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// I set this one as Deke was crushing on Daisy because I thought it would be cuter

Deke walked down the many many halls of the lighthouse. Luckily, he knew his way around since it was all (a little too) familiar to him. The lighthouse had always been forced to be his home and he wanted nothing more than to leave it. But something...or someone kept drawing him back to the place. And it wasn't just the fact that his grandparents were there. Deke paused as he heard a punching noise echo down the hall. He walked forward and opened a door to one of the bigger rooms to see Daisy, punching a punching back. Deke knocked on the door to get her attention but she didn't hear him because of her earphones she was wearing. He stood at the door for about a minute, just watching her. It amazed him how good she was at the whole 'spy' thing. Plus she was a pretty badass superhero. He realised it might be a little creepy if he kept watching her so he walked up to her.

He lightly tapped her shoulder and Daisy, reacting with her training, quickly turned around and accidentally hit Deke in the face (very hard). Daisy quickly took her earphones out as she saw deke stumble backwards. "Oh my god, Deke I am so sorry!" She said as she helped him up. Deke touched his nose and realised it was bleeding. "Don't...don't worry about it...it's fine" he said as he managed to maintain his balance. Daisy quickly got him a towel, and he cleaned up to blood she had managed to punch out of him. Deke glanced up at her and realised that she had clearly been crying. Her eyes looked sad and their were streaks of mascara streaming down her face.

"Whats all that equipment for?" Deke asked and pointed at her training equipment. "I use it to train" she explained as they both sat down on a bench. "Oh...what exactly are you training for?" He asked. "I don't know. I just train until another problem comes up. That I solve it using my training and then I..." she started. "Kick some ass" Deke finished and smiled. "Yeah...that sums it up" she said with a slight smile. "You...um...you look quite sad...are you okay?" Deke asked. "What?...oh yeah I'm fine" she said and looked down, looking quite unfocused. "Im not an idiot Daisy. What's wrong?" He asked again. "I'm just stressed out...that's all. I don't even know why I'm explaining myself..." she muttered as she stood up again.

Deke wanted to cheer daisy up. He seemed to be one of the few people who was thinking positively on the team and he wanted everyone to be happy, especially Daisy. He suddenly had an idea. "Why don't...I train with you" he suggested. Daisy looked at him, confused. "What? But you've never trained before." She said. "First of all, it can't be that hard and second, I spent my whole life fighting off the kree so I have some fighting skills" he pointed out as he stood up and folded his arms. "I don't need company right now" daisy said and sighed. Deke smirked slightly. "Alright Fine. I would've beaten you anyway" he commented. This caused Daisy to look at him and think, which is exactly what deke wanted. "You know what...get over here so I can prove you wrong" she said with a smile. "If you say so" deke said as he stood across from her.

Daisy immediately went to punch him and Deke quickly dodged. Daisy would never actually hurt him. It was kinda like play fighting. Daisy managed to hit him a few times but most of the times, Deke managed to dodge it. "Not bad" daisy said and smiled. "Told you" deke said as he suddenly managed to tackle Daisy to the ground and then flipped them, making Daisy lean on top of him. Daisy smiled and just stared at him. Deke was really happy and knew Daisy wouldn't let him off for winning, but he didn't care. He suddenly grabbed her and started to tickle her. Daisy tried to get away from him whilst she laughed loudly. "I didn't know spy's where so ticklish" deke said as he continued to tickle her. "Deke! Stop!" She shouted through laughter. After another minute, Deke finally stopped. They were still on the floor but daisy was laid in deke arms. He let go of her and helped her up. "We should do that again sometime" Deke said. "Yeah...I would like that" daisy said. "Just to clarify, next time I'll kick your ass" she said. "Whatever you say, destroyer of worlds" he teased. Daisy smirked slightly, no longer taking that much offence to the name. "Anyway. I guess I'm done for the day. " Daisy said as she grabbed her water bottle and drank some. She smiled as she  walked past deke. "Yep...I'm in love" Deke muttered to himself as Daisy left the room.

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