking away. After a moment of silence Keith turned to Shiro, who looked like he was about to say something before Keith cut him off, "Just.. finish showing me around."

Shiro nodded and then continued to show him around the campus, continuing down the hallway.

Lance's point of view 

Lance walked away quickly, processing the entire situation. Yes, he found his soulmate, it's a guy, he doesn't seem interested.. yet. And he flirted with him. Lance randomly roamed the hallways as he thought, going the opposite way from them, because let's face it,  another encounter would be to awkward for anyone to handle.

If he had to be honest, Lance thought it could've been worse, on the other hand he was confused. Was he just not interested? They were supposed to be soulmates, and Keith just turned him down. Maybe he wasn't ready? Regardless, Lance pretty much forgot his previous plans to become better than him, he still wanted it though, he would be the best soulmate. And he was determined to get this boy interested. 

He found himself in front of the library and walked inside. Lance sat down at one of the tables near the back and looked around. He kept thinking for a bit, planning how to "accidentally" come across Keith or something similar, and he eventually stopped and got bored. He sighed softly, his eyes scanning the room. Some of the other tables had writing on them in pencil, just doodles other people carved into the table. 

Deciding he had nothing better to do, Lance took a mechanical pencil out of his pocket that he kept there since he'd loose it otherwise, and he wrote into the table. It carved in slightly, and it wasn't a drawing or anything. It was just "Hey." To start a conversation. He knew no one would reply, from what he thought, and he just did it for fun, but if someone did reply at least he could have a conversation. 

After a while, he left, leaving the word in the table and going back to his dorm. 

His eyes - Klance soulmate AU  [DISCONTINUED, sorry]Where stories live. Discover now