Chapter 2

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"I can't believe you sat next to him the whole time but you have no idea who he is......"

asked Mia taking a bite from the snicker she was eating. She has this thing for sweet things once she started eating something sweet she can't stop.

"Honestly Mia how do you expect me to know him?? It's only been a year that I have set foot on this world of yours you know... So, would you be kind enough to enlighten me with this 'The Tyler Brown' that everyone's been obsessed about??" I asked in a tone that's soaked with sarcasm.

She looked at me from her bed, she is lying in with all the books and notes from today's lectures and not to forget she is still eating the snicker. Her facial expression gave me a feeling that she is saying 'you are unbelievable Mel' inside her head. I can't believe that she expects me to know this guy who just transferred from somewhere and is now in most of my classes.

"His father is the main sponsor for our college and your scholarship... he is one of the richest businessmen in the world" Mia let it out finally.

Oh, so that explains how he got a transfer in his sophomore... Is that even possible? I don't know, Ways of rich people are unpredictable I guess.

"So, he is rich! is that why the students of our college are so hyped about him?" I asked.

"Mel, are you even a girl? How come you don't get hyped when you are literally sitting next to a hot guy who is a billionaire at 18?? Sometimes I wonder if you are gay but then I realize that you have no interest in girls either"

she said the last sentence flipping her hair to the back of his head in the flirtiest way possible.

I ignored her rustic comments on my lack of interest in both boys and girls. She is only saying that because she has no idea about my life before coming here. And believe me, I have a pretty good reason for me to be like this. My childhood is not something I'm proud of, it is something I'm really scared of I even get goosebumps from remembering things that I wish I could forget. Because of these experiences, my interest in boys and relationships are close to zero but that does not mean I'm not a straight person. It's just that my fantasies on true love has been crushed even before I started the fantasizing.

"He is rich and everybody thinks he is hot? So, what?"

I asked picking up the basket full of washed clothes which needed drying. I went to the straight to the balcony of our room which we used sometimes for drying clothes, sometimes for chilling out and I sometimes use this area for reading and studying. It's also our secret door for sneaking in and out of the room.

"Mel I can't believe you !!" "Okay, forget about him being hot for a moment. Tell me did you try to talk to him at least? did he talk to you? why did he choose last row seat?"

"Seriously Mia why would he talk to me? And don't even know the guy, so do you really think that I would start a conversation with him? And how would I know why he chose that seat to sit?"

I answered her questions with questions.

"It's because I saw him looking at you during the mock test." She said with disappointment.

"Oh! that must be because I slipped your notes after reading for him to refer I thought it was unfair for him to sit for a test without knowing anything" I said finishing up the laundry.

"You did what?" said Mia surprised.

"I hope you don't mind" I cringed as I realized that I gave him her notes without asking.

"I'll get it back from him tomorrow it's a good thing you write your name on every note of yours so it won't be a problem to claim the ownership," I said in a matter of fact way.

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