Chapter 15 (Read the authors note)

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BamBam's P.O.V

Y/n was driving and man did she suck at it. She was going way to fast and she had terrible road rage.

"J-Jagiya why don't you try slowing down?" I asked

"Nope were almost there." She said gritting her teeth

I chuckled. "When we have kids your be the bad cop and I'm gonna be the good cop, am I right?" I asked

"We're here." She said with no emotion. I stopped looking at her and looked at where we parked.

A jail?

"Come on." She said our the car. I hesitated, but soon opened the door. We walked into it.


"You know me. Stop playing. This is my boyfriend."

"Ahh y/n welcome back, is he gonna be happy you have a boyfriend?" She asked raising her eyebrow at me

"He better be." She huffed

"Ok I'll send him in."

"Bye." She waves to the desk lady and we walked into the visitors section.

(It's one of those jails where you can talk on the phone or see them in person. If that clears up any confusion.)

We sat down at a table that could sit 3 or 4 people. It was right near the window and I could see the tears that were in her eyes. Just as I was about to walk in the door swung open. She blinked away the tears and faced who ever just walked in.

"Well well well hi y/n." There was a pause "hey boy! Its rude to not look at someone who's talking to you or your friend."

I tried to turn around but got stopped

"Don't look at me now boy." He yelled. I jumped a little.  The owner of the voice say across from us.

"Face me boy."

"Yes sir!" I faced him and grabbed y/n's thigh under the table. She put her hand over mine reassuring me everything was gonna be ok.

Y/n's P.O.V

I didn't wanna tell him the next part. He already didn't like Bam. What's he gonna do when he find out that he's my boyfriend.


"Your stuttering now? You mama done gon raise a little bitch. And who's this guy. Your gay friend?"

"I'm not a little bitch thank you very much. And no he's not gay." I paused "he's my boyfriend" I said hesitantly.

It was silence. Bam's hand on my thigh tightened waiting for something to happen.

"Ok good for you. I know you y/n. It won't last long."

"You know nothing about me!" I yelled at him.

"Mmhm ok. I know your mother. And of that's who raised you I know you very well." He said leaning back in his chair.

"No. Your fucking crazy. At least I'm not in jail." I said sitting back as well, mimicking him.

"Watch you mouth you spiked brat!" He yelled and slammed his hands on the table. I felt BamBam jump So I held his hand tighter in mine.

He cleared his throat. "Sorry. Kid...let me get your name."

"K-Kupinmook Bhuwakal."

"Real words. I don't like to fuck around."

"B-BamBam sir."

I watched the scene play out before me. We started talking about BamBam being with GOT7. I joined stray kids, but after mentioning stray kids my dad got a little strange

"Hmm Stray Kids where have I heard that name before?" He asked himself.

"Ah that's right. You brother is in stray kids."

"M-My brother?" I asked shocked.

"Sir I'm sorry but y/n doesn't have a brother. She's an only child." Bam said standing up for me

"Well he's not your full brother. He was a fling I had when I was dating your mother. Tell him I said he's still a screw up."

"How could you say that about your child?" I paused. "Who is...your child?"

"Your such a dumbass. I'll be outta here soon so I'll tell you when I get out."

"No you will tell her now!" BamBam said raising his voice "she didn't know she had a sibling and your just gonna blow her off like that? Hell naw. And there is no way your getting outta jail soon!" I tried to calm him down but he kept yelling at my dad. Until my dad shut him up.

"Little shit! You think you have the right to talk to me like that?"

"Hell Yeah!" BamBam said confidently

"...." silence is all that came from my dad "you better marry this kid. I like him. Your brother is Woojin. Don't worry bout it though."

"Visiting time is over. Let's go cell mate 1457689." The guard yelled.

"See you kids later." he winked and walked out

In the car

"What are you gonna do?"

"About...?" i asked staring out the window.

"Where do you wanna go?"

I shrugged

"OK then we'll go home." He sighed

"BAMBAM!" I yelled

"Oh my fuck!"

"Why ddint you tell me you were in a band??" I asked looking at my phone

"You didn't know?"

"WOAH your name is GOT7. That explains why when you were talking about the boys you kepy saying GOT7. OO im dating someone famous!"

"I take it that you didn't know."



"Lemme smash? I mean lemme see, lemme meet them!"

"Hmm I'll think about it."

"No~Please~" I begged

"I can't trust Jimin. Plus there sleeping right now, or something. Don't you wanna like oh I don't know. Talk to your brother?" He asked

"Yeah I guess so....OH SHIT I JAVE PRACTICE IN 10 MINUTES! Slam on the pedal motherfucker!" I yelled

"What the? No!"

"Fine move!"

I jumped onto his lap and pushed down on his foot.

10 Minutes Later

"Sorry...I'm...late." I said between puffs.

"Uhh you do know practice doesn't start for an hour right?" Chan said

"Y-you've gotta be kidding me?" I said.

"Y/n your here!" I turned around to be met with him

"H-hey Woojin."

"What's wrong your stuttering."

"C-Can we talk in p-private?"

"Yeah sure." He said turning to walk out.


If only the knew. I thought to myself


This chapter is no good but okaaayyy. Thank you for 2k reads I'm really happy about that. I feel this book is getting really boring, and I'm really running out of ideas so i might end this on a cliff hanger and finish it there. Besides that imma say something important....

Go check out my hoe's books. bigshit095 Kaylee979 there book are really great!! Kk PEACE OUT RAINBOW TROUT!!!

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