Chapter 7

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BamBam's P.O.V

I lean down inches away from her mouth. I lick my lips and she closes her eyes tightly. I get closer to her face and...

I kiss her nose. Her eyes shoot open and she stared at me in disbelief.

"Hmmm. You taste like salt. You know people don't like salty things, especially not in there coffee. Try becoming sweet maybe then someone will like you. I mean your coffee."

Her eyes still wide in shock. Now her mouth was a gap.

"Close your mouth, your breath stinks." I told her smirking.  She yelped and quickly covered her mouth and smelt her breath. To be honest her breath smelt like mints. And she didn't taste salty she tased sweet. How did Jinyoung Hyung win her heart. Wait...I haven't seen him since we almost got into a fight. Did they break up? Did I win? Oh hell yeah!

"You bully!" I heard y/n shout


"You heard me! All this time, I've been trying to be nice to you until I get enough money to move out, but no you always just have to be a big dil-hole!" She yelled

"Y-y/n I-I didn't think-"

"Yeah i know you never think! I don't care of you work here, I need to move out, and I would like to do that soon. No matter how much you may hate it I'm working here and you can't stop me!" She yelled. There was silence nobody said anything. Until I broke that

"Y/n the only reason I do that is because I like-"

"Shut up!" She yelled as she smacked me cutting off my sentence. "Just stop." She sighed "please unless it's important, don't talk to me."

I stopped her by her arm and turned her around. "Just talk to me when we get home please? I promise I won't be rude." She snatched her arm back.

"No promises." She said "My training is over though. I'll be back tomorrow." Then she walked out and back to the house...I'm guessing.

"You ok bro?"

"Oh sorry sir I didn't...Jinyoung? What are you doing. Uh HOW MUCH DID YOU SEE?!"

"Every thing. Dude...she's all yours."


"You heard me."

"Thn tha mea e woon?" I couldn't form words.

"Yes you won." He said while laughing.


"Calm down. You need to talk to her though."

"Yeah...I know."

"Well I gotta go. Jackson said I didn't send enough emojis so he wants to talk to me. Bye!"

"Bye!" I was so happy my heart might just burst out of my body. Please don't break my body.

"Good news Kupinmook! We're closing early cause I have to see my daughter and her daughter."

"Jinja?! Thanks so much sir!" I took off my apron and ran out of the coffee shop all the way home.

Y/n's P.O.V

I slowly and sadly walked home. Tears came flowing out of my eyes. I was lost in thought. Why is he so mean? Why am I stuck with him? Why am I attracted to him? I thought over and over again. For some reason I felt as if someone had called my name. But I ignored it.


There it is again. I kept thinking those three little thoughts until I felt a hand on my wrist.

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