Chapter 4

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Hello again, sorry that I didn't post very quickly this time. Since I have school during the week I probably won't be able to post then, but I will try to post on the weekends. Thanks so much for the support and I hope you enjoy chapter 4.

Beast Boy. POV

     I pace around my room, my mind moving faster than my feet.
     I've never seen Cyborg that mad before, he must really be angry at me for the way I've acted the past few months. I fight the urge to go apologize to him, he said to come to him when I'm ready to become the "Old Beast Boy" again, and just thinking that hardens my resolve. I'm not going to go begging at his feet for forgiveness, I would rather die than do that even for my best friend.
     I remember what I said before, "I'll leave." I threatened. Cyborg didn't think I was serious, but I am no longer the immature joking guy I once was. I've changed and he can't tell me what to do, I'm not gonna let anyone push me down again.
     I grab my suitcase from my closet then start stuffing my things inside. I don't know where I'm going to go, I might go back to the Doom Patrol since they told me that I could always go back to them, but lately I have thought about the possibility of traveling the world. I've always wanted to go back to Africa to see the area where I grew up again but that might be too painful. Maybe I'll live in the wild or something, in a nice forested area where no one can ridicule me.
     I sigh knowing that it doesn't really matter where I go as long as it's out. I'm really gonna miss the Titans they were a family to me when I most needed one. I'll never forget Starfire's joyous smile or Cyborg's loud victory cries in the heat of battle. I will definitely miss bird boy, though I'm not so sure I going to miss his training sessions. And I don't know why but I feel like I'm going to miss Raven the most, whenever I see even the slightest hint of a smile on her face it fills me with happiness. She makes me feel different, she always feels like- control your thoughts Beast Boy! I think to myself. She doesn't like you, get over it.
     I shake my head sadly, as I continue packing my things. I walk over to my closet and then grab a few of my uniforms cause I might need them later. I zip up my bag then prop it on it's side, I pull it out the door smoothly and turn towards the common room. I hesitate for a moment worried how they will react once I walk in with a suitcase full of stuff, unfortunately it is a moment too long. A moment later Starfire comes bounding the corner humming to herself, when she sees me she delightedly runs up and hugs me.
     When she lets go she immediately starts talking. "Friend! Are you going to do the playing of the video games with us?" She asks hopefully.
     I shake my head. "I'm sorry Star, I can't I'm doing something." I say.
     Starfire nods but when she spots my bag her eyes widen. "Friend what are you doing with the case of the suits?" She asks innocently.
     "Nothing, just moving it down to the basement." I lie.
     I mentally hit myself, I truly am a terrible liar. Star narrows her eyes, and I can tell she doesn't believe me. "Where are you going friend? Please do not do the lying to me."
     I sigh slowly. "Star, I'm leaving." I say quietly.
     "What!" She practically shrieks in my ear. "You are leaving, friend Beast Boy?!"
     "I'm sorry Star, but I don't have a choice."
     "Friend Beast Boy you do have the choice, you can choose not to leave the Titans."
     I give her a small sad smile. "Star there's nothing you can do to make me change my mind, no one wants me here. I will miss you all, but can't stay."
I watch as a tear rolls down her face, and she starts sobbing uncontrollably. She runs out into the common room still crying, as I follow her. When I roll my suitcase into the common room the sight before me shocks me, Robin, Raven, and Cyborg are all gathered around Starfire trying to comfort her. Apparently she hadn't told them why she was crying yet, since no one looked my way when I entered.
"It's okay Star, it's okay." Says Robin calmly while stroking her hair.
"What's wrong?" Asked Cyborg.
I suddenly feel eyes on my back, then turn around to see Raven glaring at me accusingly. I always feel like a knife is plunged into my stomach when she looks at me like that, so turn away and try to ignore her.
"One of our friends is leaving us." I hear Star sob, suddenly all the attention turns to me.
"What!" Yells Cyborg, outraged.
I whip around. "Hey you were the one who told me to leave!" I shout at him.
"I never told you to leave! I told you to wait until you're ready to move on, then to come to me!" He shouts angrily.
I shake head. "Then I'm gonna wait somewhere else!"
"You can't leave!" Cyborg shouts.
"Please don't leave friend." Pleads Starfire.
"Yeah come on Beast Boy, we all just want you back. You can't leave." States Robin.
"You just watch me." I state bitterly. "Anyway who's gonna stop me?"
I'm about to turn into a bird then fly out a window when suddenly a black force covers me, stopping me from transforming. "I am." Says a voice behind me.
I turn around to see the purple haired enchantress herself glaring at me with her beautiful amethyst eyes. I noticed long ago how when she's angry everything about her just seems to be enhanced. To me she has always looked stunning when mad, cause she seems so wild and untamed. That's why I always tried make her mad all the time before, just to see this side of her. I suddenly realize that she is standing in front of me which shakes me out of my thoughts.
