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Riley_friar love you all

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Riley_friar love you all

Maya_Matthews honey I'm gonna be the best aunt ever

Vanessa_babineaux we're pregnant at the same time

Riley_friar are kids are gonna be such good friends all of our kids

Maya_Matthews josh is crying

Joshua_Matthews I'm just so happy

Topi_Matthews my little girl is having a baby

Corey_Matthews congratulations sweetheart and Lucas congratulations Vanessa and flatbut

Farkle_Minkus I'm dead brings back memories

Cookie_Monster wow mr Matthews wow

Vanessa_Babineaux don't worry honey I love your but

Izzy_Minkus yayyyyyy I'm so happy Riley and Vanessa I will spoil both your kids

Cookie_Monster oh no izzy has baby fever

Lucas_Friar good luck buddies

Joshua_Matthews I blame y'all for Maya's baby fever she literally asked a random strange if she could hold her baby now the random stranger just looked at me and was like good luck with baby fever that's how u got this little guy

Maya_Matthews he was adorable especially with his chubby cheeks and he was smiling at me and laughing at josh it was so cute

Izzy_Minkus do you get to hold the baby???

Maya_Matthews yes the stranger was so nice and he was so cute he hugged me and it was adorable

Riley_Friar Aweee that's so cute be sure you hold him right you don't want him to fall

Maya_Matthews yeah yeah momma bear

Riley_Friar wait why am I momma bear why not Nessi

Vanessa_Babineaux cause you took care of us you made sure that we didn't get food on our selfs heck you still do it

Riley_Friar but that's just mean like you got pregnant first and I stilling your thunder and momma bear is a cute name and I don't want you to be sad :(

Lucas_Friar and now she crying brb

Corey_Matthews awww honey you didn't still thunder Nessi is happy to be pregnant with someone else right Nessi

Vanessa_babineaux dont cry Riley cause you gonna make me cry and then it's gonna be a mess I ain't mad your kid and my kid will just be closer in age and maybe they'll date each other

Riley_Friar awww that would be so cuteee

Lucas_Friar NO BOYS

maya_Matthews you sound like Corey

Corey_Matthews I agree with Lucas no boys

Riley_Friar oh hush we don't even knwo if it's a girl
Or a boy

Topi_Matthews farkle Joshua

Farkle_Minkus Yes

Joshua_Matthews yes

Topi_Matthews I'm gonna give you advice just give into the baby fever it will be so much easier

Joshua_Matthews not yet

Farkle_Minkus ^

Maya_Matthews but if you do then we can all be pregnant together and that would be so cutteee

Izzy_Minkus ^^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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