Chapter 3 - Parties, Fights, The sandwich guy, and Logan

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Hello everyone! 

I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING T-T  I am practically drowning in exams and schoolwork all the time so I am very sorry! I will be updating more(hopefully). 

This chapter is dedicated to Passerbyarmy99 becuase her Star Trek story is absoutly amazing and you guys should definatly read it! :-)


The sound of an urgent knock echoed through the apartment as the sun sank into the horizon.  A smile formed on Cassandra's lips as she opened the door to see Olivia dressed in her sparkly black dress that flowed down to her knees.
"Love the dress." Cassandra commented.
"Aw thanks, but I have to give credit to the one who found it for me."Olivia replied.
"Well that person must have excellent taste in fashion." Cassandra chuckled as she flipped her hair back like a celebrity would.  Olivia rolled her eyes.
"So why aren't you dressed yet? We  need to leave soon!" She exclaimed.
"I was just about to put it on."
"And what about your makeup?"
"What about it?"
"What about eye shadow?"
"I don't really like it." Cassandra replied while shrugging.  As Olivia walked into Cassandra's room, she turned to look at Cassandra, then back at the dress.
"Actually, I don't think eye shadow would fit. Keeping it classy is a good idea." Olivia commented as she turned to Cassandra and nodded. "I like it."
Cassandra just smiled. She had never had anyone her age give any comments on what she was going to wear. She never asked Bones because he had no clue about fashion, and if she did, all he would say is 'it looks great'. Uhura did offer advice, but Cassandra never went out to parties or fancy places, at least, not until she found a new friend.
As Cassandra slipped into her dark blue dress, she looked at herself in the mirror.
What if this was a bad idea? She thought to herself.  What if things go wrong?
Cassandra frowned as she saw  her scar on her left arm. Will they make fun of me? Like they did before?
She had often hid her scar with a light cardigan. Her closet was full of different colored cardigans  and jackets she could wear in different weather conditions.  This was the first time she was going to go out without one, and the thought of it made her hands begin to tremble.
"Are you almost done?" Olivia called out from the other side of her room door.
"We have to leave soon!"
"I'm almost done!" Cassandra called back. "Besides, aren't girls supposed to show up 'fashionably late'?"
More minutes ticked by before another knock was heard, only this time, Cassandra knew it wasn't Olivia. Olivia had a quick knock , but this was not quick.She knew that three simple knocks meant Bones was at the door.
"Can I come in?" He questioned.
"Yeah." She replied.
"Do you like it?" She asked as he walked into the room. Bones smiled proudly at his daughter.
"You look beautiful." He replied. "But there's something else bugging you, isn't there?"
Cassandra's eyes fell down to the grey carpet floor. Bones did not react to her silent reply, but he moved to sit at the edge of her bed.
"Come here." He said as he patted the empty spot next to him. Cassandra did as she was told. As they both sat there in silence, Bones put his hand over the visible scar.
"You shouldn't worry about this too much." He commented.
"I know." She sighed.
"I know you were teased about it, but that was when your generation was still immature teens. You guys have grown up."
"You never know." Cassandra replied. "Some stay that way."
"Yeah, like Jim." Bones coughed, making Cassandra smile.
"Defiantly like him. But he is growing up, sometimes it takes longer for others."
"I guess." Bones sighed, rolling his eyes. Another pause of silence filled the room.
"I'm not forcing you to go, but I think you should." Bones added. "And you won't be alone, remember?"
"I know."
Bones sighed, put his arm around her shoulder, and rubbed her arm while Cassandra rested her head on her father's shoulder.  He knew going out to parties or social gatherings frightened Cassandra. She had been raised with no motherly figure to help her though school problems or self-esteem issues, and even though she had Uhura,Carol, and Chapel to help her, she never went to them for help. She dealt with these problems all on her own. He tried to help, but he wasn't her mother.
"I don't know about you, but I have somewhere to be." Bones said as he got up.  Cassandra gave her father a confused look, but that faded into realization as she noticed his attire.
"Are you...going on a date?" Cassandra commented as a smile spread across her rose red lips. Bones rolled his eyes and sighed as he shrugged. Cassandra's eyes lit up with excitement.
"Ohmygosh WHO???"  She asked as she stood up. "What's her name? What does she look like?"
"I'm kinda late, so I can't really answer your questions. But later, ok?" Bones replied as he walked out of her room. "You can stay here if you'd like, but Olivia is waiting."
Cassandra took in a deep breath before walking out of her room door.
"You ready?" She asked Olivia. Her friend stood up from her seat at the couch and smiled.
"Let's go!"
Just before Cassandra and Olivia headed in the direction of the party, Bones hugged Cassandra and kissed her on the head.
"Have fun," He added. "And be careful."
"I will." She replied.


