Chapter Seven

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Castiel didn't notice the man standing behind him with an angel blade ready. The man stood behind Castiel, a smirk playing on his lips. He could wipe out this entire diner in seconds, but he'd settle for this...

He brought the Angel Blade up, and then plunged it down into Castel's chest.

Dean saw.

Dean stood up, running for Cas and the man, the man grinned wider and pulled the blade out of Castiel's chest, and the mark of Angel wings burned into the ground and walls. The man flipped the blade in his hand, pulling out a gun, aiming...


The entire diner was screaming. The whole world, seemed like it.

The man plunged the blade into his own chest, as Dean laid on the ground, blood seeping out from a singular hole in his head. The man's mission was complete. As Dean's soul left his body, he caught a glance of the man's face...

It was Sam. It was Sammy.

No. It wasn't Sam. It couldn't be! Sam wouldn't kill Cas! He wouldn't.. Angel wings burned behind Sam, and Dean watched, pain in his chest. A woman walked up to him, a beautiful woman. If anything he read was true, this was a Reaper.

"No, I'm not going." Dean said, and she sighed, watched him for a moment and disappeared.

Dean went over to Cas and searched frantically for any light still coming from Cas, but there was none. Cas's light had faded. It was like the flatline all over again. One, steady thing, signaling that the love of his life was dead..

Not dead. People like Cas never really say goodbye, so this wasn't goodbye. People like Cas say 'See you then.' And so Dean would see Cas.. He would.

Dean flew up in his bed, wait, no, not his bed... Wait, it was his bed! It was! But.. Cas was in it... Oh lord, Cas... Dean looked at his calender.. He hadn't gone to Vietnam yet. Oh lord.. Cas was... Oh god, Dean as crying. He had to get it out, no matter how much he just wanted to tell Cas, he wouldn't. He would kill Balthazar, then himself. Keep Cas from dying... Twice.. There was no way that was all just a bad dream. He had seen the future and was given an oppurtunity to change it.. And he would.

Dean walked out of his apartment, rushing down to the first floor, running his hands through his hair frantically. He rushed toward his bike, bumping into someone.

"You." Dean growled, eyeing the man and throwing him into a wall.

"Stay the fuck away from me." He said, blaming the young man for everything that had gone wrong. Fucking Samandriel. Dean rushed over to his bike and got on, the smell of the burning rubber following him as he sped. He swerved to avoid hitting a car, and started softly singing.

"Wise men say.." Dean started, his voice sounding choked.

"Only fools rush in.." He continued as he pulled up in front of Balthazar's place, parking his bike.

"But I can't help falling in love with you... Shall I stay, would it be a sin.." He sung as he walked into Balthazar's place, grabbing a large kitchen knife.

"For I can't help falling in love with you.. Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are meant to be...."

Dean looked around for Balthazar, walking into his bedroom.

"Take my hand.. Take my whole life, too, for i can't help, falling in love with you." He continued, convincing himself that this was for the best. For Cas. He stared at Balthazar.

"Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, somethings are meant to be... Take my hand, take my whole life too.." Dean trailed off as he dragged the sharp blade over Balthazar's throat, watching him bleed out, his eyes opening wide in panic.

"For I can't help, falling in love with you.. For I can't help falling in love with you.." Dean trailed off as he dropped the knife and reached into Balthazar's night stand, pulling out a gun and checking for bullets. It was a nice revolver, well taken care of. Six rounds.

"I can dig Elvis.." He said before pressing the gun to his temple and pulling the trigger.


Just like in the diner.

Cas awoke the next morning, rubbing his face and turning, expecting to see Dean, but he wasn't there.. Maybe he was in the bathroom. Cas would wait a few moments. Ten minutes passed before Cas got up, padding aroud the apartment and looking for Dean, before realizing that Dean's boots were gone, and so was his bike. Where had he gone? Dean had promised to make him breakfast that morning. Cas was looking forward to it, but now Dean was nowhere in sight. Cas called Sam, but Sam didn't know where he was, either. Cas put on his shoes and went down to the first floor, going out the door and looking around, walking up to the first person he saw.

"Hello, did you see the man who drove away on that motorcycle?" He asked softly, worry in his voice.

"You mean the fucker that slammed me up against a wall? Told me to stay away from him? Crazy looking? Yeah, he left, went peeling off in that direction." Samandriel said, pointing it out and glaring slightly at Cas.

Cas thought for a moment and nodded, sighing and running his fingers through his hair. Balthazar. It had to be. He waited not-so-patiently for Sam, and when he arrived Cas told him where to go, just on a gut feeling. Sam drove for what felt like forever, and Cas tapped his foot impatiently and fidgeted in his seat, when they finally arrived, Cas quickly got out, throwing a wait here over his shoulder, walking into the building.

"Dean? Balth?" He called, but no reply. Strange. He walked around, noticing slight blood on the carpet, slowly growing. Cas approached it and was rocked by the sight that awaited him. Dean. Dead. Shot in the head. Cas collapsed to his knees, petting Dean's hair out of the way.

"No, come on, Dean! Not like this! Not like this!" He said, tears dripping down his face.

"Balthazar.. Oh god.. Balthazar! Dean! Oh god.."Cas cried and stood up, walking out to Sam, to the car, his hands coated in blood.

"He's... They're both.. Oh god, there's so much blood.." Cas said, looking down at his bloodstained hands.

Sam looked at Cas and immediately understood. Dean was dead. He let out a choked noise and put a hand over his face. Cas let out a sob as people from the other buildings were calling the cops. Cas found his way back inside and cradled Dean's bleeding skull in his lap.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in, but i cant help falling in love with you..." Cas whispered, stroking Dean's face.

"Shall i stay, would it be a sin, for I can't help fa-falling in love with y-y-you. Like a riv-river flows, surely to the sea." Cas sang, his breath catching repeatedly in his throat as his pajama bottoms soaked up Dean's blood.

"Darling so it goes, something's are meant to be... Take my ha-hand, take my whole life too, for I can't hel-hel-help falling in love with you." He sang and kissed Dean's lips softly.

"Like a river flows- Oh god, Dean, please come back to me- Surely to the sea, darling so it goes, something's are meant to be.. Take my hand, take my whole life too, for i can't help, falling in love with you..." He continued as he heard sirens approaching.

"For I can't help, falling in love with you.." He whispered and kissed Dean again, as Dean's shell fell to the bottom of the ocean in Cas's shell's place, years early.

As the sirens wailed, Cas let out a stuttering breath.

"See you then." He whispered as he picked up the gun, feeling the weight of it in his hand. He intertwined his fingers with Dean's, and pressing the gun to his temple, closing his eyes.

"I love you, Dean Winchester.." He said.


It was over. With a bang of a gun, and Cas's body thumping dully to the floor, it was over. At least for Cas, Dean, and Balthazar. It seems that Dean's attempt at keeping Cas alive had failed. Had only brought Cas to death faster and still, he died in Dean's arms, like it was always meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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