Katherine Hillard x Depressed Psycho Red Reader (Power Rangers)

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(a/n): OMG, you have NO IDEA how long I've been wanting to do this one!! This character was my childhood crush, and when I first started writing these "x reader one-shots" I knew that I would need to do this one eventually. I know the Power Rangers timeline really well, but for this I might make a few changes or exceptions here or there so it fits with the story because this takes place after Power Rangers In Space but Kat still has her Zeo powers. Zeo powers and not Turbo powers because Power Rangers Turbo can go screw itself. Just go with it. And if you don't know what Power Rangers is or if you don't know it's time line very well, then try to keep up I guess.

warnings: language, themes of depression, themes of self harm

A few months ago, the Power Rangers saved the universe from the Alliance of Evil. You've always been good friends with Jason, Rocky, Zack, Adam, Billy, Trini, Aisha, Kimberly, Katherine (who everyone just calls Kat), Tommy, T.J., Justin, Carlos, Ashley, and Cassie, but you had no idea that they were the power rangers until they revealed themselves to the world a few months ago. They would usually come to you when they needed a brake from all the super hero stuff and wanted to hang out like normal people. You enjoy the time you spent with them, it made you feel less depressed. When Kat joined the group you fell for her right away. Her kind, caring, friendly, loving, and helpful personality drew you in. You love everything about her. Not that you would ever tell her that, you're too nervous and too frightened of rejection.

When Kimberly left, Kat and Tommy started getting really close. You heard rumors that they had become a couple, especially after she took him snow boarding when Kimberly broke up with him through a letter (a 'dear john' letter? Seriously?). Because of this your depression started getting much worse, not that your friends (the rangers) noticed. About a week after The Power Rangers saved the world and revealed their identities, they somehow convinced The Psycho Rangers to use their incredible power for good. The Psycho Rangers, having returned to their spirit forms at the time, decided to each bond with a human of chosen from a group of people selected by The Power Rangers so that the human would help keep them in check. The idea was that to fight the human's body would transform into the Psycho Ranger's and the two would fight as one. Psycho Black chose Bulk, Psycho Blue chose Skull, you had never met the girls that Psycho Pink and Psycho Yellow chose, and Psycho Red chose you.

Yes. You, (Y/n) L/n), had been chosen as the human host for the red Psycho Ranger. The two of you have become surprisingly great friends in the past few months, you've learned a lot about each other. He seems to really care about you (you know that because he gets super protective), and you can tell that your depression and self harm really worries him.

That's how you got here. Sitting in a chair at your house talking with Psycho Red. His spirit form is sitting in the chair across from yours. He pulls you from your thoughts as he exclaims "Just tell her already, (Y/n)! Your depression will only continue to get worse the longer you wait, so you need to tell her!"

You roll your eyes and reply "I can't tell her, Red. Besides, she's into Tommy." Psycho Red slightly flinches at the edge to your voice as you say Tommy's name. He sighs, trying to think of a solution to the problem you keep running from.

"Can't tell who because she's into Tommy?" You both jump at the sound of Jason's voice, you'd completely forgotten that he'd stayed the night. You look over your shoulder and see Jason leaning on the wall in his superman pajamas, staring at you with the same serious look on his face that he has whenever his team is in trouble. The most serious you've ever seen him.

You and Psycho Red both feel the panic that swells up within you, you've never told anyone how you feel about Katherine. You quickly answer "None of your business, Jason." not realizing that you'd snapped at him in your panic.

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