The beat of the music began to replace Cassandra's heartbeat as she walked into the dark room only lit by strobe lights and the small lamps lit in the bar to the left. Purple, pink, blue, and green lights danced in front of Cassandra's eyes and displayed a show on the ceiling.
"You ready to party?" Olivia shouted since the music was deafening.
"I don't know. I've never been to a party like this." Cassandra shouted back. As  she walked onto the dance floor, she immediately retreated to the bar so she could sit down. Moments later, Olivia walked to the bar.
"What happened?" She asked.
"I don't really know how to dance." Cassandra replied. Olivia turned to look at the crowd of people dancing, then back at her friend.
"It's not really dancing." Olivia commented. "You don't really need to know some special moves or what not."
Cassandra looked at the dancing people and noticed that they weren't dancing in any specific form or routine like they did in the movies.
"You go have fun." She replied. "I'll go dance when a good song comes on."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. "
"Alright. If you say so." And with that, Olivia walked back to the crowd.
"Would you like anything?" The bartender asked as Cassandra turned her back to the party.
"Just water please."  She replied. As Cassandra sat there, more doubtful thoughts creeped into her mind.
This was a really bad idea. she thought to herself. I should have stayed home.
The sound of the bartender's voice broke her from her thoughts. At first, she thought he was speaking to her, but his eyes were looking to the space next to her. As she glanced to her left she saw a familiar face. She knew she had seen that dirty blonde hair before.  When she looked over, so did he. Her caramel brown eyes were met with familiar sea green eyes. Cassandra immediately looked away as they made eye contact.
"I've seen you before. " He commented. "You're that coffee girl that freaked out."
Cassandra turned her head around and gave him a 'are-you-serious' glare.
"Yeah, and your that sandwich guy." She replied.
"And how did you know what I ordered?"
"My coworker almost got your order switched up and I had to repeat it to her a million times, so it's practically drilled into my brain. And how did you know I freaked out?"
"Well it's not very hard to tell. I tend to have that affect when girls see me." He joked. Cassandra rolled her eyes.
"I freaked out for another reason. Not because of you."
"Really? Then why did you?"
Cassandra looked down at her glass of water and softly sighed.
"You remind me of the person who helped me four years ago from a bullying incident." She said after a long pause.
"And he gave you that scarf?" He questioned.
There was another long pause before he spoke up again.
"So is that a thank you?" He asked confidently, but it seemed like he picked each word out carefully. Cassandra turned her head and looked him in the eye. The common 'what?' screamed in her expression, but her words were entirely different.
"So it was you?" She questioned. He smiled and nodded.
"Guilty as charge." He replied.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Well I couldn't just walk up to you and say 'hey, I'm the guy who helped you when those bullies were attacking you' now could I? Honestly, I thought I wouldn't see you again."
"And here we are." Cassandra chuckled, making him smile.
"I'm William." He said as he held his hand out.
"Cassandra." She replied while shaking his hand. "So William, I've been wondering, why did you decide to help me out?"
"Well," He began as he fiddled with his small glass of beer. "I heard them shout 'Carter' a few times, which is my last name, so I was very curious to see who was calling me. "
There was a short pause.
"So...why were they calling you Carter?" He questioned.
"I had gotten a really short haircut and that was one of the many ways they made fun of me." She sighed.
"I didn't understand why they made fun of me, I mean, it looked like they spent more time on their hair than their studies, and it clearly showed." Cassandra joked.
"They were just jealous that you could make a short haircut look amazing without doing anything." William laughed.
Cassandra rolled her eyes at him and laughed as well. Just as they were starting to talk more, they were interrupted by Olivia.
"Come on Cassandra! You said after one song you would dance!" She shouted over the music as she walked over to the bar.
"Alright, alright." Cassandra laughed as she got up from her seat, then turned to William."Sorry, I promised I would dance one song before the party ended." Before Cassandra began to walk away, Olivia's gaze landed on William.
"Who's he?" She questioned.
"William. He's just an old friend." Cassandra replied. William stood up from the bar seat to shake hands with Olivia.
"And this is Olivia." Cassandra introduced.
"It's nice to meet you." He greeted. Olivia smiled and shook his hand.
"It's nice to meet you too." She replied. "Now come on Cassandra! I requested a song and it should be playing soon!"
