For DunBroch!

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Everyone was resting for the battle tomorrow. I couldn't sleep though. For once in my life, I was scared. Scared to fight. This might be the last time I get to spend with my friends. Do I think Sonny might keep her end of the bargain? No. I think she's gonna try to kill all these people once I'm dead. Hence, where Mallian and Tim comes in. Tim could use his magic and Mallian could use his to get everyone out of there. At least that's one problem solved.

"You were always a night person," I heard behind me. I slightly turned my head as Uma walked over to me. "Never understood why." She stood next to me. "What's wrong?"

I didn't remove my gaze from the land. "Just a bit nervous."

Uma chuckled. "Nervous? You? The same MJ who snuck into the Underworld to pull Harry out before he fell into the Styx river?" She scoffed. "What's so different about this?"

"Because, for once, I've got a lot to lose." I looked at her. "I'm not just risking my life, I'm risking my friends. For once, people are actually depending on me to do something...something...."

She raised her eyebrows at me. "Right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. To be the hero." I sighed as I looked towards the land again. "I've spent all my life being a villain's kid. Suddenly, I wake up finding out that my parents are rulers of a kingdom."

"Sounds like a horrible story if you ask me." We both laughed.

"It does, now I think about it." I slowly turned around, my back against the railing. "I have no idea how to be a hero."

Uma copied my stance and crossed her arms. "So don't. The world is full of heroes. You just have to be the better villain. And who makes a better villain than us?"

"No one."

"My point exactly. This Sonny chick isn't going to know what hit her tomorrow."

"And Jeffrey."

Uma smirked. "Don't you worry about him. Someone's been egar to end his life."

I smiled at her. "I know. Harry's been wanting to hook him since he came."

"Oh. I was talking about me. Harry's been glaring at Axel since he came." I sighed in annoynce. "Hey, when you told me you were calling Axel, I thought you meant Kronk's son. Not your ex."

"Harry knows I love him."

Uma made a disgusting face. "Don't remind me." She moved to lean against the railing. "So, when you win this war, you know they're gonna want you to rule this place."


"Where would that leave you and Harry?" I shot her a look. "Come on, MJ. You really gotta think about this. If you stay and rule, where would that leave Harry?"

Would would that leave Harry? I imagine Harry going back to Auradon or the Isle, finding some new girl to love. Forget all about me and live the life he's meant to have. I could see it now, his very own ship. The second Jolly Roger. His own crew. He could have the adventure he always wanted. Fine someone to be Mrs. Hook.

"Don't ye know this by now, Uma?" Harry's voice broke my thoughts. "Wherever Frosty goes, I'll go. Wherever she stays, I'll stay." Harry's gaze didn't leave me. "I'm staying."

"Harry -" I started.

He shook his head. "No, love. We all know I take what I want." He walked towards us. "And what I've wanted for a long time is ye." He brought his hook up and ran it down my face. "A pirate always values his treasure."

Uma scrunched up her nose. "Oh, my Hades. Get a room." Harry and I shot her a look. "Fine. While we're having a fluffy moment, I would like to say...MJ, for once, I'll be glad to be your first mate." Harry cleared his throat, making Uma roll her eyes. "One of them."

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