Chapter 5

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" You ready?" Daphne asks. Sabrina takes a look at herself. In her beautiful gown and curly hair, she couldn't have waited any longer. " Let's go." Sabrina says. They get to the big doors and Sabrina and Henry wait together. The music starts and they open the doors. There standing nervously is her love. His suit barely too baggy and his golden curls slick back. His dark green eyes with love. His breath is taken away at this sight of Sabrina. ......................

And they kiss. It was sweet and long. THe crowds on both sides clap and scream as they turn to look at them. And now, the party begins. Daphne sits them in nice chairs and begins music. People dance on the grass as the sun goes down. The streamed lights dance in the dark. Sabrina and Puck hold hands as they watch everyone. Then, unexpectedly, Mustardseed is seen in the crowd looking for them. Puck jumps up and walks as vigilantly as he can into the house. Sabrina goes in after him. " Hey, what's wrong?" She asks. " He hasn't seen me like this." He says. " LIke what. Your exactly the same. Still, the best trickster king I could ever marry. " She told him and she took his hand. " And, I'll even be your queen." He smiles and kisses her as they walk out where Mustardseed waits. " Yay to the newly weds!" He gives both of them hugs and doesn't say a word about PUck's change. It's a nice talk until Daph pulls him away. Fast forward 2 hours and Puck was in the grass slow dancing with his queen. People noticed and started to leave. Just them. Together in the grass with the lanterns lights dancing as their favorite song played in the moonlight. When the song ends, they go inside and change into bed clothes.

THe next morning, Veronica and Henry made a nice breakfast while SAbrina and Puck made sure they were packed. " It's our last breakfast with all of you until we come back." Sabrina says. The family all looked gloomy. " Hey, if you don't mind me asking..... How long will you be gone?" Daphne asks. " Maybe 1 ½ years." Sabrina says. Daphne nods slowly. " C'mon. Be happy for us. We will come back with something for everyone. " That lit up the group and they spent the rest of the day hanging out. Soon enough, it was time for them to drive to the airport. The family said their goodbyes and the newly weds boarded the plane. " You ready?" Sabrina asks as she takes his hand. She can sense his nervousness since he hasn't gone anywhere far away since he was kidnapped. He took in a breath and looked out his window as the plane took off. " Yep." He said. Pretty quickly, Sabrina fell asleep and laid with Puck on their seats. The sun went down and night fall came. Puck jerked awake from a dream to see Sabrina's seat gone. He stood panicked and saw her walking down towards the seats. He sat back down letting out a breath. " Hey, you ok?" She asks grabbing her blanket. " I woke up and you weren't there. I just was worried." He says grabbing her hand. SHe smiles at him and turns on their small seat tv. A movie begins to play and she sees him watching intently. " So, it's about 3 which means only eleven more hours!" Sabrina says sarcastically. He smirks and it slowly fades as he loses himself in the movie again. Sabrina watches his face change and notices things that are different. Puck used to have this mischievous smirk that told you of his ego and his sense of humor. Now it's sweet and fearful and weak. He used to be a bigger person than her that, if you see him next to her, wouldn't dare mess with them. Now, he is almost her height and is skinnier than her. Sometimes, she wished it wasn't different. Like he could protect her again. THey would figure a way out somehow. Right now, all they had to figure out was their lives for the next 2 years. Rhode Island, here they come.........

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