Before Cassandra could say anything, she was dragged into the crowd of people dancing and singing with colorful lights flickering above their heads. At first, Cassandra wanted to flee, but after seeing Olivia dance in the craziest ways possible made her laugh, and soon she was dancing while screaming the song's lyrics at the top of her lungs. All the worries that had wrapped around her head faded away as she danced with her friend. She could hear her heart pounding and feel the adrenaline flow through her veins. The music was so loud it drowned any thought Cassandra had.
After dancing and singing for about an hour, Cassandra and Olivia sat at the bar with sore legs and scratchy voices.
"I told you parties were fun." Olivia laughed as she sat down.
"Hey give me a break I've never been to one." Cassandra replied.  As they both began to talk, Cassandra noticed how bubbly Olivia was. Olivia was a cheerful person, but not like this.
"Olivia?" Cassandra questioned.
"Have you been drinking?"
"I've only had a small glass Cassandra. I'm not drunk." Olivia replied as she rolled her eyes.
"I'm not so sure." She commented. Cassandra scanned the massive room to find a group of boys sitting on the far end of the bar. One seemed very interested in them, which she guessed was the leader of the group.
"Olivia, did anybody tamper with your drink?"
"No of course not."
"Did you leave it unattended?"
"Yes, but for a split second."
"Sometimes that's all it takes." Cassandra sighed as she looked back at the boys. "Have you had any stomach problems?"
"Yeah, actually. But it's fine. I must of eaten too much."
"How long has your stomach been hurting?"
"For a little while."
It was all piecing together in Cassandra's mind. The way Olivia walked sluggishly to the bar, the way she's been talking;she's been drugged. There was no point in walking home, they would just follow.
"Dammit." Cassandra murmured underneath her breath.
"Is everything alright?" Olivia questioned. Cassandra continued to glance at the group of boys.
"Not really." She replied.
"Want to go home?"
"That wouldn't be the smartest idea."
As Cassandra kept an eye on the group, she noticed one guy walk up to them and begin to argue. As he talked, he kept looking at Olivia and her with a worried expression.  To keep Olivia from worrying, Cassandra continued to chat with her, but the more they chatted, the more dazed Olivia looked.
"I really need to go home. I've got a massive headache." Olivia complained. Cassandra looked around the party, desperate to find anyone she knew.
"Is everything alright?" A deep voice questioned. Cassandra turned her head to face a guy with jet black hair and mesmerizing russet brown eyes. He tried to pull the concerned expression, but she could see a smirk tugging at his lips.
"Everything's fine." Cassandra replied.
"You look pretty sick." He commented to Olivia. "I can walk you home if you'd like."
"She doesn't need to be walked home." Cassandra snapped. The guy gave her a faked shocked look.
"Geez I was only offering." He replied. "And I was asking her."
"Well she's not in the best condition to reply."
"All the more reason for her to go home." He replied. "Don't you want the best for your friend? Being sick at a party is not very fun."
Cassandra could tell he was faking the sympathy and as he was talking, he placed a hand on her shoulder. She immediately slapped it away.
"You know, some people like their personal space." She snapped. His concerned façade grew into an impatient glare.
"You're not leaving this party with her." Cassandra stated as calmly as she could.
"Cassandra...." Olivia muttered as she rested her head in her hands. "My head wants to explode."
As Cassandra turned her back to help her friend, the guy began to place a hand on her shoulder before someone grabbed his wrist.
"Don't you dare touch her." A familiar voice hissed. Cassandra whirled her head around to see Kirk standing between her and the guy.
"Or what?" the guy laughed.
"Olivia's been drugged." Cassandra whispered to Kirk. "She needs to get to a night clinic now.They put way too much in her drink, I checked."
Kirk's eyes looked more like spheres of blue fire after Cassandra spoke. He could feel his blood boil from underneath his skin and his hand formed a fist.
"Leave. Them. Alone." He ordered. The guy laughed, then threw the first punch.  Kirk staggered away from the bar and fought back.  The two were soon joined by the rest of the guy's group and everyone began to disperse. Screams and shouts echoed the room. Tables and chairs were thrown before someone stopped it by roaring out the order. The place went dead silent as a young man stood between the group and Kirk. His dark forehead was beaded with sweat and his brown eyes were wide.
"What did I tell you? Huh? I told you this was a bad idea, but nobody ever listens."
"Oh shut up Logan!" The leader of the group hissed.
"I'm honestly surprised you don't recognize the people your fighting." He commented. "Your not only fighting with the Captain of the USS Enterprise, but also trying to sleep with a Chief Medical Officer's daughter and her friend."
The leader's eyes widened.
"Which Chief Medical Officer?" He questioned.
"Dr. McCoy."
His face paled as Logan told him the name.
"S***!"  He hissed as he bolted for the door. His friends were not far behind him. Once they were gone, Cassandra tried to help Olivia to her feet.
"Come on, we need to get to get her to a doctor." She stated as she headed to the door. "I'll drive."


