Chapter 3

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Hey guys I tried to make this chapter a bit longer and I hope you like it. Also by the way, thanks so much for the nice comments, and I hope you continue to enjoy my story.

Raven. POV
I've been at the mall with Starfire for three hours and yet I still find myself deprived of books. So when I see Star admiring another dress I roll my eyes.
     "Don't you have enough sun dresses Star?" I ask as I walk up to her. "Every time we go shopping you buy at least five."
     "I'm sorry friend Raven, I cannot help it." Starfire says embarrassed as she shakes her head. "The dresses are all very beautiful and I cannot do the choosing between them."
     "Star, just don't get any at all, you have more than enough." I say gesturing to the pink and yellow sundress she is currently wearing.
     Starfire sighs sadly then looks at the dress. "You are right friend Raven, I am not in need of any more of the sun dresses."
I shake my head. "Come on Star lets go to the book store, maybe you'll find a book or two that you like."
Starfire's mood immediately brightens and gives me one of her big classic smiles. "Of course!" She yells in delight. "Onwards, to the store of the books!"
I find myself smiling as Starfire flys into the air heading towards the book store at top speed, dragging her five bags of clothes along behind her. I follow her walking faster than I was before, only carrying my one bag with only a pair of black ripped jeans and two rugged looking tee-shirts that I took a liking to. But still Star pressured me into buying them.
Going on shopping trips with Star always seems to be a dangerous gamble I have no hope of winning. I always find myself buying things I would never dream of buying because of her. She has convinced me to buy the strangest of things, once she even somehow convinced me to buy heals! I realized instantly after I bought them though that I would never wear them, since I would be sure to break my neck.
I smile when I arrive at the store and to the terrorized look on the shopkeeper's face. When I step inside the girl instantly sees me then relief flashes across her face.
"Oh thank the gods, Raven! Your friend is insane!" The girl practically yells.
I laugh good naturally at her utter terror of Starfire. "This isn't funny!" The blonde girl says defiantly, but still with a look of terror on her face which just makes me laugh more.
"Oh come on Skylar it is a little bit." I say smirking then ask, "Hey, how's running the store with your mom?"
"Good." She replies. "It's fun to work with my mom and my brother."
"The book store looks good."
This book store recently opened and it has quickly become my favorite. Skylar's family named it the Skylark Bookstore, they have a variety of different books and I like it here.
"Thanks." Skylar says.
I nod then then start searching for Star. She isn't hard to find from all the noise she's making and the fact that she is the only one who is flying. I smile to myself, classic Star. She's standing in the non-fiction section obviously confused as to why the books were all of facts and figures not like the books that I let her borrow.
     "Friend Raven, these books appear to be dysfunctional, please, how must I fix them?" Starfire asks innocently.
     I shake my head slowly at her in amusement. "Star." I say trying not to laugh. "There's nothing wrong with the books, you're in the non-fiction section, the fiction section over there." I point to the other side of the store.
     "What is the difference between the fiction and the not fiction, friend Raven?" She asks.
     I sigh. "Non-fiction books have things in them that have actually happened before, when fiction books are just made up stories written for entertainment."
     "Oh." She says taking in the new information. "Well I would like to find the made up stories!"
     "Okay Starfire." I say smiling. "The fiction section is just over here."
     We walk to the other side of the room and start looking at the shelves but right before I'm about to suggest a book to Star, she suddenly gasps. I whirl around to look at her but I don't see any danger. "What's wrong?" I ask.
     "Friend Raven, was the book you gave me to do the reading of, the fiction as well?" She asks uncertainly.
     "Yeah it was." I answer unsure where this was gonna go.
     Star's eyes suddenly fill with tears. "So the dragon man was the not real, too?"
     "Sorry Star." I say awkwardly not knowing what else to say.
     We stay silent for a while just looking at books until Star finally breaks the silence with a question. "Am I the strange friend Raven?" She asks.
     My answer is immediate. "Of course you are Star."
     The expression on her face looked as if I'd slapped her. She sadly looks into my eyes. "I'm very sorry friend Raven for being of the strange, perhaps you could tell me how not to be."
     I shake my head. "Star." I say. "Don't ever change yourself for anyone, if someone calls you strange just embrace it. You're strange and so am I, being strange just means you're different and differences should be cherished not looked down upon. You're perfect just the way you are."
     Starfire grins widely, then pulls me into one of her trademark bone crushing hugs. "Oh thank you friend!" She yells happily.
     "Starfire- can't breath-" I gasp and she quickly lets go.
     "Oh friend I thank you for doing the having of the girl time with me."
     "No problem Star." I reply. "Would you like help finding a book?"
     "Yes please friend."
     I walk over to a shelf of books. "What genre do you like Star?" I ask.
     "Yeah, like fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, realistic fiction, romance or horror." I answer.
     "Please, did the book I have done the reading of, have the genre?"
     I put my face in my hands. "Yes, Star yes it did."
     "What might the genre be, friend Raven?" She asks.
     "It was fantasy."
     "Oh glorious!" She shouts enthusiastically. "I shall do the reading of more of the fantasy!"
     I laugh at Starfire's happiness as I head to the cash register with my stack of books, these should keep me occupied for at least a month. Star suddenly come running up to me holding out a book, which I recognize immediately, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
     "Good choice." I say as I laugh.
     I buy all of our books then we walk out of the shop towards to the outside doors.
"Friend Raven, again I would like to thank you again for allowing me to have the girl time you since I know you do not care for the mall of the shopping, but I really needed the comforting after earlier today." Starfire says to me sincerely.
"No problem Star." I say kindly. "What happened earlier today?"
"Oh well, friend Cyborg said that it was the nothing but I had heard friends Beast Boy and Cyborg get into the heated argument so, I became sad. Friends should not fight."
I stop dead in my tracks. Could they have been fighting about... "Star did you hear what they were saying?" I ask.
"No." She says sadly. "I did not friend Raven, I am the very sorry."
I nod then start running towards the double doors. I need to get back to the tower NOW!

