Chapter 1

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Thunder crashed loudly as she shook underneath her covers. Sabrina just absolutely hated thunder and lightning. It was loud and scary. Her sister slept in the room next to hers. Puck slept in the room across from her. But her sister wouldn't wake up. She knew what to do even if it was embarrassing. Her eleven-year-old sister would be sound asleep. She hasn't grown out of those habits. Even after 2 and a half years. 

Sabrina jumped out of bed as an unexpected crash shook the house running to her door. She ran to her boyfriend's door and knocked quietly but quickly. On the other side, his wooden bed with the soft blankets moved as he shuffled out of bed and to the door. He could probably fall on the floor and sleep in seconds.

 He opened the door shocked. She didn't wait for even a second after the door opened. As soon as the door knob turned, she jumped into his arms. Taking in his smell of pine and forest. 

" Hey, what's wrong?" He asked holding her stunned. 

" Can I stay in here until the storm lets down?" She asked hiding her face in his neck.

 He held her hand and walked her to his bed. After they laid down, she slept soundly through the night. Puck didn't even realize he fell asleep until his room's sun rose slowly. He watched Sabrina sleep soundly until her eyes fluttered open. " Goodmorning. Thank you for letting me stay in here." She said. He smiled and pecked her nose. " No problem. Want to go get some breakfast?" He asked raising his eyebrows. Sabrina nodded and got off his bed. 

They descended down the stairs to smell the food already from the kitchen. Inside, Granny and Veronica were cooking while Henry, Jake, and Basil sat at the table. Daphne was reading one of the many books Jake gave her when it comes to using magic. " Morning." Sabrina said taking a seat at the stool top bar. Puck followed her and sat the next seat to the right. " Morning sweetie. Are you hungry? I don't think I need to ask you, Puck." Veronica said with a chuckle. Puck blushed looking at Sabrina. 

" Yeah. Thanks, mom. " She said looking back at him. " Well, now that that is settled, I'd like to know where you were early this morning. And by early, I mean one!" Daphne asked.

 Everyone knew that they were dating and had been for one and a half years so everyone had a pretty good guess when Daphne teased her. 

Sabrina blushed and saw Uncle Jake continuously raise his eyebrows up and down. " UNCLE JAKE!" Sabrina burst in between laughing and yelling. Puck laughed and answered for her. 

" To answer your question Marshmallow, she came to my room because the storm hit the house badly. Nothing happened. I just comforted." He said proudly. Sabrina's blushing deepened. " Okay, enough about that, when will breakfast be ready cause I want to find a dress for the dance tomorrow night," Sabrina said. Veronica, Granny's, Daphne's, and Puck's eyes lit up at that remark.

 " Oh, we can take you shopping. Just us girls. And the guys can take Puck." Veronica said clasping her hands.

 After a quick breakfast, they got dressed. It was an hour after dinner when everyone was meeting in the living room to leave for the shops. Puck and Sabrina walked out of their rooms at the same time. It was December so when they needed to dress appropriately. Sabrina came out wearing a grey long sleeve, skinny jeans, and knee-high brown leather boots. Puck came out wearing blue jeans, black vans, a black shirt, and a brown leather jacket. He walked up to her, put his hands on her waist, and slid his hand down her boot. When he lifted his hand, the hidden dagger sat on his hand. His eyebrows raised. 

Sabrina snickered and hid it back in her boot. He kissed her passionately before taking her hand and them walking downstairs together. They saw everyone staring at them as they got to the bottom. When everyone walked outside, it made them freeze. The cold wind blew and the men/ women split into separate cars. 

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