s7 rant, (please read the end note)

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I fell asleep for parts of the last episodes lmao

BUT IVE SEEN ENOUGH TO BE ABSOLUTELY PISSED (meaning the medias reaction and stupid plot details that dont need to be)

WHATS THE DEAL WITH AXCA AND KEITH? they look like sibling? What? Tha? Hecc?
They got like, 5 minutes of screen time together? And now suddenly they're soulmates?
Shit man, if someones told me that all it takes to get a lover is to fight with them for 30 seconds i prolly wouldnt be here rn.

Thats.. not how you do lgbt rep, dreamworks.
You dont anounce a character is gay, hype everyone up to meet his lover, THEN KILL HIM.
I get they wanted to drag on his story a bit longer, but the fans would most likely be way less pissed if shiro and adam interacted, and if shiro mourned adam's death a bit more. Speaking from experience, you dont just look at their grave and move on. You feel apart of you get ripped away. So unless shiros clone is amune to feelings, it would've been nice to have a bit more special interactions. They were engaged for crying out loud!

It was said that lance would be someones FIRST choice, and that he would NOT be a rebound. Honestly, i got really upset at the little 'cute' (blegh) blushing scene. I dont think they'd be a good pair. I know a shit ton of people beg to differ but i don't like it. At all.
Ive been a rebound before, and damn does it hurt when they get over it. And their act of 'affection and caring' ebbs away you see that you were just a rail to keep them steady.

There was a lot more i was a little upset about, and like i said i was asleep for most of the last two eps. But i wanted some more scenes to get to know their families. I wanted to see how lances family coped. Maybe we'll get that in s8? Idk?

Hovering arm?
!unpopular opinion alert!
Honestly, i liked the old design better. I liked the headcannon thay they couldve kept the arm design and fixed it to be altean tech.

But ill live.

calm your tits guys, dont backlash at the creators. I get it. We were queerbaited, tricked and disappointed in this season. But my emotions were all over the place after finishing it. I hope that the people sending threats and insults to the voltron account are out of their places currently. Some of the comments i was reading on their instagram post were really really.. immature? Im not one to complain about shows straight to the creators face. They've been planning this season since s1 trailer. All the seasons go through their board, writing, and bases way before being released. There's nothing we can do about it.
Just, dont comment you're going to drop the show just because you were tricked. Its a good show. It has amazing plots and how they connect the events amazes me.
!its not a dramatic romance!
Ya! its a great feeling when your favorite ship becomes cannon! But👏 this👏show👏is👏about👏lions👏in 👏space👏

!![END NOTE]!!

So its okay to complain and rant about how you are disappointed, happy, or things you would change if you could. Just, dont lash at the creators for their hard work just because you disagree with a plot detail. Do what i have just done, rant about it. Explain why you dont like it.

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