Chapter 58: Love Talks

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Love is a beautiful kind of fear


Fabian rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he walked shirtless into Jaimie-mae's room, following the sound of her cries. He knew something was wrong, but she didn't tell him and he didn't want to push her.

Climbing into bed beside her, he wrapped an arm around her waist and her cries immediately quieted down into hiccups.

"Im sorry," she whispered as she ran her hand over the arm that was securing her in place.

"It's alright," he said through a yawn. "You should tell me what's bothering you so things like this don't happen."

"I... im just a little nervous."


"Yeah. Starting some place new always has me nervous. I was a wreck when i moved into our town back home. I got over it though. And besides, i've got you," she said as she turned around and buried her face into his chest.

He ran his hand through her hair. "Yeah you do. I'm nervous too actually."

"You are?"

He laughed a little. "Yeah. I don't wanna let down my dad."

"You and me both know you won't. And you should be doing this for yourself, not your dad."

"Yeah, your right."

After a few minutes of silence, Fabian could feel Jaimie-mae pushing herself against his chest.

"Jaimie, what the heck are you doing? This is literally something Fae would do."

Jaimie-mae wasn't usually so touchy and affectionate, though Fabian didn't mind, it was just a bit rare. He was usually the one to be feeling her up.

"We have a place alone now."

Fabian raised his eyebrows in the darkness, wondering where she was going with this. "Yeah, and?"

"Ca- i... you know what, nevermind," she muttered.

"No, tell me whats on your mind. What are you feeling?"

She looked up at him through the slight darkness. "Can you make love to me?"

He sat up pin straight in the bed. "Are you serious?" He asked breathlessly.

"Y-yeah. Ohmygosh, this is so embarressing," she mumbled and then she smothered herself with a pillow.

He laughed quietly and pulled the pillow away from her. "You don't need to be embarressed. We both love each other. I'd love to make love to you, but wouldn't you rather it be special. You know... with roses and candles and all that stuff."

She sat up and crawled into his lap, kissing his bare chest. "No not really. Its special because im with you."

He fake sniffled and pretended to wipe away a tear. "That hit me," he pointed to his chest. "Right here."

She laughed and swatted his hand away. "Your hearts on the left side stupid."

He burst out laughing and rolled off the bed. "Oh my bad."

She giggled and peaked over the edge of the bed. "Well? Will you?"

He looked up at her from the floor. "I'd love to. But you were just crying and you need your energy. So lets do it another day."

She pouted. "What whyyy?"

"I need to go to the store and buy protection Jaimie. As much as i'd like to see you carrying my beautiful children, i don't think your mom or my parents want you coming back to visit four months pregnant."

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