Aech x depressed male reader (Ready Player One)

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(y/o/n) = your oasis name

(y/n) = your name

(your pov)

I was sitting at the bar (you know, that one in the oasis they go to) drowning my sorrows and watching as everyone around me made fools of themselves. You see, I have severe depression, and I cope with it by ignoring it and distracting myself from it. One of the many reasons for this is my feelings towrds my friend Aech. I'm pretty sure i've had a thing for him for a while now, but there's no way he feels the same was because we're both guys and I doubt he's into guys. I thought i was straight, but Aech's kind yet badass personality just pulled me in. Suddenly a voice pulled me out of my thoughts over our group chat. Aech asked"Anybody find (y/o/n) yet? We've been looking for like an hour!" over group chat. I wasn't aware Parzival, Art3mas, Daito, Shoto, and Aech were looking for me, must of been more zoned out than I thought i was.

Parzival answered him "yup, just found him. We forgot to check the bar again." and imediatly after that I felt him tap my sholder. When I didn't respond he sat next to me and asked "Hey (y/o/n), you OK? You seem kinda down in the dumps." concern evinent in his voice.

Art3mas, suddenly sitting on my other side, knowingly asked "It's Aech again, isn't it?". Ya, Art3mas and Parzival are the only ones who know about my depression and how I feel about Aech. Art3mas figured it out from the joking side coments I always make around the group, which everyone else seems to ignore for some reason. So she told Parzival, because why wouldn't the guy who owns The Oasis want to hear about my personal problems behind my back?

I looked up at Art3mas and answered "Ya, it's Aech again. It's just...frustrating when the person you like is the same sex as you and probobly straight, you know?" Atr3mas and Parzival exchanged a knowing look at my words, as if they knew something I don't. I raised my eyebrow and asked "Guys...what aren't you telling me?" with a suspishous tone.

Parzival and Art3mas grabbed me by the arms and stood me up, leading my towards the door, as Parzival said "Sorry, that's for Aech to tell you. If he wants Now come on, how about the three of us go to Planet Doom to kill some monsters? Maybe we'll meet up with Aech there."

timeskip to Planet Doom, still your pov

There were monsters everywhere, too many to count targeting the three of us as soon as we arived. I said "You guys were right, I needed this." as I equiped my Green Ranger morpher. I firmly heald the morpher out in front of me and shouted "DRAGONZORD!!", morphing into The Green Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and charging into battle alongside Art3man and Parzival. (Play the song above)

I fired a green ranger energy ball at the first monster, destroying it, then pulled out the Dragon Dagger and sliced two more monsters in half. A bigger monster aproched me so I switched the Dragon Dagger out with the Sword of Darkness and stabbed it into the ground. Green fire ran along the ground towards the big monster, and when the green fire reached it, the ground underneath the big monster exploded launching it into the air. I hit it with a green ranger energyball while it was in mid air, causing the big monster to explode. Duel-wielding the Sword of Darkness and The Dragon Dagger; I sliced, energyballed, kicked, and exploded my way through countless monsters while Parzival and Art3mas fought just as badassly with their guns and other long ranged weapons.

At one point I saw Parzival fighting back to back with Aech out of the corner of my eye, and it looked like they were talking as they slaughtered monster after monster. trying to push the the thought of Parzival spilling the beans to Aech out of my head, I reterned my attention to the colossol demon (you know, the one from Doom) before me. Confident in my skills and abilities, I charged at the demon and sliced off it's legs with The Sword of Darkness and The Dragon Dagger, then cut off the Colosol Demon's head with The Sword of Darkness. I stabbed the Sword of Darkness into the ground, exploding five of the monsters in front of me, when Aech said "So what's this I hear abbout (y/o/n) having a thing for me?" over group chat.

Green Ranger Energyballing anouther group of 5 monsters to dust, I answer "Oh ya, I've had a major crush on you for a while now. I didn't say anything 'cause we're, you know, both dudes and I doubt you feel the same. I thought I was straight, to... Oh by the way Parzival, I told you not to tell him so now your dead when I get my hands on you." over group chat. I formed a Green Ranger Energy Shield in front of me as some of the monsters, and now a few other players, fired projectiles at me.

As my shield diflected all the projectiles back at my attackers, Aech asked "Wait, you think I'm a dude? You know what, let's talk about this at my warehouse." over group chat. I stopped and looked over at him as my jaw dropped, shocked. I heard Art3mas and Parzival laughing at my reaction over group chat.

I responded "Ya, let's talk about this at your warehouse. Would you two stop laughing, it wasn't that funny!" over group chat, de-morphing back into my avatar with a "Power down!".

Still laughing, Art3mas said "Actualy, it was hilarious."

time skip to Aech's warehouse, still your pov

Comfterably leaning against the wall, I finally asked "So let me get this straight. Your Avatar is ripped as fuck dude with a robot waist and a deep man voice, and you're a girl?!" while twirling the U.S.S. Enterprise E betwean my fingers.

Aech chuckled at me, then answered "Yup, that's about right." taking the U.S.S. Enterprise E from me and putting it back in its box. Then she turned back to me and said "How about that planet-sized cassino place or whatever it was for our first date, (y/o/n)?".

I smile and answer "That sounds perfict. It's (y/n), by the way." She gave me a look, so I explained "Oh, I figured that since i guess we're dating now we should know eachother's names."

Aech smiled and said "Helen."

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