"Olivia is going to be alright." Cassandra sighed in relief as she walked over to where Kirk was sitting. "She's just going to be very hungover."
Kirk grinned at her.
"That's really good." He replied.  As he sat in the night clinic's chair, Cassandra began to wrap his bloodstained knuckles and made him hold a cotton ball to his busted lip. McCoy was behind them helping Logan with his broken wrist. Kirk's blood began to boil again when the leader of the group walked into the clinic helping his limping friend, whose ankle was nearly twisted behind him. When McCoy walked over to the two, both of them paled.
"Cassandra, please get a wheelchair and escort him to a room." He ordered as he glanced at the swelled ankle. She did as she was told, but as she was walking away, the leader of the group began to talk, but he stuttered and fumbled with his words.
"Let me make this as clear as possible." McCoy interrupted. "If you ever approach my daughter like that again, you will have to deal with not only authorities, but the Academy as well."
The leader of the group nodded.
"And you will be paying for Olivia's medical bill." McCoy commented as he walked over to Logan to escort him to another room so the clinic's doctor could operate on his wrist.
"I-I didn't mean any harm. I-I'm so sorry." The boy in the chair stammered as Cassandra wheeled him to a room.
"What?" She questioned.
"I didn't mean to put that much stuff in her drink." He apologized.  "He forced me to do it."
Cassandra sighed as she shook her head.
"Just don't do it again. If he wants to drug someone, let him do it. Don't get caught up in his problems." She commented.
"Your dad is going to kill me." He said while putting his head in his hands.
"What are you talking about?" She asked as she helped him sit on the clinic bed.
"My friend is training to be a medical officer, and every student knows not to mess with Chief Medical Officers."
"And why is that?" Cassandra asked, tilting her head to the side.
"I'm in engineering, I have no clue." He replied as he ran a hand through his short coffee colored hair which was spiked up with gel. "All I know is that they steer clear of them unless they are a professor."
Cassandra rolled her eyes. She never got why ensigns or beginner officers slightly feared the Chief Officers, but her father was one, so she knew many of them and was not terrified by them.
"Well I don't think he will kill you anytime soon." She said as she folded the wheelchair and placed it to the side. "He doesn't seem to angry at you. It's more towards your friend."
"You sure?"
"Ok." The guy sighed as he slouched a little. He didn't seem as built as his friend, but he wasn't scrawny as a twig; it was somewhere in the middle. Even though Cassandra assured him that he was safe from 'death', his hazel green eyes were still slightly wide.
"I'm surprised you haven't been complaining about your ankle." She commented as she looked at his foot.
"I guess I still have adrenaline. I do feel a lot pain, but not to where I'm screaming. Can't wait till I calm down."
"I think the doctor will give you some pain meds before that happens." She added.
"I hope." He sighed.
"Well I still need to help Captain Kirk, so I'll leave you be." She said as she picked up the wheelchair. "If you need anything, just call my dad or me."
"And you are?" He questioned.
"Well it was nice to meet you Cassandra. I'm Joseph."
"I hope your surgery goes well Joseph." She replied with a reassuring smile, and he smiled back. As Cassandra entered the waiting room, she found Kirk sitting in one of the chairs, almost asleep. Her father was no where to be found.
"I think you need to go home." She joked as she sat right next to him, which made him jolt out of his sleepy daze.
"So do you." He commented as he sat up straight in the chair. "Doctor's orders."