"Hi Rae Rae." I say nervously as I stare her in the face, terrified for my life.
Suddenly Raven drops the energy field around me then grabs me by the ear. Surprised by her actions, I don't instantly react so I end up being dragged away from the door. "I've had enough of your bullshit!" She scolds me as she lets go of my ear. "We've tried giving you space, I've tried getting Cyborg to talk to you, and we've all given you many second chances. That's over now. Now you have two choices, 1 you can come up to the roof with me and we can talk this out peacefully, or 2 I can forcibly drag you up to the roof then throw you off multiple times until you're willing to listen to reason." She says firmly.
"Is there a number 3?" I ask.
At that she rolls her eyes then grabs my ear again, dragging me towards the roof entrance.
     "Ow ow ow!" I shout as she drags me up the stairs, whacking my backside every time she pulls me up a step. Which, even though I am in horrible pain, I have to admit is no small feat.
     When we finally make it up to the roof Rae lets go of my soon to be swollen ear. I touch my ear then wince. "Hey Rae," I say with a smirk, "I know that ladies love the ears, but please be careful with them, they're tender." She slaps the back of my head, yet for some reason when I look up at her, I find her to be smiling.
     "What?" I ask as I rub the back of my head and my ear.
     "You made a joke." She says still smiling. "There maybe hope for you yet."
     "I thought you hate my jokes." I exclaim surprised.
     "Oh believe me I do." She says holding her hands up. "But you're jokes are part of who you are, and none of us would change that for anything."
     Astonished by her words I look straight at her, feeling touched. But as soon as we make eye contact I suddenly feel heat creep up my neck, so I turn away. A few moments of silence pass between us before Raven walks over to the edge of the roof then sits down with her legs hanging over the side. She motions for me to follow, so I sit down right next to her then look towards the city.
Astonishingly Raven suddenly removes her cloak from her shoulders, then sets it next to her in a heap on the roof. I notice that Rae isn't wearing her usual leotard and belt, but strangely instead wearing dark blue ripped skinny jeans and a loose black shirt. I look closer then realize that the shirt is inscribed with the words, Shut up! Before I send you to another dimension.
I laugh out loud which captures Raven's attention away from the view of the city. "What?" She asks.
I raise an eyebrow. "Nice shirt." I say smirking. Rae immediately looks down then covers the words with her arms. "Was it custom made?" I ask, now clearly mocking her.
She rolls her eyes. "That's none of your business." She says moodily. "Anyway I just got this so that you will know that at all hours of the day, it is always and will always be a constant threat."
I raise my hands in surrender. "Understood."
She smirks slyly. "Oh that's too bad, I was hoping you would require a demonstration." She says deviously.
I shudder internally remembering the last time she sent me to another dimension, to put it simply, it was not a fun experience. "I'm good, thanks."
Raven smiles, then returns her gaze to the afternoon sun shining down on jump city. I on the other hand just continue looking at her. I notice how her pale gray skin shines in the sun and how the serene look on her face shows her features in a different way, calm and at peace, instead of just angry or blank. I love seeing her like this, I like seeing her without her walls around her or without a mask on. She's always beautiful, she just never lets people see her.
I admire her long hair, it moves in waves with the wind. I know how much she used to hate long hair and I have often wondered why she grew it out, but I've never asked. I suddenly think about what it would feel like to move my hands in and how She would feel.
I snap myself out of it with a quick mental slap. Come on this is Raven! She hates me, she would never think of me in that way... Yet a part of me still wants to touch her in some way, so against my will I raise my hand up to brush away a stray hair from her face, causing her to look at me.
My face instantly turns red and I see that her's does too. Great, she must think I'm a weirdo now. Not that I wasn't already one. Who would love someone like me?
She stands up then grabs her cloak, she throws it over her shoulders then puts her hood up so I can't see her face. She turns to me. "Meet me up here tomorrow evening and we will talk about whatever you need to." She says, business like.
I give her a slight smile. "Yeah I'll see you later." I say, as she walks towards the entrance to the building.
I watch her start to leave but then surprisingly she stops the n turns around. "Oh yeah, and if you even think about trying to escape, I will chain you to the floor of the basement for a week." Then with that she walks inside the tower, slamming the door behind her.
I suppose that this display should probably scare me, yet the only word on my mind is, Damn.

Sorry about the language if  you picky about things like that. I tried to make this chapter longer than before but I admit it was a bit rushed so if it sounded that way, again I apologize. Thank you so much for reading. Bye.🙂

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