Chapter 2

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A/N: Guys help I need a better title. 

Keith's point of view 

He closed the door to the car and waved halfheartedly at the driver as they left, and turned, facing the college doors he was about to enter just ahead. He walked up, and all he had to do was check in with the office, then he could go to his dorm, which he had found out he luckily shared with Shiro. 

It hadn't taken long to check in and let him know he was there. He just had to do that, and pick up his schedule, and a few other, smaller things. He had often texted Shiro, and they told each other everything, except for the fact that Keith never told Shiro he was coming. He might have already been informed by the school about his expected arrival, and he was sure the rumors spread like wildfire considering how small the area really was. 

Keith walked out of the building and began to make his way to the boy's dorm rooms. He both saw and felt the gazes of other students moving between buildings for classes or just hanging around, and as he looked between them he could see some whispering and chatting, some even looked excited. 

He rolled his eyes and mentally brushed it off, and just continued, and after a few minutes Keith made it to the dorm rooms, and began to look for his room. After wandering around enough, he found it. It was near the corner, or the end of one of the outer hallways of the second floor, so it would have a window.

Keith opened the door, and walked in to the room. It wasn't to terribly small, but it wasn't huge either.  He didn't get much time at all to look around because as soon as he closed the door behind him he and Shiro made eye contact. Shiro's eyes widened and he looked at him. "Keith?!" 

Keith let go of his suitcase and let his backpack begin to slide off of his shoulders. "Shiro." He smiled as Shiro stood up, and he dropped his bag  as he stepped over the suitcase that fell as Shiro came over and hugged him, smiling. Keith smiled a little and hugged back. After a minute the taller male pulled away, looking at him. "Keith.. Why are you here?"

Keith shifted his weight from one foot to another, "Look, I know you're confused, and you have every right to be. Give me a second to explain myself." Shiro nodded and Keith continued. "I've been sending applications to come here since I got out of high school, and I'm late because it took a while to work and get scholarships and then for them to accept me. I didn't tell you because, I kind of wanted to surprise you? And I didn't know how you'd react if I just suddenly told you I was coming to your college to see and go to school with you."

Shiro smiled softly at him as he finished, "thank you for the thought Keith, but some sort of warning would have been nice." Keith shrugged and Shiro pat his shoulder, and they talked as Shiro helped him unpack and set up all of his stuff.

Lance's point of view 

Lance and Hunk met Pidge in the library, so the three of them could hang out like they normally did, and they all sat around one of the circle tables on the back section of the library, where the bookshelves stopped and people could read here, and there were computers lined up against the walls for students to use.  

Pidge had her own laptop that she had in her bag, considering she was probably the most tech person here. The three of them had been friends since meeting in their freshman year of a group project. 

So here they sat in the library, Pidge on her laptop occasionally adding to the continued conversation from the dorm, Lance ranting about how he was going to be the new kid's dedicated rival. Pidge spoke up, interrupting Lance's rant. "I heard his name was Keith." 

Lance stopped and thought for a moment, then considered what Hunk had made him agree to earlier, and groaned, slouching down in his chair and throwing his hands up. He wasn't sure what to complain about at this point, and he had said a lot of plans he had thought of already, and was just frustrated. They had only come a couple of months ago when school first got out, and he had already been frustrated by something other than classes.

Lance sat back up and put his head on the cool wooden table, letting his arms fall to his sides. "Hunk what if you're right?" He asked, not moving his head from where it was and mumbling. "That's for you to find out, he'd be your soulmate, not mine." Lance turned and laid his cheek on the table, looking at Hunk. 

Lance knew what he meant, and he groaned again, and they sat in silence for a while, eventually sparing Lance and moving on to a different subject. Lance didn't pay much attention, though. He was still thinking.

There were rumors about Keith and Shiro knowing each other, right? But, they knew Shiro too; in fact, Hunk, Pidge and him had become friends with Shiro, they just didn't spend a lot of time together. If these rumors were true, what would happen then? Would Shiro introduce Keith to them or would he leave them to meet on their own? What would it go like? 

Eventually they had decided to go their separate ways, Hunk leaving to go to a class he had to go to today, Pidge just left because she had something, likely an assignment, she had to finish that was put off because of her video games, and Lance just decided to walk around.

A while after Pidge and Hunk had left Lance stood,  walking out of the library and through the courtyard in between the buildings of the school. He sat on one of the benches under a tree, and looked up at the slightly cloudy sky. He looked down, looking between some of the other students walking around but his eyes paused. 

There was Shiro, and he was walking with someone, who? Lance couldn't quite see yet, since they were walking on the other side of him. They were kind of far away, so Lance couldn't make out a lot of the features. He saw they were shorter than Shiro, he saw black hair, how long? Again, he didn't know. He hadn't seen a lot. He saw a lot of black, though. Black jeans, black and white converse, black shirt with a white print on the front. 

Lance didn't recognize them, and that's exactly what made him slightly uneasy. Guessing by the hair length, it could be a girl? That gave Lance hope that a lot of the rumors were false, since everyone said the new kid was a guy. He watched as they walked together, talking as Shiro was likely showing them, her? Around, and eventually they disappeared into another building. 

Taking a deep breath, Lance stood up, and prepared to confront them, and meet this new kid. Guy or girl, he was going to be better. He hoped that the eyes wouldn't match as he walked towards the building, anxious and for some reason excited? In a weird sort of way. Lance walked inside, seeing them ahead, and walking over to them, stopping right behind them, as Shiro was talking.   

Lance wasn't going to lie, they had looked pretty nice so far, nice as in good looking, not friendly from what he knew. Nice body, raven black hair at the shoulders if not maybe an inch lower. He cleared his throat and they stopped and turned around as he spoke. "Hey. You're the new kid-" He started firmly, but stopped as they turned around and faced him. 

Shit. That's not a girl. Also, he couldn't even meet his eyes to see the exact color, since he was looking to the side, his iris' in the corners of his eyes. This was going to be more difficult than he thought.  

His eyes - Klance soulmate AU  [DISCONTINUED, sorry]Where stories live. Discover now