"Speaking of which, where is he?" Cassandra questioned as she looked down the clinic's hallway.
"He went to go talk to the clinic's doctor, but in the meantime, he told me you needed to go home and he will be there shortly."
"Why are you waiting here?"
"Well after what happened tonight, I don't think you should walk home alone."
Cassandra sighed.
"I do know how to fight back, and besides, they target the drunk ones. I didn't drink anything besides water."
Kirk chuckled at her statement.
"Yeah, well you can never be too careful(to Passerbyarmy99-  ;-D)."He acknowledged.
"Well then," Cassandra  replied, breaking the silence in the winter white building. "Let's get going."
The walk back home was not like their regular walks. Neither one of them brought up a conversation or spoke a word. It was too late to think of one; too late to form words or sentences.  As they walked, Kirk lifted his head to look up at the sky. Even though the city lights practically made the sky look pitch black, he still gazed at the stars. Cassandra knew he loved to stargaze, even if he never admitted it. The way his light sapphire eyes glistened with awe when he looked at the night sky told her everything. She didn't tease him about it much since she joined him a lot. The peace and quiet was relaxing.
"Thank you for helping Olivia and I back there." Cassandra thanked as the apartment building came into view. "We would have been in a terrible situation if it wasn't for you."
"Somebody's got to watch your back." Kirk chuckled as he turned his head from the sky to her.
"So you were stalking me?"
"You know, I get invited to parties. I don't just walk into one."
"So you had no idea we went?"
Kirk glanced down at the sidewalk.
"Well...your father may or may have not told me you were there was well, and to keep an eye on you." He admitted.
Cassandra threw her head back and laughed.
"I knew he would find some way to make sure I was ok." She commented. "I'm glad he did."
"Thank you." Cassandra chuckled as she gave Kirk a hug.
"Your welcome." He replied as he hugged her back.
As Cassandra walked into the empty apartment, she kicked of her shoes and headed to the shower. Afterwards she collapsed on her bed and right as she did, she heard the apartment door being unlocked.
"I'm home." She heard Bones murmur as he walked in. Just by the way he talked told her he was exhausted as well.
"You better tell me all about that date tomorrow." Cassandra called out.
"Alright." She heard him call back. "Goodnight."


"Hey Olivia! How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit by a freakin' starship." She heard her friend mumble over the phone.
"So I'm guessing you don't remember a thing from last night."
"The last thing I remember was meeting your friend. That's it." Olivia sighed. "I can't believe that idiot drugged me. Once I get out of this place, I'm hunting him down."
"Don't worry." Cassandra laughed. "Mr. Kirk and my dad are way ahead of you.  He didn't make it without a good bruise on his face."
"No way!" She heard Olivia giggle.
"Yeah, you missed a big fight."
"Dang, who punched him?"
"Wow. Remind me to send him a thank you card."
Cassandra couldn't help but laugh at Olivia's comment.
"Well I hope you feel better soon." She added. "I hear there's another party this coming Friday."
"I think I'll take a rain-check on that."
"Suit yourself." Cassandra joked.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Olivia murmured.
"Well I've got to go. Homework is calling. And get some rest, you need it after yesterday."


I hope you guys liked this chapter! :)

(P.S. I am having trouble finding a picture of Jenna-Louise Coleman that shows her young(like in her early 20's). All I find on Pinterest is her in Doctor Who when she is like 27 or something like that. Can you guys help me? Please?)

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