Chapter 3

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" Henry, Get in there. Go now!" Jake yells. It has been two years since Puck disappeared. Sabrina was now 19 years old. She was supposed to be in college but instead, she spent those years planning how to get Puck. They then learned he was staying in the Red hand's hideout. She knew he didn't want to. She didn't give up. And now armed with sword and daggers, she waited by their spot with Daph, Red, her mom, and Moth. Moth had decided to stay and now was actually one of Sabrina's best friends. All armed and ready to go. Jake and Henry made it through the security team and heard some guards in the stone hall. They jumped them and killed one. " Where is the Fae?!" Jake demanded with an icy voice. " I don't know what your talking about." The guard said coldly. Henry stabbed his thigh and the man shrieked. " Try again!" Jake yelled. " Ok, ok, he is in the underground cellar." He whimpered. " Pleasure doing business." Henry said as he shoved the man to the ground. They ran and looked until they saw bars and behind the bars were a dark cellar lit by one torch in a corner. No one seemed to be inside but as they looked at the other corner, they saw a small person huddled into a small ball. Their back was all they could clearly see. It was so bony and you could count their ribs. " Who is that?" Henry asked. " I don't know. Break the lock quickly." Jake said frowning at the small frail body. Henry broke it and they saw the body flinch and hide further into themselves at the noise. They walked to the person. " Hey, we can get you out of here." Jake said. He was about 3 feet from the body. But what they weren't expecting, happened. The person looked up and had the same hair they always knew. The golden curls now looked about a dirty brown bird nest. Hi green eyes flashed and glowed. They had power but more fear in them. His face pitiful and scared. " Puck?" they gasped. The faerie pushed as far as he could into the wall. " Hey, hey it's ok. Shh" Jake said softly inching closer. Puck noticed and whimpered. " He doesn't remember us." henry said. " That's fine. We need to get him out of here. Then we can deal with what he remembers." jake said. He quickly hauled Puck up despite his muffled screams. Henry covered his mouth and they led him out the door. He thrashed and struggled with their grip. They hurried and Jake grabbed the walkie talkie off his jacket. " Daphne! Come in Daph!" He said as they found the exit. " Hey, I'm here. Do you have him? Uncle Jake?" But Jake couldn't hear it anymore. " What's happening out there?" Sabrina asks stabbing a troll. Two more trolls sneak up on her as Daphne uses her wand with another three. They punch Sabrina and throw her to the ground. Jake and henry make a clearing and see the girls struggling. They watch as they shove Sabrina to the ground. One starts taking kicks. Hard blows at her back and stomach while, with shock, the other stomps down right on her knee making a satisfying crunch. Henry and Jake spring into action. They put Puck by a tree and run at them. Henry kills the troll who hurt Sabrina's knee and Jake works the other one. Sabrina was screaming as she held her knee. But as she watched her Uncle and dad save her, she starts to whimper. She scoots up despite the pain in her body and tries to stand with one cry of pain. She stands on one leg and limps to her dad. He lifts her up in one swift movement and holds her bridal style. Jake tells Daphne to be ready and they run to the tree. He wasn't even there. But Jake sees Puck trying to get away only about 10 ft away. Jake easily gets to him and grabs him gently but quickly. " PUCK!" Sabrina yells. She hasn't seen him yet. But she saw him run. She just wants to look at his face but Daphne says an odd word and they all zap gone. They appeared at the house and Sabrina's dad runs inside with her before she can see Puck. " Wait! I need to see him." She says. " No, what you need is to be checked. Your knee isn't looked right. " He says. He knee is already purple and swollen kind of facing the wrong way. " Brina!" Veronica says looking at Sabrina being carried in by her dad. " Think her leg is either crushed or dislocated." " I'm fi- Ah!" Sabrina yells as her mom touches it. " Don't do that!" Sabrina yells grabbing her leg. " I need to but it in the old brace. " Veronica says going to get it. " How is he?" Sabrina asks. " I don't think I should talk about that until-" They stopped dead in their tracks when they heard Puck scream." WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HIM" She yells. The front door is thrown open as a blur of dirt and dry blood go up the stairs tripping a lot. Jake runs up with Daphne holding a wand. " YOU'RE OK! PLEASE, WE WON'T HURT YOU! IT'S ME MARSHMELLOW!" Daphne yells sprinting. " WAIT! DAPH, WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" Sabrina yells. She hears muffled yells of her boyfriend and sits up. " Somebody go check what is happening up there." Sabrina says worriedly. Henry ran upstairs as Veronica pu the brace on Sabrina. " Hey, are you ok?" Daphne asks out of breath. " What is happening?!" Sabrina asks. " When he was found, he was in a locked cellar. You can count his ribs and each bony spine piece. He has no fat on him. He doesn't remember us and has scars all over him. Every time you try to touch him, his eyes glow this bright green and he tries to run from us. He ran into your room and is in the corner crying. Jake is trying to find a spell to heal his leg. His ankle is crushed like your knee. It's worse. He has to have it set. His wings aren't right but he won't let us see them." She says with a sad face. " I'm going to see him." Sabrina says standing. Jake comes downstairs seeing her try to stand. " Hey hey hey, sit back down." He says. " Just help me. I need to stay with Puck. Help him. What is he like. I haven't really seen him yet. I have missed him so much. Was he tortured." She asks standing. They nod. She sighs and gets up the staircase with their help. " He isn't in his right state of mind." Jake wearlily says. Sabrina stops at her door, and goes in. Puck is hiding in the corner with the lights off. He looks at her and his eyes flash green and he jumps. " Hey, Puck. It's me. It's me. Sabrina. Your girlfriend. I've missed you so badly." She says. Her heart breaks as he whimpers. She turns around and limps to the door when she hears a shuffle. Then She sees Puck on her bed with his legs up. " Hey, i'm gonna sit here with you." She says as she sit next to him. He scoots away. " Puck, it has been a very long time. And I will kill the people who did this to you. Because I love you. I said yes. I still wear the ring to this day. " She says. Slowly she puts her hand on his hand and he skittishly looks down at the ring. His eyes flash green again and a tear rolls down his eye. Sabrina guesses she can't get through to him and stands to walk away when," Marry me." SHe hears very lowly. Her eyes widen and she turns around. " What?" She asks. He looks up at her and she sees his eyes are the bright green he once had two years ago. He says it again and her eyes tear up. " Yes, I said yes." She says sitting next to him. Even more tears come out when he leans closer. He grabs her hand. " Brina." He says putting his arms around her. She falls into his touch as she feels each bone within him. They stay like that. " What happened." She finally asks. " I, they, tortured me. Everyday. I haven't been fed at all. They were using me to get my power. They knew I had finally accessed my abilities. They needed them to take over Ferry Port. I couldn't stop any of it. Endless pain everyday. SO, I stopped thinking. I just decided to leave behind everything and close off myself from it all. It was kind of relieving." He says. " Well, I promise you, you will never go back to that. Now, why don't I go make you some food?" She says. " Um, I really can't even remember what anything tastes like. I won't be able to keep it down." He says shyly. " Just try it." She says. She sits him against the headboard and limps out of the room. Outside the door, Daphne, Henry, Red, and Veronica are standing. " He remembers. He just jumped out of shock. I need to make him some food." She says. " Something light so he can actually try eating it. He must way below 120." Jake says in the living room. They quickly make Puck some vegetable stew. Veronica and Sabrina take it upstairs and sit on the bed. Sabrina lays it down on his lap and he shakil grabs the spoon. It was a futile attempt because his stomach was shrunken. He threw up all the food he tried to eat....

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