Isadora P.O.V

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I wake up to my alarm and rush to the shower I was gonna wake the other but I was to excited I washed my hair and shaved my legs then dressed in sweatpants and one of farkle a  T-shirt that I stole from him yesterday before we had to go I couldn't believe it was my big day I woke up the other we put my hair into a high elegant bun the girls hair were down I slipped in my dress and before I knew it it was time to walk down the oleo I looked my arm threw my dads and as soon as I took one step down the ole I was eager to see him I could feel all the love and support and trust that I couldn't wait to get to him I knew I loved him with all my heart I've just always been afraid that he never really liked me but he does and oh boy was I lucky before I knew it my hand was fitting into his and it was time for the vows Izzy isadora isadorable you have always been a special part of my life I rembered our first debate against each other I didn't suspect that you would already have me on your side just by you saying one sentence you have always been improtant to me and you've always been gorgeous I remember back in freshman year how scared I was that you liked Lucas better than me and when I heard you say that you were just scared That I farkle Minkus didn't like you blew my mind like how could someone not love everything about the way you correct ppl the way your nose wrinkles when you smell something awful the way your smile lights up a room the way you hug people I know how insecure you are with your hugging but to me it's always been perfect and it just got more cozy over time they way you stopped shutting me out when something upsets you you are so amazing in so many different and wonderful way and I love everything about them even the thing you find imperfect I find perfect cause it's what makes you you I love you Isadora Smackle and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you i wipe away my tears and I love you farkle I have I always will you are my soulmate and alothough we both love being genius there's nothing better than being called your wife farkle dibs me and we kiss I still had a mountain of tears rolling down my cheeks but it was nice to know farkle thought I still looked beautiful

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