Chapter Four

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Dean walked down the road, his only thoughts were getting Cas back. He couldn't remember where the next crossroads was, so he just walked, thinking of the beach. Thinking of Cas's last day. Of the flatline that signaled the love of his life was gone.

It was a few hours later that Dean found another crossroads, dusk was starting to fall and blanket Dean in darkness. He buried the tin box in the center of the crossroads and sat on the ground and waited, and after two minutes, a Demon appeared and Dean stood.

"Cas. I want Cas back and ten years with him." Dean said to the raven haired demon who looked too much like Cas for Dean to be comfortable.

And again, an Angel appeared and smote the demon.

"Why? Can I at least know why I can't have Cas back?" Dean asked, his voice desperate and choked. He was close to crying again.

"Because he is an angel." The woman said, not introducing herself in any way.

"What? Can I see him? Please?" Dean asked, lighting up with hope. The woman shook her head softly, her dark locks of hair falling cascading in front of her face, and with the sound of wings fluttering, she was gone.

Dean screamed to the sky. "You douchebags! Give me Cas back!" Dean cried out to the sky, and he screamed and screamed for hours until his voice was hoarse and he tired himself out. He sat on the side of the road and put his head in his hands, his eyes puffy as he started falling asleep just as hints of dawn started to appear.

"Castiel ." Dean whispered as he drifted towards unconsciousness. He didn't see the dark figure standing down the road, watching him, golden specks of morning light streaking over the person's face, and as Dean drifted away from the conscious world, the person disappeared, a sad smile on their face.

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