Chapter 2

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Sabrina is 16. Puck 17. Daph and red are 14. " Hey, so, what are we doing for your birthday?" Puck asked as he wrapped his arm around Sabrina.

 They were walking through the doors into the high school. She smiled. " Maybe just you and I could see a movie. " Sabrina said. Puck nodded but knew that wasn't happening.

Her birthday was in a week. He had time. After school, they walked home. The girls were out with their boyfriends getting ice cream. They arrived home and puck opened the door. " We're home!" He yelled. " Kids!" Veronica yelled from in the kitchen. " We're coming." Puck said. " No!" She yelled. She walked out quickly and said, " Umm, don't. Stay here. Someone is here and we would prefer you didn't know who." She said. Puck looked kind of confused. " Don't be crazy. I'm cool with whomever. " He said pushing past to walk to the kitchen. Sabrina ran after him and saw him stand defensively in front of her and he glared at the people in the kitchen. The family sat at the table with a guy in a green t shirt and blue jeans. He looked like Puck's brother. They looked related. She also noticed a girl. A girl she knew all too well. Her cheeks had hollowed. Her brown eyes darker. Her long hair, shiny like a raven. Her wings, glistening as they fluttered. " Moth." Puck growled standing even more in front of Sabrina. Moth smiled sweetly and stood. " Hello Puck. My love. Don't worry, you hadn't be upset. I'm here merely to chat." She said closing the space between them. Puck's hand started to twitch. Sabrina immediately grabbed it and rubber his knuckles. The hand calmed. He had started learning his magic after the dance. Now, sometimes it was hard to control. He was very powerful so she needed to keep him calm. " et out of my house and stay away from my family. Unless you want me to kill you. And I promise I won't hesitate to . " He said coldly. Moth wasn't fazed. " Look, Sabrina, or you maybe, aren't gonna last long in this. So, you are gonna come with me." She said grabbing Puck's hand. " Over my dead body." Sabrina said pushing her away. " That can be arranged." She said with a glint of evil in her eyes. " I'm warning you Moth." Puck spat moving farther in front of Sabrina, clearly trying to block the view of her. " For your important interest Puck, Oberon, he is coming back. Your mother has hired me. I'm gonna bring your father back in exchange for your marriage arrangement with me. You will come back to Faerie. We will marry, have fairies, and be the heirs of the thrones. Your mother will sacrifice someone for your father. To resurrect of course." She said. Puck turned pale. And in swift movements, he pushed Sabrina back, flipped a dagger in his hand using his magic, and pinned Moth against the wall. He held the dagger up to her neck and spoke in a very dangerous, low voice. " Moth, I am with Sabrina Grimm and always will be. FOREVER. Why can't you get it through your thick bug skull?!" His booming voice went so loud that Sabrina flinched. Moth laughed. " I love you Puck, and I am going to fix this Goodfellow family to win the war." She said glancing at Sabrina. " Kids, the red hand is coming back." Veronica said. Sabrina paled and started to feel dizzy. Veronica caught her as she tripped over her feet. " Why would they be coming back?" Puck yelled. " Puck, my love, I know it seems that I may be your enemy right now. You can try to dispose of me but I am really here to help you win the war. I protect you and your family. Not that trader of a human." She said proudly. Puck looked disgusted. " Grimms, in the living room. Now." His voice made them shiver like disciplined kids. At moments like these, Sabrina wonders how scary he will be once he is grown up completely. The followed into the living room and began talking. " What do we even do? Have yet another war?! You could get hrt." He said mostly toward Sabrina. " Look, we won before, let's do it again. You were part of the skills we used to win. So help us and lets make it." Sabrina said. Puck looked unnerved. " Maybe." He said quietly. He went to his room and everyone filed out to do things by themselves. The downstairs was empty. Sabrina went to the back and sat on the deck swing. Then, moth sat next to her. " Look Moth, I don't have time for your-" But she cut off once she saw Moth. Her face had tears running and she shook slightly. "Um..." Sabrina didn't know what to say. " Sabrina Grimm, i'm so sorry." She said solemnly. " Wha- what?" Sabrina said confused and shocked. " I don't want to take Puck. I was in love with him once but I need to be with him. Oberon will kill me. He will execute me in front of every Faerie in the kingdom. And I have a new love. Ambrose. He is kind and amazing and loyal. But Oberon, if he finds out that I am not betrothed to his son, I lose everything." She finished with a long upsetting sigh. " Look, I will help you. But we are going to be going to war. So help, and I'll help you." Sabrina said. Reluctantly, Sabrina scooted closer to her and gave her a hug. Brief. But enough. Moth took and and said thank you. " Why don't we give you a bed to sleep on." Sabrina said.

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