|chapter five|

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I had only ever apparated a few times in my life, and I hated it. It left me sick and dizzy each time. This time was no exception. When Dumbledore and I landed on solid ground, I stumbled away from him, barely able to contain the contents of my stomach long enough to not vomit on his shoes. He said nothing and waited patiently until I straightened myself.

"Sorry, sir. I don't do well with apparition."

"No worries, Kathryn."

"Sir.. Where are we?" I asked as I glanced around curiously. It appeared that we had ended up in a field. It was dark, but there were lights in the distance, which I assumed was a town.

"Your temporary home until we can get those powers of yours back under control. Come along," he answered as he set off towards the trees of the forest nearby. I followed behind, stumbling over rocks and tree roots as he gracefully walked across the bumpy forest floor, never once tripping over a thing.

We had walked for a good number of minutes when a tree root caught my foot, sending me flying forward and face first into the earthy dirt. "Son of a bitch," I hissed as I climbed back to my feet and wiped the dirt off the front of my clothes.

Dumbledore chuckled at my outburst and said, "We are nearly there."

Soon after, he halted to a stop at a large clearing and smiled warmly. "Here we are," he announced. I squinted in the darkness before turning to him with a raised brow. He chuckled at my reaction and raised his wand. "Specialis Revelio."

A small stone cottage appeared in the open space. It was quaint but nice. Neat shrubbery and flower beds surrounded it. "It's beautiful," I told Dumbledore with a small smile. I approached the cottage slowly, letting it sink it that this was my new home. Dumbledore said this was temporary home, but I think we both knew I would never see the inside of Hogwarts ever again.

The inside of the cottage was as lovely as the outside. We walked immediately into a small living room that contained a couch, coffee table, arm chair, bookshelf and a record player. A few potted plants adorned the corners and surfaces of the furniture. The room then opened up into a quaint little kitchen. Two doors sat along the right side wall, one leading to a bedroom where my belongings were already waiting, my wand on top of my trunk. The second door lead to a small bathroom.

Once I finished exploring, Dumbledore was waiting next to the front door. "I trust you will find everything you need. The cottage is stocked with enough food and necessities to last for months, but there is a village nearby if you need anything else."

"I'm.. allowed to leave?"

"Of course. You are not a prisoner. Though I do advise you to go with a chaperone rather than by yourself. And I encourage you to stay within the protection charms of the property as much as possible. Once Voldemort gets wind you are no longer in Hogwarts, he will begin searching for you."

"How does he know who I am, sir?"

"The night your parents were killed, your father refused to help Voldemort. Voldemort knew of his bloodline before seeking him out, and he also knew that the Quinns had a daughter at Hogwarts."

"But surely he wouldn't be able to spot me having never met me."

"Voldemort has eyes everywhere. Even in Hogwarts. I have it on good authority that he has been planning to get his hands on you for quite some time."

A chill ran down my spine as he spoke. The danger was beginning to feel much more realistic than ever before. "I do not tell you this to frighten you, Kathryn. Only so that you remain vigilant and careful."

"Of course, sir."

"I must get back to the castle. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask. I will have someone bring an owl by tomorrow. Good night, Kathryn."

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