A soon as we get inside the Titans tower, I instantly drop my bags in the living room then head towards Cyborg's room. I rap my knuckles on his door three times then wait for him to open the door, I truly hope that he's not angry at me.
He opens the door a few seconds later, then when he sees that it's me he gives me a small smile. "Hey Raven, what's up?" He asks.
"I heard you and Beast Boy got into a fight." I say in my usual monotone.
Cyborg presses his lips together into a thin line, then rubs the back of his neck. "We just got into a little spat, that's all."
I narrow my eyes. "Did this "little spat" have anything to do with what I said earlier?" I ask.
"No." He replies instantly.
"Victor I can always tell when people lie, so stop lying and tell me what happened."
Cyborg sighs. "I went over to confront to Beast Boy about his behavior but things got a little out of hand. He said some things that I'm sure he's gonna regret later, but you were right, I think he needed that."
I nod slowly in understanding. "Yeah okay." I say. "But I shouldn't have let you confront him by yourself."
"Raven, it's fine. Anyway I think it might have been a good thing you weren't there, we really just needed a bro to bro chat."
"Sure." I say, then turn to leave.
"Oh and um... Raven," He says hesitantly, "maybe you should try talking to him as well."
"I can't do anything for him." I say, then add even more quietly, "Anyway he thinks that I hate him." And with that I walk off, down the hall then into my room.

Cyborg. POV

I watch as the blue cloaked girl walks down the hall then into her room.
Every time I see her she reminds me of that night a month ago with BB, and his confession that came with it. I'm not so sure anymore that this is about Terra, but honestly, I hate to admit this even to myself, I have no clue what's going on anymore.
I just stare after the violet haired girl remembering what she just said, "I can't do anything for him" she said. I shake my head sadly, you can do far more for him than you might think Raven, you can do far more for him then any of us can.

I know I've said this multiple times but I would gladly accept your input on my story and could probably use some writing tips. As I'm sure you know school has recently started again so I won't have as much time to update, I will try to write as often as I can but I'm not sure when I can update. I also had an idea for another story and thought that I would try writing it, so I hope if I publish it you'll check it out as well. Thanks.

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