Blake Belladonna x nervous Reader (RWBY)

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(A/N: So I've already done one of these for Yang, and I decided "You know what? Screw it, I'm going to do the other three members of Team RWBY to! I've already done Yang, and she's the Y in RWBY, so I guess I'll just go in reverse order! I'll also probably just end up recycling the Kirby Dark Matter semblance for at least one of these, but I used the powers of a different Kirby character for this one.  Marx!  And before you ask, yes I'm still doing the background music thing.  At least pretend to appreciate that.Just so you know; I haven't actually watched RWBY, but I've read enough fanfics to have a good enough grasp of the characters to wright this.  )

My name is (y/n) (l/n), and I'm the only one man team at Beacon.  I joined two years ago, and Ozpin was so impressed with the vast power of my semblance that he let me be on my own team.  I quickly became close friends with the members of team JNPR and team RWBY, but my favorite of the bunch is by far Blake of RWBY.  Over the past two years I developed one hell of a crush on the cat Faunus, and  a particular duo of sisters just so happen to have figured it out.

"Come on, just tell her already!  You're perfect for each other!" an enthusiastic Ruby exclaims, pulling you from your thoughts.  You're sitting on your bed in your dorm, Ruby sitting to your  left and Yang sitting on your right.

You roll your eyes and respond "What if she doesn't like me back, Ruby?  What if she thinks I'm crazy and laughs at me?  What if she's already dating someone else!?  What if-"

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!  Calm down, none of that will happen!" a frustrated Yang interrupts you.  She calms herself down by taking a deep breath and states "Listen, Blake's head over heals for you.  If she says no, than she's out of her yang mind.  Just tell her!", her use of puns (yang instead of dang) hiding her frustration with your insistence on not telling Blake how you feel.

You open your mouth to speak, but before you can say anything Ruby interrupts "Just tell Blake how you feel about her!  Trust us!" her eyes sparkling with excitement.

You sigh, then say "Fine, I'll tell her.  I just need to figure out how.".  Excitement spreads across the sisters faces.  Suddenly you're being pulled towards the library by your wrists, which the sisters have a tight hold of.  Frightened and nervous, you shout "Wait, stop!  I don't know how I'm going to tell her yet!"

Yang rolls her eyes and responds "How?  Just tell it to her straight!" as her and Ruby continue to pull you towards where Blake is.  Your fear of rejection gets the better of you and you activate your semblance, turning into a yellow shadow on the ground.

Ruby and Yang stumble to the ground, but quickly scramble to their feet.  They look around confused by your sudden disappearance until you suddenly shoot up out of the ground from right under Yang, upper cutting her in the chest and slamming her into the ceiling.  You jump back and lock eyes with Ruby as Yang falls to the floor with a thud.

Ruby looks at you in fear and pleads "(Y/n), don't do this.  Trust us, just tell her!  It'll be fine!" as Yang stands back up and looks at you with a very pissed off expression.  Your body splits in half and disappears, leaving behind what appears to be a black hole.  The black hole tries to suck the two in with a powerful vortex, but Ruby manages to avoid the pull while Yang is sucked in.  The black hole disappears when Yang is sucked into it.  Then suddenly a large pink fireball launches towards Ruby, so she leaps over it.  When she does a large blue fireball hits her in the back, injuring her and burning her slightly.  The two fireballs come together and form your body, and you stand before Ruby with crystal wings sprouting from your back.  You fire a bombardment of arrows from your wings at Ruby, but she somehow dodges the attack.  Ruby turns to you and shouts "Give me back my sister!!!!", then Yang suddenly falls down from above and lands on top of Ruby before she can charge at you, knocking Ruby out.

Yang struggles to her feet, looks down at the unconscious Ruby, and then looks back up at you and exclaims "Hey, calm down!  We're trying to help you!".  Wishing they would leave you alone, you respond by summoning spike-covered vines up from the ground beneath Yang's feet.  Yang quickly moves out of the way of the attack and charges towards you as the vines disappear.  You fire your crescent blades at her, but she simply swats them away and continues charging towards you.  In a desperate attempt to get Yang to leave you alone You open your mouth wide and unleash a laser breath attack which takes up the entire hallway, but Yang is already standing behind you by the time you fire it.  She says "Sorry, but this if for your own good." and punches you in the back of the head, knocking you out.

Eventually you wake up and see that the duo have brought you into the library and you spot Blake sitting in the corner of the room with her entire focus on her book, you pray that Ruby and Yang don't spot her as well.  Your payers aren't answered as the sisters drag you over to her and push you towards her.

Blake jumps out of her skin as you land at her feet with a thud.  You can see the frustration in her eyes as she exclaims "What the hell, (Y/N)!?!", her cheeks flush red and her amber eyes locked with your (e/c) ones.

You can feel the heat of a blush spread across your face as you shift into a sitting position and reply "Hi B-blake.  I w-wanted t-to tell you s-s-something."  You notice her eyes look past you for a split second, noticing Yang and Ruby running away and connecting the dots.

Blake's hard gaze softens and she says "Oh.  What is it?", a mix of hope and concern in her voice.

Summoning your courage, you feel your blush intensify as you admit "B-blake, I l-l-l-like y-y-you.  I h-have for a wh-while now, b-but I was to a-a-afraid to a-admit I-it.  I u-understand if y-you don't l-l-like me b-b-back, b-but I th-th-thought y-yoooo-!!."

You're interrupted by Blake tackling you with a hug, locking her lips with yours in a passionate kiss as she wraps her arms around you lovingly.  You stiffen in shock, but quickly melt into the kiss.  Her lips taste like tuna.  Th two of you pull apart for air, and Blake says "I've liked you for a while two.  How about we go out for lunch later?"

Smiling, you answer "Ya, I'd love that." and snuggle into Blake's hug.  Blake pull away and picks her book back up, so you sit down beside her and rest your head on her shoulder.  She lovingly lays her head on yours, and the both of you smile happily as you read her book together.  You spot Ruby and Yang give you a thumbs up before they leave, and you make a mental note to apologies to them and thank them later.

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