Chapter 6

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How does Bam have a job before me? This is nuts. I'm better then him in every way. Well I can find a job too!

"Alright I'm going." BamBam said walking out of his room, with new clothes on, hair still a mess, and still sweaty.

"Um where?" I asked walking up to him but not getting to close cause he might be stinky.

"No where that matters to you." He said.

"Ugh why you gotta be so rude!"

"You didn't just quote a song did you?" He asked lifting his eye brow.

"Yeah so what if I did?" I asked defensively.

"Ugh forget it. I'm out!" He said and quickly walked out of the door. Why is he so rude to me? Hmm maybe he has a secret girlfriend. Nah he's to ugly for that. Oo maybe he got other friends. Nah that hard to believe. I don't have to worry about him. He's a big boy who can take care of himself, I hope he can take care of himself. What do I care? Time to go job searching, yay.

"I'm gonna make some money so I can move out of this apartment and live on my own!" I sang to myself. I put on my shoes and headed out the door. I took out my phone and looked at all the places that were looking for someone to hire aka me!

Three hours later

How did I not find a job anywhere? Who wouldn't want me working at there place. I don't need them whatever, I'll find a job. But right now I'm hungry. I look around for places to eat when I see a familiar figure working in a coffee shop. Is that BamBam? I walk closer and can now clearly see it is. I start to check out the inside and look at the window, I read a sign that says: Help wanted. This could be the perfect place to work. Well it would be perfect if BamBam wasn't working here,but I'll take what I can get. I walk into the coffee shop.

"Sorry were a little busy at the moment. Please sit where you would like!" An older man said. By the looks of it only 2 people work there, BamBam and the older man.

"Uh I'm sorry but I'm here for the job position." I said while raising my voice a little louder.

"Ah that's great! Can you please come back at 8 tonight." He said finally looking up at me. "Oh! Your cute looking! Maybe we could get more customers with someone like you. Come back in an hour, that's when we have little to no business."

"Alright! Would you like me-"

"There should be a notepad in there" he pointed to a door that said management "Please leave your name and number."

"Alright!" I walk into the room,leave my name and number, go back home and wait until 10:40 to start heading back to the coffee shop.


No no no! I thought it was on Maplewood road. I look around and realize I'm in Maple Street. Why would they make similar street names? I get my self together and run to the Maplewood Road. When I get there it's exactly 11. I walked into the shop and looked around for a second. Before noticing the guy from earlier.

"Excuse me?" I say raising my voice yet again in the empty shop.

"Yes?" He stands up and looks at my face. "Ah you. What was your name again? Uh oh right y/n!"

"Yah! Don't say that name! It brings nothing but bad luck!" I hear someone say. The holder of the voice walks out and then I see him. "No, no what are you doing here?" He asked rolling his eyes

"Bam? You work here?" I asked innocently

"Ah this is amazing. You both already know each other, well that means introducing you two is a waste."

I smile and show my perfect teeth.

"What a nice smile. The customers will really love to see you. Your hired"

That wasn't hard. "Really thank you so much!"

"Ok show her the ropes and how things work, Kunpimook." Woah the boss uses his real name? I'm going to have to get used to that.

"I hate to be a bother"

"No you don't." BamBam cut me off

"Yes I do. I was wondering if I had to call BamBam by his real name." I asked playing with my fingers.

"If you don't mind." He said with a smile. "And you can call me Sung-Ho."


"Paychecks are handed out every Friday, you don't get paid on how many people you serve but how hard you work."


"And every tip you make, is automatically yours."

"Really? That's..."

"Amazing, cool, great?"Sung-Ho finished my sentence

"All of the above!" I said excitedly

BamBams P.O.V

How can he just hire her so fast? She brings nothing but bad luck. Someone is going to die soon, I know it. I get out of my thoughts

"Wait? I have to teach her how to use the machines?"

"Well yeah. I'm getting to old to train people."

"Sir- uh Sung-Ho you don't look a day over 30." Y/n said. What a little kiss up. She can kiss my foot if she thinks I'm gonna let her get comfy here. This is my job not her's. I walk up to her and grab her wrist

"Whatever. Come on you little blood sucker." I take her to the back.

"Here, coffee. There cups. Got it? Good." Is start to walk away until

"Wait!" She says as she grabs my arm

"What?" I asked with annoyance.

"Can't yo help me out a little bit more?" She says looking up at me.

"Ok." I say. I start to lean closer to her face. She starts to back up, but soon hits the wall. When she is there I put my arms up to block her exits. I lean down inches away from her mouth. I lick my lips and she closes her eyes tightly. I get closer to her face and...


Sorry for such a late update! I was really out of ideas. Thank you for all the support on this book. To be honest I thought this was crap, but I guess it's not. Hopefully I will have more ideas and more updates. A lot of my previous fanfics are not being found. I hope that doesnt happen to this one!! PEACE OUT RAINBOW TROUT!!!

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