Chapter 6

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     Happy holidays!
     Well... for most people at least. I've been waiting at the airport for the last few hours. My dad and I are going on a trip to Louisiana for New Years to see the rest of my family. Now don't get me wrong, I love traveling I just don't like flying on planes or driving for twelve hours. But I hope that you all are having an amazing break and enjoying the time with your friends and family.

This chapter will probably be kinda short since I am working on it on the plane. Sorry if this sounds a bit rushed.

Beast Boy's P.O.V
I never went to bed last night, I couldn't have even if I wanted to. After everyone went to their respective rooms and the tower was finally quiet, I went back inside.
To keep busy I played video games for a few hours, snacking on junk food while beating Cyborg's high score. I smiled to myself, thinking of what his face would look like when he realized that I beat him. In the morning before anyone got up, I snuck back into Terra's room.
     I didn't want anyone to realize that I didn't sleep and be worried about me. They would scold me for it and state that sleep is a necessity.
     Though now, I am back on the roof waiting for Raven. She came into Terra's room earlier and told me to meet her here at six, but she still hasn't shown up yet. I have been here for an half hour already and I'm starting to get worried.
Maybe she decided that I am a lost cause.
     I sigh, and pull my legs up to my chest.
I don't understand what it is that I'm feeling towards her, or perhaps I do and just don't want to acknowledge it. The only time I've ever felt anything like this was with Terra, but that was different, Raven is just my friend. Raven isn't like Terra, we're nothing alike. She thinks I'm a freak and a loser, and she's right.
I start to get up, disappointed in myself and in the girl I thought would understand. I walk up to the the door, but just as I reach for the door knob the door is suddenly flung open and hits me in the nose.
     "Ow." I groan, rubbing my face as I see a blurry image of someone walk through the door.
     "Beast Boy! Oh, I'm sorry!" I hear someone say as they run over to me.
     I look up at them blurry eyed, "Raven?" I ask, still disoriented from being hit in the face.
     "Yes it's me, I'm sorry I'm late, I wa- Oh geez... your nose is bleeding." She starts worriedly.
      I touch my face below my nose and feel something sticky touch my fingers. I bring my hand down to eye level then immediately wince at the sight of my own blood. The smell of the dark substance makes me feel like throwing up for some reason, probably thanks to my animal DNA.
      Suddenly I feel a hand gently touch my cheek, distracting me momentarily. I lock my green eyes with the pair of mysterious amethyst eyes staring at me fearfully. Instantly I feel something swoop in my stomach and catch in my throat, but I still don't look away.
      My skin warms under her touch, making me wonder if I'm blushing. When her eyes start to faintly glow, I suddenly realize what she is doing and mentally kick myself for thinking anything else.
Of course she's healing me, she's Raven that's what she does.
      I feel the pain in my face disappear as if it was never there in the first place. The heat from her hand slowly fades too, and I find myself feeling disappointed that she will soon move her hand away.
      I continue to stare at her, waiting for her to remove her hand from my face. She makes no move to walk or turn away which fills me with both pleasure and confusion. Why is she still touching me?
      My gaze flicks down to her soft looking lips then back up to her gorgeous eyes and hair. She seems to be in a sort of trance, with her eyes glazed over, as if she is in a distant place far away from our reality.
Though the healing process is no longer in effect her touch feels electric, making me aware of exactly how close we are. I know that I should probably move away since she no longer seems to be aware of her surroundings, but honestly I just can't.
     It is addicting to look at her, watching her uneven breathing blow a strand of her dark hair from her face. Her beautiful gray skin shining under the afternoon sun.
     I sigh, forcing myself to look away from her unearthly beauty. I attempt to focus on something else, anything else, but unfortunately that seems to be an impossible task.
     From the corner of my eye I suddenly see her jolt as if she was just harshly shaken awake by some invisible hand. Immediately I turn towards her and we lock eyes simultaneously.
     "Are you okay?" I ask, then put my hand on her shoulder.
     She nods slowly then blinks up at me momentarily disoriented. "Yeah... I think-" she starts but cuts off sharply when she notices my hand on her shoulder. She brushes my hand off, then snaps an irritable, "I'm fine."
     I pull away, slightly hurt. Did I do something? Why does Raven hate me? I thought we were getting somewhere.

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